The Legend of the Four Seasons - Power and Divinity Recovery System

Chapter 24: Roast chicken

Sete tucked part of her light brown hair behind her ear, her green eyes sparkling with adrenaline. She held up one of the orange spears, ready to throw it at the winged creatures.

The birds — which were an ugly mix of eagle and vulture — didn't even notice the electricity hovering in the air, and kept scratching their oily brown plumage with their sharp beaks.

So, taking careful aim, Sete threw the first spear with all her might. Being a deity, her attributes were much better, so the sharp wooden weapon flew at an inhuman speed. 

Ethan and Bianca held their breath and crouched low as the spear hit its target, going straight through the monster's chest. Black blood splattered on the parapet of the building, the bird had no reaction but to caw one last time and plummet straight to the ground several meters below.

The remaining Chaos creature seemed confused, looked at the body of its dead partner on the ground and tilted its head interrogatively. Then it looked around, searching for a possible threat. Of course, the animal couldn't see anything, as Sete was crouching again, preparing to wield and throw the remaining weapon. 

What the young deity didn't expect was that the monster would look in her direction just as she stood up with her spear in hand, cawing in warning and taking flight to attack the strange invaders of it's territory. 

Ethan and Bianca let out a silent exclamation, fear clear in their wide eyes.

Sete was especially agile — another effect of being a deity — so she managed to twirl the spear deftly.

The evil bird turned its razor-sharp black claws towards Spring, extending it's slim powerful fingers with the intention of grabbing her in a death grip. Then, in record time, Sete counter-attacked the creature of Chaos, which unintentionally exposed it's belly in the process.

All was silent for a few seconds as Sete leapt from the ledge and drove her wooden spear between the monster's ribs. 

A low caw left its sharp beak, followed by the deafening thud as the feathered body fell to the terrace. A few rancid feathers scattered across the ground with the impact, easily reaching the young deity's feet. Even though she was wearing thick boots, she pursed her red lips in disgust.

— You may come. — Sete spoke, stepping on the mutant bird's carcass and pulling the spear out of the fatal wound. 

Ethan and Bianca stopped next to Spring, fetid black blood dripping from the tip of the spear, which made all three of their features twist in disgust.

"We can make roast chicken for lunch now." — Vez said suddenly.

"You've got to be kidding..." — Sete was about to start lecturing that insane System, but was interrupted before she could. 

"I'm serious!" — Vez protested. — "You can purify corrupted nature with your powers, the same goes for the creatures of Chaos! Try it and see for yourself!"

The little deity really didn't think much of the System's words, so she bent down beside the corpse and placed her hands on it, millimeters away from touching the dark feathers.

Sete closed her eyes and felt those ancient and familiar powers tingle in her core, the intensity was much reduced, but the essence was the same. Ethan and Bianca only understood what she was doing after a translucent, shimmering green aura surrounded the dead monster, then the putrid carcass shrank in size and became... an overdeveloped chicken?

Well, now the animal did look like a chicken, but a chicken four times bigger than normal. The unpleasant smell and rancid appearance of the feathers had completely disappeared, and the blood was also red again. 

Sete carefully examined the animal, poked at it a few times and even lifted its lifeless wings with her fingertips to examine its feathers... Looks like everything's fine!

— Bianca, we'll have roast chicken for lunch! — Spring exclaimed happily. She didn't know what roast chicken tasted like, but it must be delicious!

Ethan and Bianca: "..."

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