The Last Heir of Merlin

Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Lost and Found

The summer for Jake had been spent doing lots of research on the place, which came after doing his summer assignments for the next year. He had Owled Hermione like he told her he would, and when she Owled back, she was so gracious to know he was okay. She had already gotten started on her summer work and was almost done, he didn't tell her that he was already done with them.

One thing that was at Merlin's Tower was a pouch that had a near infinite space inside. He gladly took that with him; one would never know when something like that could come in handy.

It was now nearing the Middle of August and Jake had told Hermione he'd be in Diagon Alley on the last day of the month to buy his new books, as what he was doing at Merlin's Tower was too great to take time off of. As he was flipping through pieces of his summer work, just to make sure he had gotten it all done and done correctly, there sat a piece of paper; a form that required a signature. It was a form to be allowed to go to Hogsmeade as Third Years and up were allowed to go, but only if they got a parent or guardian to sign it. Jake, having neither, began to contemplate ways he could be allowed to go without the need of the form being signed.

It put him in quite the frustrating position, because he was unable to find a way around this. He wasn't able to ask Merlin anymore, not that he would have been able to sign it when he wasn't in the portrait. He sighed heavily, and decided he wouldn't ever be going to Hogsmeade.

His mood for the rest of the day had been soured and he stopped looking over his summer work, calling done as done could get. He looked at his wand as it sat on the table beside all of the papers and books he had strewn out in front of him. "Merlin?" He looked up at the portrait of a sleeping Merlin. It was late into the night, and Jake had a few candles lit for ambient lighting. "Merlin!" He said louder and the portrait of Merlin awoke with a startle.

"Yes? What is so important that you had to wake me?" He asked in a groggy voice.

"I know I'm far away from any Muggles, but is the Ministry able to track me here if I use magic?" Jake asked him.

"Certainly not. Even before your Ministry was put into place, there were ways of tracking magic use, so I put together an anti-trace barrier around the perimeter of the Tower. It only extends by about Fifty Meters in every direction, but that is more than enough, I'd say," Merlin answered happily.

"Alright, thank you for your knowledge and wisdom as usual. I'll let you sleep now," Jake said and went into the bedroom, deciding that he should go to bed as well.


When the Thirty-first had arrived, Jake had told Chloe he'd be back sometime later, and he left the window open so she could go do Raven things, whatever those were. He grabbed some floo powder, stepped into the fireplace, bid Merlin farewell for now, and said, " Leaky Cauldron !" And tossed the powder downward. He was engulfed in a green flame and taken straight to the Leaky Cauldron, greeting Tom as he stepped out. He didn't see Hermione, Harry, or Ron, but he didn't really expect to. If anything they'd already be in Diagon Alley buying their supplies.

It was already approaching Noon, Jake was afraid he'd actually miss seeing Hermione. Harry and Ron as well, but he was more interested in seeing Hermione. He hadn't gotten any of his books yet, which wasn't that big of a deal, but it would cause unnecessary distractions in the event they all already had their stuff. He could've made time to get his stuff sooner. He should've made the time. After putting a damper on his own mood, he sulkily walked around Diagon Alley, going into Madam Malkin's first to get his new robes, which took fifteen damn minutes. He then went and got his books from Flourish and Blotts, and when the owner asked him if he needed the book listed under Care of Magical Creatures, Jake said he'd get it himself. After demonstrating to the shop owner that all you had to do was stroke the spine, it turned the book completely docile. He did put a binding charm on it, just in case.

He came across some wanted posters of a man named Sirius Black. Jake wondered why anyone would name their child Sirius was completely beyond him.

He continued looking around, but to his dismay, he hadn't seen a familiar head of red hair, brown bushy hair, or untamed black hair. He mentally berated himself for not making time. He wouldn't see Hermione until he got to King's Cross, which he wasn't sure if her parents would still give him a ride or not. He couldn't Apparate, yet, and any other form of magical transportation was out of the question. As he passed the Quidditch Shop, his eye caught a broom that he'd forgotten about because of Quidditch being canceled for the second half of the school year, "The Firebolt..." he made up his mind immediately. He had the money on hand to buy the broom right then. He walked into the shop with money, and walked out of the shop with a new broom. He would keep his Nimbus Two-Thousand at Hogwarts for future years, just in case he couldn't use the Firebolt. He was not going to use the School's broomsticks, that was asking for losing a match. He put his Firebolt in his pouch he got from the Tower when no one was looking, this way it was kept secret in the event he had to play in Harry's stead.

He now had no money on him, but that was fine for the moment as he had all of his stuff, and it wasn't like he'd be going to Hogsmeade anyway with no one to sign the form, so what the fuck was the point of having spending money with no way to spend it? Then again, he might want something from the Trolley on the Express, so he did go and withdraw a hundred Galleons.

He scoffed at his idiotic situation and began walking with heavy footsteps back to Gringotts, still on the search for his best friend. He was slowly losing hope on seeing her today. He didn't normally have to wait two whole months to see her, and he had no platonic interaction those two months, he felt like he was going mad.

On his way back into Diagon Alley from the bank, he was almost blindsided by some new looking soon-to-be First Years, the likes of which were running from their friends in a game of tag, possibly Wizards Tag, Jake didn't know if that was a thing. The point was, they almost knocked him over. He felt a quick flash of anger. Nothing came about it, he'd have been angry no matter how old the person or people who almost knocked him over was, "Damn kids..." he was only two years older than them, but with all the growing up he had to do since the night that changed his life forever, he felt physiologically older, even though that was impossible.

It was nearing one o'clock in the afternoon by this point and he resigned to just sit at Florean Fortescue's. He didn't even order any ice-cream, he was mainly just tired of walking, "Ya gonna buy somethin'?" Florean asked him.

"I'll be gone in a minute, just needed to rest my feet..." he responded dejectedly.

He honestly didn't know why this was affecting his psyche so much. He leaned forward and ran his hands through his hair, staring down at the table his elbows currently rested on.

He stood up, feeling suddenly drained mentally and physically. The whole summer of researching the Tower and its magical barriers that surrounded it, and the lack of moving very far or very much at all was causing him to be more tired than usual. He wouldn't let his physical state become this ever again.

He started the decently long walk back to the Leaky Cauldron, walking more slowly than usual on the off chance he ran into Hermione before he left. He had told her this would be the day he'd be at Diagon Alley, and yet, he knew he was in the wrong because he never told her what time he'd be there, "Stupid... so stupid..." he said quietly to himself.

He entered the Leaky Cauldron and walked over to the Fireplace, grabbing some Floo Powder, " Merlin's Tower ." He spoke clearly, despite how his voice sounded. He honestly just wanted to forget the day even happened.


Hermione had just walked out of Magical Menagerie, holding her new cat, Crookshanks. She was elated to own him, but something still put a damper on the situation; she hadn't seen Jake all morning or afternoon, and it was nearing one-thirty. She still kept a watchful eye, just in case she spotted him.

"You bought that monster?" She heard Ron ask, his mouth hanging wide open.

"He's gorgeous , isn't he?" She said, feeling her face glowing, but not as brightly as it should have been. She felt Crookshanks purring contentedly in her arms.

"Hermione, that thing nearly scalped me!" Ron said, still in disbelief.

"He didn't mean to, did you, Crookshanks?" She asked him, obviously, he didn't reply.

"And what about Scabbers?" Ron asked, pointing to the lump in his chest pocket, "he needs rest and relaxation! How's he going to get it with that thing around?"

"That reminds me," she said, annoyed, "you forgot your rat tonic!" She slapped the small red bottle into his hands, "And will you stop worrying? Crookshanks will be in my dormitory and Scabbers in yours," she looked around again as she spoke.

"Are you okay, Hermione?" Harry asked her.

"Have either of you seen Jake at all today?" She asked them, still looking around.

"No, we'd have called out to him if we had," Ron said, grumpy.

"Just thought I'd ask..." she was worried about him. She hadn't seen him in almost two months and had honestly missed him, his embrace, his warmth. Jake was like a drug, and she was addicted to him. She still kept her poem for him from last year, even though she felt stupid about it.

Harry and Ron were good company, but that's all they were, 'good,' company. They couldn't engage her intellectually, plus only Jake was taking as many classes as she was, which was all of them, so she couldn't talk to him about how they were going to do it, which McGonagall had included in her School Supplies list, and assumedly in his as well.

She let Crookshanks down and he was content to sit there until she moved. She pulled out the necklace from under her shirt, admiring the Emerald Stone that was set into it. Her heart ached a bit, knowing she wouldn't see him until tomorrow.

They all eventually returned to the Leaky Cauldron where Mr. Weasley was sitting at the bar, reading the Daily Prophet , "Harry," he said, smiling as he looked up, "how are you?"

"Fine, thanks," Harry responded. They all joined him with all of their shopping, which for Hermione, was quite a lot. Mr. Weasley put the paper down and Hermione saw the face of Sirius Black staring up at them, "They still haven't caught him?" Harry asked.

"No..." Arthur said, looking extremely grave, "They've pulled us all off our regular jobs at the Ministry to find him, but no luck so far."

"Would we get a reward if we caught him?" She heard Ron ask, "It'd be good to get some more money-"

"Don't be ridiculous, Ron," Mr. Weasley said, who on closer inspection, looked very strained, "Black's not going to be caught by a thirteen year old wizard. It's the Azkaban Guards who'll get him back, you mark my words."

"Jake could," Hermione said before she could stop herself. Crookshanks purred at her feet as he lazily looked about.

"Well..." Arthur trailed off, "I suppose if a thirteen year old Wizard could... I suppose it'd be him..."

Hermione smiled a bit, but she couldn't find herself to be that high in spirit. Mrs. Weasley chose that moment to show up at the bar, laden with shopping, and followed by the twins, Fred and George, who were about to start their fifth year at Hogwarts, the newly elected Head Boy, Percy, and the Weasley's youngest child and only girl, Ginny.

Ginny, who Hermione noticed to be taken with Harry, seemed even more heartily embarrassed than usual when she saw him, perhaps because he had saved her life near the end of last year? Jake did as well, and Hermione was sure Ginny would be embarrassed upon seeing him as well. She had gone very red and muttered, 'hello,' without ever looking at him. Percy, on the other hand, held out his own hand solemnly as though he and Harry had never met and said, "Harry, how nice to see you."

Hermione found it rather amusing, "Hello, Percy," Harry replied, and Hermione could tell he was trying his best to not laugh.

"I hope you're well?" Percy asked him in a pompous tone. Hermione understood the aspiration to one day be Head Girl herself, but she just simply didn't really like Ron's older brother.

"Very well, thanks-" Harry was cut off by who else but the twins?

"Harry!" Fred said, elbowing Percy out of the way and bowing deeply. Hermione couldn't help the giggles escaping her mouth, "Simply splendid to see you, old boy-"

"Marvelous," George said, pushing Fred to the side and seizing Harry's hand, "Absolutely spiffing!"

Hermione noticed a scowl form on Percy's face.

"That's enough, now," Mrs. Weasley said.

"Mum!" Fred said, as though he'd only just spotted her, and seized her hand, too, "How really corking to see you-"

"I said that's enough!" She yelled, depositing her shopping in an empty chair, "Hello, Harry, dear. I suppose you heard our exciting news?" She asked and pointed towards the brand new silver badge on Percy's chest, "Second Head Boy in the family," she said, swelling with pride.

"And last," Hermione heard Fred mutter under his breath.

"I don't doubt that," Mrs. Weasley said, frowning suddenly, "I notice they haven't made you two Prefects."

That was an odd thing to say, Hermione thought, because only one of them could've become Prefect as only one boy and one girl are chosen in Fifth Year.

"What do we want to be Prefects for?" George asked, looking revolted at the very idea, "It'd take all the fun out of life."

Ginny began to giggle, "You want to set a better example to your sister!" Snapped Mrs. Weasley.

"Ginny's got other brothers to set her an example, Mother," Percy said loftily, "I'm going up to change for dinner..."

He disappeared and George heaved a sigh, "We tried to shut him in a pyramid," he told the three of them quietly, "but Mum spotted us."

Hermione had stayed for dinner that evening, deciding to return home afterwards, which she had Owled them earlier, asking them to pick her up at around Seven o'clock. Dinner itself was mostly enjoyable. Everyone else was having a grand time, but Hermione, again, was missing her best friend. Her appetite wasn't there compared to the Weasley's and Harry, who had all managed to eat their way through five courses of food. Harry noticed this and said something to her quietly, "Are you not hungry, Hermione?"

She looked up at him sadly, "I missed Jake at some point today... like, the moment we walked in Magical Menagerie, I keep getting the feeling like I should've waited, even a moment longer to go inside... I can't enjoy this dinner without him being here, I know he'd make it lively."

"Funny you say that," Harry said, "because the entire time you were petrified... Jake's appetite had diminished drastically."

"Did it really?" Hermione gasped.

"It did, I don't think he ever wanted you to know that, though, so don't bring it up, please?" Harry asked her.

"I'll try..." Hermione said, knowing that it might not happen.

"How are we getting to King's Cross tomorrow, Dad?" Fred asked as they all tucked into a sumptuous chocolate pudding.

"The Ministry is providing a couple of cars for us," Mr. Weasley responded in kind.

Everyone looked up at him, "Why?" Percy asked him.

"It's because of you, Perce," George said in a serious tone. "And there'll be little flags on the bonnets, with HB on them-"

"- for Humongous Bighead," Fred finished.

Hermione had to cover her mouth as she laughed. She didn't want to, but the twins were great at making you laugh. Percy and Mrs. Weasley weren't laughing, however, "Why are the Ministry providing us cars, Father?" Percy asked again, in a dignified voice.

"Well, as we haven't got one anymore..." Mr. Weasley said in a slightly saddened tone, "and as I work there, they're doing me a favor."

His voice was casual, but Hermione noticed his ears turn red, just like how Ron's did when he was under pressure or angry.

"Good job, too," Mrs. Weasley said briskly, "Do you realize how much luggage you've all got between you? A real sight you'd be on the Muggle underground... you are all packed, aren't you?" She asked them.

"Ron hasn't packed all of his stuff yet," Percy said in a long, suffering voice, "he thought they'd look much nicer on my bed."

"Ron, go and pack properly, we won't have the time in the morning," Mrs. Weasley said to her youngest son.

Hermione looked at the time and it was almost seven, "My parents will be here in just a minute to pick me up. I'll see you all at King's Cross tomorrow," she said, packing up her stuff, "it was great seeing everyone again," she forced a smile as she went to the exit of the Leaky Cauldron. Crookshanks followed her at a casual pace outside the doors. She got outside just as her parents pulled up, "Mum! Dad!"

"Hello, dear," her mother said, greeting her cheerily, "got a lot of stuff this year, haven't you?"

"Well, Jake and I are taking every class this year, so we needed a lot of extra books," Hermione said, knowing he got the same books as she.

"How is he doing by the way?" Her mother asked her as her father began packing up her stuff.

"W-Well... I-I never saw him... I told him I would-" tears started to form in her eyes, "but I never saw him," she tried to wipe her face, but the tears kept coming.

Her mother embraced her, "I'm sorry dear, you'll see him at the station, though, don't worry."

"I hate to change topics so suddenly, but what's with the cat?" Her father asked.

"Oh," Hermione let go of her mother, and her tears still fell, but not as much, "this is Crookshanks, he's an incredibly smart cat with human level intelligence from being half-Kneazle. The shop owner said he'd been in there for years because no one wanted him."

Jane smiled at her daughter, "I know he will love being with you, Hermione."

"Thanks, Mum," she smiled and picked him up, "let's go home for the night, Crookshanks."

She got in the back of her parents' vehicle with her cat and they went home. Hermione had trouble going to sleep that night, her tears keeping her awake for hours.


The next morning, Hermione awoke later than she intended, around nine-thirty. She had an hour and a half before the train would be pulling out of the station. It took about twenty minutes to get to King's Cross, twenty-five if they stopped by the Leaky Cauldron to see if Jake was there.

She got ready, which took ten minutes since she couldn't use magic. She didn't even try with her hair beyond a few brush strokes and she didn't really use makeup, so getting ready for her was faster than it was for most girls.

As she was finishing the packing of her things, she saw something that she was embarrassed to let anyone else know about. She had them last year technically, because she was nearing that age for girls to commonly start getting them, and it wasn't until after she turned twelve when she had her first one. She threw the box in with her other things and packed them up.

It neared ten-thirty and she had packed her stuff into the boot of her parents vehicle, Crookshanks in his cage and with her in the backseat, "Don't worry, I'll let you out on the train, okay? Or maybe even in front of the train, just make sure to hop on with me before it leaves, okay?" She looked at him, and he looked at her, his face ever looking unamused, but Hermione only thought it was adorable.

"Are we making a stop by the Leaky Cauldron?" Her mother asked her.

Hermione gave it a moment's thought, 'Would Jake be waiting there? Would we make him miss the train if we don't go and see?' "No... I think Jake will have found his own way there..."

"Are you sure?" Her mother asked her.

"Yeah..." she said, despondent.

John and Jane Granger shared a worried look. Their daughter very clearly cared a great deal about her best friend. Jane began to wonder if Hermione liked Jake as more than a friend. She looked back at her daughter a moment longer before turning back to face forward.

They arrived at King's Cross with Ten minutes to spare before, and Hermione figured they probably beat Harry and Ron here, they usually did. Even with their Ministry Escort, they probably would be arriving with five minutes to spare.

Hermione got all of her luggage on a trolley and pushed it to the barrier for Platform 9¾. She sighed and went through, hoping she didn't ruin Jake's chance of getting on the train. She saw the Big Red Train, and every time she saw it, she was in awe.

She heard her parents walk through behind her and she pushed her stuff to the train, letting Crookshanks out of his cage, when something caught her eye. She looked over and saw a familiar flying bird, "Chloe?" The bird looked over and flew towards her. Hermione held out her arm and Chloe perched on her forearm, "If you're here... where's-"

"Hermione?" She heard a voice say her name. His voice. She turned and saw Jake standing there, tears forming in his eyes. Chloe flew off of her arm and she ran over to him, throwing her arms around him, feeling his arms gently go around her midsection.

She started to cry into his chest as she held him, "Jake!" She wasn't able to say much more, a lump forming in her throat that she couldn't speak past.

"Hermione... I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry I didn't get to see you yesterday," Jake rested his chin on her head.

Jane looked at them and noticed Jake had grown taller over the summer. He had already been much taller at the end of June, but now he had grown to be taller than her daughter to the point he could rest his chin on her head, but not really comfortably. His neck was craning a bit to do so. She smiled at them, glad that her daughter had him as a best friend.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," Hermione pulled back, only then realizing she had to look up at him, "When did you get taller?"

"Over the summer I guess. I didn't even notice since I hadn't seen any of you all in almost two months," he smiled at her, wiping away the rest of his tears. "I was about to ask you if you got shorter."

She smacked his shoulder, "You're such a prat," she couldn't help smiling.

"What does that mean?" He asked her.

"I don't know, I've just heard people use it in Britain," she said, shrugging.

"We should probably get on the train before it leaves," he said just seconds before the Weasley's and Harry showed up.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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