The Ollivanders Secret

Chapter 7: 7. Traumata

— Clara POV —

8 months gone by in a flash. Reading, learning and planing for the future, especially searching about information of all my weird things and what problems they may or may not bring. I was also considered a master in the mind arts, from knowledge alone though the actual level of my powers in the mind arts was nowhere close to that. I have read approximately 350 books over this time, though I rarely left Henrys house because of that. I also started looking into my second and third foci material and though I have not come far for the space themed one, except that it will probably be a pocket compass. For the second foci material though, I have not only found the probably right materials but also made a preliminary plan about what to do with it. A correction that must be made is, that the second foci material is not really a foci material, which is accepted by my magic. It is just a normal holder and/or conductor for the two real foci material. Though it is possible, that the end result of my current plan will be accepted by my magic, I highly doubt that.

The multiple thought of plans for this foci part were the following:

The first idea was to make it some sort of spatially expanded container to hold things, which was shot down pretty quickly, as I learned more about foci, as that idea would destabilize the whole construct in the end.

Another idea was just a plain looking but durable staff without any additions, but that was a bad idea, as that would ruin any potential it could possibly have beyond being just another foci for me. It just felt wrong to have this foci being anything but unique with as much potential for growth as possible.

The next idea was an inbuilt ward, which would also destabilize the foci in the end. But I found only information about making a foci part a fully warded wardstone before it was created. But what if it were just blank wardstone material, which can be made into a wardstone after the foci was created.

At that point I had my final idea, that the foci part should be an anchor point and a storage space for these wardstone materials. After that I started reading about mechanics, origami and everything about compression and packing as much as possible into as little space as possible. The preliminary design up to now is a sleek, round and hollow staff. Its primary material was graphene, heavily modified by magic for even more durability but also malleability. I also added a layer of buckypaper on top of it, solely modified to be comfortable to the touch, as the feeling of graphene was not really nice. In the future I will still need to calculate the exact dimensions and specific value of everything.

At the bottom there will be two integrated tripods. One with three small legs and another bigger one with seven legs.

At the top there will be, with a radius slightly larger than the base, a circle of graphene, with two hooks for the pocket watch and the probable pocket compass, which can still be changed though, if the third foci material is not applicable to this design. There will also be one semi-permanent wardstone, with the sole job of protecting the foci and the two other materials.

The staff will also be collapsable, to be more mobile and also handy, though not usable to its best performance in that state. This worked through a spatial plane layering technic, which differs from the first idea of a portable space, as it has a lot of restrictions on its application like only working with the same material, a specific max space and also maximum of material which it can hold. This will also be used to compress normal graphene to an obscene amount, so that the next step will be easier.

The space inside of the expanded rod will be able to house the most important part of this foci, the blank wardstones. This works through the spatial layering, as the space inside of it is constant, at the biggest space possible, as the foci part will be built in its original height and width and then compressed to the wanted size. This means that the container is not expanded in any way, but the inside of it is shrink resistant, if a few books on the thematic is to be believed. There will also be a restriction, that only one of the same item can be inside of that space, which will be the blank wardstones while assembling the staff and after that the wardstones should be wardable and most importantly also changable to different, better wardstones in the future, though it will still not be easy to do that and the storable wards will need to be made by my magic, so I can't go and let others make wards for me, which is a very annoying restriction. If i still do it, the foci will most likely self destruct and will probably take an entire city with it, as the dissonance of the magic would end in a severe destabilization of the whole foci.

There will also be small, expandable hands which will hold the wardstones, once activated, as an activation in the foci part would be disastrous, as it would destabilize everything.

Additionally I will need something akin to a control center for the wards, though it may be exchangeable with a mental connection, if that is in any way possible.

The blank wardstones in ithemselfs will be made out of treated palladium microalloy glass, which will be similarity be compressed like the staff itself.

The overall design will be of a speficic magical rose, which is know for living in harmony with most things around it and will probably help in the integration into the full foci.

Damn these arithmancy calculations will be quite hard and complicated. While I will do the calculations by myself, the crafting will go to someone else, most probably one or even multiple Ollivander/-s.

I or better we also worked on my traumata, specifically my first year alive, as it was pretty much pure torture, inflicted by my parents and after the fusion of my split selfs, I could sadly remember every single nanosecond of it, even if I was asleep at that time. While Henry is a certified mind healer, I didn't let him delve into my memories of it and we used the more traditional approach instead, well muggle way really but still. Therapy, plain and simple. Involving a lot of long, tedious and sometimes useless talks. But it helped in the end, as Henry knew his stuff and is now probably the one person on Gaya, which knows me more than anyone else.

We also talked about my subsequent feelings about my parents, the accidental magic which destroyed my library of kids books, my obsession with books and even what I will do after this year. In the above order. I have no lingering feelings for my parents, neither good nor bad, the obsession with books is a comping mechanism and this comping mechanism also made my first accidental magic manifest and I will probably live with my parents for the next few years, with a lot of excursions to other people, yet to be decided. I can also come to Henry for help at any time, which he annoyingly tried to remind me of every damn second day and I will also continue to get help with my traumata from him, though on a more irregular schedule.

I also thought about taking the OWLs and NEWTs for the mind arts, so I can look for an apprenticeship, which I could graduate from before hogwarts, but Henry thought it a bad idea, as it would put me on literally anyones radar, as there is close to no privacy and secrecy in the ministry.

The one problem which still persists is, that I can still smell colors, hear views and see sounds, which Henry clarified is not in any way normal. He looked quite troubled after that revelation. The one thing I could find out about it, is that it got stronger the more I used it, which was 24/7 as it was passively active all the time, not unlike my empathy but they are not in any way connected, if you can believe the few sparse books about empathy. I also realized that the enhancement of this ability? was starting to stagnate as if to tell me, that the stimulations are not enough, though I had no idea yet, how to solve that.

My fifth birthday was … anticlimactic. I had already sent my parents a letter, detailing my plans for the next few years to which they agreed. One of the points was, that I did not want any big birthday partys, as too many people could lead to a panic attack. Because of this there were only my parents, Henry and Andy, though I still got a lot of presents, mostly books. This year I also got another stone, this one being a lot bigger, with exactly 5 rock shaped indents, which I guess were for the other 4 rocks, though it would stump me for the next few years, what the fifth one was for. The 4 other rocks went out of their display, right into the stone, which was now being displayed at the same spot as before, just on a little rotating platform, so you could see all 4 small stones.

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