Chapter 4: Vol. 1 Chapter 4 - Melinda Larkinson
/The next morning, Uhtred 'rose from his bed, 'whilst 'yelling, "Rise!". Uhtred 'stretched and 'twisted his body, then he 'exited his 'bed-room./
/Location: Larkinson-Residence/
"What it do? Looking 'sleepy yet again, this morning, brother. You really should start adding some 'exercise, to your 'daily-routine." I greeted my brother, who maybe didn't look as bad as yesterday 'morning, but still looked like 'shit, 'none the less'.
"I received a 'strength-candy from my system last night, maybe I will receive a 'endurance-candy soon." Ves was telling me until a knock at the door, interrupted his words.
I got up and opened the door, to reveal our older cousin, Melinda Larkinson, who attacked me with a 'bear-hug.
"Uhtred! Ves! It's been so long my little cousins, who are not so little anymore. I like the beard Uhtred, it really 'suits you." She told Ves and I.
"Melinda! Gods you've grown beautiful! I bet you have to beat all the boys away with stick, looking like a 'mech-piloting goddess." I told Melinda making her blush.
"Stop it you 'perv, you haven't changed one bit, on the inside atleast, I can see." She said.
"Melinda it is always good to see you, but I know, you're not here for a 'social-visit. What is up?" Ves asked Melinda.
"Grandfather has been busy at 'headquarters, even with all his 'resources and 'connections, the only information he has gained on the location of your father, is he was 'lost-track of near the 'Nyxian-Gap." Melinda informed us, of what Benjamin Larkinson, our grandfather learned of our 'missing-father, Ryncol Larkinson.
"There is no point in looking for him, he obviously has something he wants to 'accomplish, he will return 'home when he is ready." I told Ves and Melinda, my opinions on the matter.
"How is the 'family?" Ves asked Melinda, to which I 'scoffed and 'snorted, Uhtred's personality 'infects my entire 'being and 'genetic-makeup, causing me to be very 'spiteful and makes it hard not to hold a grudge, against anyone who I have felt 'crossed or 'wronged by.
I never liked how 'Larkinson Clan 'belittled my twin, only because he was not a 'potentate, or in other words 'someone without the ability to 'interface, into a 'mech's 'Neural-Interface'. Like I said, the 'Uhtred in me makes me want to 'publicly-humiliate the cousins and aunts and uncles, who think they are 'superior to Ves. It almost 'demands it of me, or my 'honor and 'value as a warrior, will be called into 'question...
'Reputation' is all! An 'attack on my twin, could be seen as an 'attack directly on my 'being, no attack can be seen to be 'let-go, without 'due-punishment being 'administered to my, 'would-be attacker or 'attackers.
"They are fine, I'm sure all the younger cousin 'piglets, running around the 'Clan Residence back on 'Planet-Rittersberg, would love to try your 'virtual-mechs on 'Iron-Spirit." Melinda answered Ves.
"I just started on my 'third-variant, for the 'Fantasia 2R, by 'Kezia-Armaments. I should be done and have it uploaded, on the 'mech-market today. You should check them out sometime, Uhtred has not been 'downed' even once, since he started 'climbing up the ranks', two-days ago 'piloting my first and second 'variants, on 'Iron-Spirit." Ves told her about his 'works, and my 'piloting of them.
"Yea I'll be in 'Gold-ranks by the time your 'third-variant, is finished and available for purchase." I said to them both.
"Gold-ranked in only 'three-days, wow! They must have really taught you some things, in the 'center-galaxy." Melinda exclaimed.
"Yea you should read, the 'comments on my 'virtual-mech page, some of them a claiming 'Uhtred of BebbanBurg' is a 'hacker. Haha!" Ves said.
"Bronze-rank and 'silver-ranks, just contained no 'worthy-opponents, 'gold-ranked matches should be different." I said, whilst running my hand through my 'beard, why I have a dark-colored 'Gandalf the 'Grey' 'style-beard? You ask?… well I don't have a good answer for that, call it a 'personal-whim. The future has really 'advanced 'hair-growth serum-technology, first thing I did was grow a beard, when I took control of my body.
"When you 'reach 'platinum-ranks, you can 'partner-up with me." Melinda said whilst 'twirling her hair through her fingers. 'Sealing the deal, if anyone is 'fucking my 'hot-cousin, it is gonna be me 'gods-damnit!
"We 'shall not 'need, wait for long, consider it a 'date, I look 'most-forward to, 'dear-cousin." I lay down the 'suave, nice and 'smooth-like, with a 'silky-finish.
"Hm.. perv, anyway, I also came to give you both your 'invitations, to the 'Young-Tiger's-Exhibition, or the 'Y-T-E', this year in 'Bentheim. They will have a competition for young and new 'mech-designers, as well as with young and new 'mech-pilots. The 'first-place prize is one million 'Bright-Credits, it is seperate for 'designers and 'pilots. So, if you both win your 'respective-competitions, you each will be a 'million-credits 'wealthier." Melinda informed us, of the competition on 'Planet-Bentheim, that will take place thirty-days from now, whilst 'placing the 'invitations on 'coffee-table, in the 'living-area of the residence.
"You have to leave already? You just arrived." I asked the 'fine-young woman, just over 'twenty-years of age. A 'ripe-fruit, waiting to be 'plucked from the tree of 'Eden, only to suffer torment and 'penultimately being devoured, until finding itself' left with no 'strength whatsoever.
"The 'planetary-guard doesn't really 'believe-in 'free-time, unfortunately. You 'boys be good now, I will see you on 'Planet-Bentheim." She told us as she left.
"They teach you to 'pork your 'cousins, in the New-Rubarthan-Empire? Or something?" Ves looked at me 'strangely whilst asking, what was up with my looks, at our cousin.
"They taught me, if anyone is gonna be 'giving my 'sexy-cousins the 'business, it's gonna be me, and only me." I informed Ves, my 'view-point, on the matter of playing 'fiddles, with our 'more-beautiful 'lady-cousins.
"Hm.. strangely, that kind of makes 'sense to me, but I have a 'gut-feeling it shouldn't make any 'sense at all." Ves kind of 'talked to himself, as he said full of confusion.
/After eating some 'vittles, prepared by Uhtred. The brothers went about their 'respective-plans, for the day and evening. By the time the next day arrived, Uhtred had entered into the 'gold-ranks on 'Iron-Spirit', whilst purchasing and 'equipping, the 'Fantasia 2R-'Phantasm', the 'third-mech 'virtually-created by Ves./