The Jester of Apocalypse

Chapter 132: War

It was so, so suffocating. The anguish of the roiling tar, the harrowing reminder of yet another purge, boiled and sizzled as it created the passage through the searing hot lava.

Soon, they would arrive at their destination.

No movement could be seen through the thick tar, but plenty could be felt. They squirmed, part in agony—part in anticipation.

Blood. Soon, something other than black ooze would be spilled.

The river of void shifted through the thick magma, creating a passage to their destination.

Once they believed they were where they were meant to be—where he had told them to go, they started moving up. The lava thickened and gradually went from runny liquid to semi-solid stone.

The whispers traveled through the viscous liquid, and one of the three in the front stepped forward.

With a single touch, eyes, mouths, and bleeding wounds appeared all over the bedrock. Then, with a wail of agony, it, too, melted into the black ooze.

Three creatures, all bald, grey-skinned, and wretched, stepped out of the ooze and into the space they had broken into. All of them had black eyes. The first of three was short and stocky. The second one was the size of a regular human. And the third was large and gangly.

Behind them, hordes of demons and monsters poured out.

They all found themselves in a large, empty room. The ceiling wasn’t too high, but the room itself stretched seemingly endlessly in all directions, interspersed only by thick support beams. And among these support beams…


A deep, echoey sound reverberated through the room, and the eyes of the countless golems lit up.


Gabrias stood above Xurbon, grasping its hand and comforting it. The others paced around restlessly.

Dukean swore and cursed at Neave’s lack of communication while Harel silently seethed. Hunter sat beside Gabrias, trying but failing to make any difference in easing the suffering of the distressed glass shrub.

Marven stood silently to the side.

The large cracks that had spread throughout the glass shrub’s body were already sealing. It kept trying to say something but failed repeatedly.

Gabrias observed all of its movements and gestures intently, and eventually, his eyes shot open in surprise. "We have a problem!" He yelled.

Harel and Dukean instantly turned to him, and Dukean rushed toward them. "What is it!?"

"Below!” He said, pointing downwards. “Demons are trying to break into the fortress!"


It was supposed to be easy to get to their destination. This was the shortest route. It wasn’t supposed to go like this.

The golems yet again rushed at them, a seemingly endless horde appearing from behind the damn support beams.

One invader after another was ruthlessly torn apart, and not even the three leaders could handle them easily.

The short one grasped yet another golem, and eyes appeared all over its surface. However, rather than melting the golem into a runny puddle, the eyeballs exploded. ṟἈ𝐍О𝔟Êș

The golem swung a bladed arm at the short creature, and the tall one had to step in to end the fight by launching countless thin, black spikes at the golem and shredding it to bits.

The golems couldn’t seriously damage any of the three leaders. Still, the hordes of monsters that were supposed to accompany them were mercilessly culled by the endless stream of metal constructs.

The second of the three yelled out, "Never mind the rabble. We will handle them alone."

The first nodded and jumped toward the ceiling. With a single tap, the metallic ceiling was enveloped in countless bleeding wounds, yet… the eyeballs shriveled, the teeth fell out, and the mouths screamed in agony.

The second clicked its tongue, "That will take too long," It frowned and faced the other monster. "Third, assist."

The lanky creature nodded, and sharp spikes soon accompanied the first in breaking into the metal fortress.


Neave stood before Astrador, eyes narrowing. "Soul oath, and tell me what you mean by that."

"I can’t say!” He screamed. “You mustn’t know why!"

"Okay then. Discussion over." Neave gripped the handle on the sledgehammer and rushed at Astrador’s avatar.

The moon was far too large to traverse quickly. He rushed down its surface, endlessly running forward as it spun below his feet. That wouldn’t do.

He took a deep breath.

His lungs inflated absurdly, and his body morphed into a rough ball. An intense rush of powerful fire spewed from his mouth, and he flew off the moon's surface.

Landing rather far from Astrador, he stepped forward once, twice… and appeared right in the path of another powerful pulse.

It struck the top of his head, and even through the thick slime suit, he could still feel his vision darken. But it wasn’t enough.

The sledgehammer shot out and slammed Astrador’s side, shattering a rune on his hip.

The avatar grasped the sledgehammer, and yet again, Astrador yelled, "Please just leave this place already!” He begged. “You can’t stay here much longer! I have already told you through a soul oath that you risk destroying your entire realm!” He reminded him. “So why must you be so bloody stubborn!?"

The ogre slammed a tectonic smash directly at the head of Astrador’s avatar, and yet another rune cracked under the force. Neave wrangled his sledgehammer out of Astrador’s grasp and slammed it into his head.

"Because of your fucking son!” Then he swung the weapon again. “Who, let me remind you, is waiting outside, ready to kill me! I have no choice, you stupid bastard! This is your fault!” He blamed, accenting the accusation with another sledgehammer swing. “Swear under soul oath that you will tell him to fuck off away from me, and I will consider leaving."

Astrador’s avatar reeled. "Hosolar!? You bloody fool! He is there in a mere temporary avatar. At your level of power, he doesn’t stand a chance!"

That made him pause, but he soon followed up with another strike, but yet again, it was naught but a distant speck on the surface of the great moon.

He cackled, "I’m surprised you would so readily surrender that information!" Then, he got into another stance. “So it’s probably a lie! You stinky lying poopy head!”

"Listen to me, you foolish child! The thing inside this realm can not be released under any circumstances! It is an ally of an abomination from beyond that has arrived to usurp our ancestors’ glory and leave nothing but darkness behind! Don’t you get it!? This is bigger than some petty quarrel!"

"Then just tell me what it is!"

"I can’t!” He yelled. “I literally can not, even if I desire to!"

Neave squinted and rushed at Astrador again. "Sorry, oh Great God from the heavens, but I’m not buying anything you say."

With an angry growl, Astrador sent another pulse from above at Neave.


Gabrias teleported to the main chamber, where he gently lowered the avatar of the glass shrub. With that, he rushed back to the teleportation platform and soon appeared at the desired coordinates.

Dukean wiped his sword clean as he slayed the final monster in the chamber. If any remained, they would merely be a distraction.

Marven nodded at Gabrias, and the tall man moved over to a corner of the room, readying his bow.

Harel stood nearby, hoisting her spiked ball in her right hand, readying to swing it from above. Hunter stood beside her, preparing to defend.

Dukean and Marven both stood some distance away.

Soon enough, a patch of soil opened its eyes and withered away as three figures swam out from the liquified ooze.

"Now!" Marven shouted as he released a flying strike directly at one of the creatures.

Gabrias fired several arrows, Harel swung the spiky ball, Hunter readied his shield, and Dukean flicked his sword toward them.

The moment the three creatures appeared, the one in the middle that resembled a human the most lifted its arm.

A thick tentacle shot out, enveloping the beings and shielding them from the attack.

Gabrias’ arrows struck true, freezing part of the tentacle as Harel’s spiky ball came crashing into it.

The entire defense shattered into gory, black splatters the moment it did. The creatures within looked visibly shaken and weren’t prepared to react to their defenses being destroyed so easily.

Marven’s flying strike hit the shortest of the three straight at its torso, and Dukean’s sword, heading toward the largest of the three, suddenly flicked and embedded itself in the shortest one’s back.

The creature was bleeding black ooze, and it reached to grab Dukean’s sword. Suddenly, the blade on a chain reeled back, and it was pulled away from its allies.

Gabrias’ arrow struck it out of nowhere, and Hunter flew at it, bashing it with his shield and hitting it with his sword. It flew over to Harel, who struck it directly with the spiky ball.

However, before the ball could land, the tentacle flew over at insane speed and grabbed the short creature, yanking it off the sword and pulling it back to the other two.

The largest of the three fired several large spikes at Gabrias and Marven. However, both attacks were easily dodged as the two combatants dashed out of the way.

A powerful gust of frigid wind blew toward the invaders, and yet again, arrows accompanied it.

A layer of frost appeared on the creatures’ skin, and the tall one raised its head. It ignored the three arrows that struck its side. They couldn’t penetrate its skin, even if they did manage to freeze a large section of it.

It raised its head further and readied itself to…

Suddenly, Harel appeared from its side, striking it with the spiky ball. The monster’s body was instantly lacerated, but it still ignored the…

Dukean’s sword flicked, and a part of its arm received a deep cut. Marven also appeared, and the glass shard cut straight into the monster’s torso.

The massive tentacle struck Marven, and he was thrown at the wall. Finally, the tall monster began billowing in black smoke.

Hunter screamed, "Behind me!"

The others dashed behind his position, and Hunter rushed to the monster.

The tentacle swung at Hunter from his side, wrapping around his body, but the second monster didn’t have enough power to move him out of the way fast enough. Hunter’s sword screamed as it resisted the tight pull, and he spewed blood as his organs were ruptured.

The short demon flew out again, rushing over to Gabrias. The tall man dodged around like a shadow, and it wasn’t long until Harel sent the creature flying with a rather heavy strike. It splattered against the wall but didn’t die.

Dukean followed up with an intense slash, and yet another flying strike from Marven flew, severing the short creature’s arm clean off.

Then, it happened. In every single direction, thin, long spikes of black material shot out.

Hunter blocked the brunt of the attack from ahead, but the impact shattered his shield, and several black needles pierced his body.

The giant monster stood still. Most of the room was thoroughly blocked by the countless black spikes.

The second monster cackled.

They all knew what they had to do, and they didn’t hesitate as they rushed to crush as many of the dark protrusions as possible. However…

Despite quickly crushing them repeatedly, they reformed nearly instantly, leaving them incapable of moving almost anywhere besides the section that had been protected by Hunter.

Suddenly, the massive tentacle appeared yet again. It moved through the forest of spikes as if it weren’t even there, thoroughly ignoring the spikes’ existence.

The massive tentacle flew at them from every direction, yet they fought it off by repeatedly striking back.

The tentacle held intense power behind it, but their defense was nothing to scoff at. In fact, it wasn’t an exaggeration to say that it was near-perfect.

Regardless of where the tentacle flew from, someone was ready to strike back. If it wormed behind their defense by some miracle, catching them before they dashed aside wasn’t an easy task.

However, throughout the whole ordeal, the second monster never stopped cackling.

And they soon found out why.

Eyes, mouths, wounds, and even teeth gradually appeared on every inch of the surface inside the room, and before long, everything was melting. Moving became increasingly difficult as they maneuvered through the thick black ooze.

Gabrias suddenly yelled, "Over there!" He shot an arrow in a direction, and they instantly spotted the shallow pool of ooze where the short creature was likely hiding.

However, the tentacle intercepted it quickly, and then, with a speed it hadn’t shown so far, it struck out at Hunter. He no longer had his shield, so all he could do was strike back with the sword.

It wasn’t enough.

The others rushed to defend him, but their attacks couldn’t reach him in time.

However… Suddenly, Hunter lit up with a red light as he ignited his life force, and an unmovable force rose to defend him from the giant tentacle.

The roiling black mass was held back momentarily, and in this instant…

Golden runes lit up around Marven. He thrust his sword toward the shallow puddle, and an incredibly dense mass of cuts flew through the air, pulverizing the black spikes and reaching the demon.

The massive tentacle rushed to save him, but the attack cut through it. The creature was struck directly, and its body was severely damaged. The true strike burst apart, sending countless flying cuts through the room and blowing a gigantic hole in the wall.

The short demon was still alive, albeit barely. It had random bits and pieces falling off, and it looked incredibly unsteady on its feet.

Before it could recover, Harel dashed over to it and smashed it with full force. The impact instantly shredded its entire body into tiny, gory bits, and the aftershock threatened to collapse the cave on their heads.

The others all screamed as they noticed what was happening. The spikes were growing back again, and this time, they threatened to skewer her entire body. She maneuvered around them with ease until…

The corpse of the short creature exploded in a mass of black ooze, and Harel found herself unable to move. One after another, the spikes stabbed into her body.

"Noooo!" Marven yelled as he charged forward.

He stabbed forward, looking to free her from the spikes, but he couldn’t use any potent attacks, as he risked hurting or even killing Harel.

Hunter limped back, his wounds healing far slower than they should be due to his lack of life force.

The corpse of the short creature was still gushing black liquid, and Marven was getting caught up in more and more ooze as the moments passed.

From within the pile of black liquid, Harel crushed the spikes, one after another, freeing herself from their grasp with willpower and raw strength alone.

Gabrias fired countless arrows, looking to freeze the black ooze, but it was futile. Every time he froze part of the surface, it was instantly enveloped in eyeballs and melted right back.

Suddenly, a tentacle appeared from within the black ooze next to Gabrias' feet, and he was forced to dodge several times. The tentacles focused on Hunter, and Gabrias couldn’t afford to run. Forced to put his bow down, he imbued one unarmed strike after another with his life force as he fended the tentacles off and protected his friend.

Marven kept slashing through the ooze and spikes and finally got a moment to speak, "Dukean! Get rid of the spike demon!"

It was the most problematic of the bunch, as it restrained their movement and made it nearly impossible to maneuver around the room.

Dukean nodded and rushed toward the center of the spikes.

His sword, moved by the wind and metal manipulation, slashed away at the spikes, and he gradually cut his way toward the middle. Short bursts of ice froze the spikes over and over, and before the ice could be melted, he used the moment to crush them to bits.

However, the closer he reached to the center, the more spikes there were to destroy.

More and more tentacles were appearing from the black ooze, and he was starting to find movement difficult.

"You damn fucking demons!" With a defiant roar, every inch of Dukean’s body was enveloped in fire.

An intense inferno spread around him, and the temperature in the room increased sharply. The spikes burned away, and he gradually waded through the ooze. The heat turned the ooze sticky and made movement even more cumbersome, but he cut a path through it and kept moving.

Gabrias was looking more and more wretched by the moment, and Hunter soon had to join in the defense despite seriously lacking the energy to do so. Marven could defend himself but was effectively stuck in one place. Harel kept demonstrating supernatural bursts of strength as she ripped the spikes to pieces to free herself and waded forward through the thick ooze, dragging her spiked ball out and looking to counterattack.

Witnessing his comrades’ determination, Dukean grinned. He turned the heat up as far as he could.

His skin boiled and blistered, and his regeneration couldn’t keep up with the rate at which it was being melted away.

The intense fire kept burning the spikes as the rest of the room was lit ablaze. Dukean made one step forward after another, fending off tentacles and pushing through spikes as he reached his goal.

However, just as he was about to reach the demon, the spikes rapidly retracted, and it began moving again. With speed far above what Dukean had expected, it punched straight into his face and knocked him back.

His arms were charred, and he could barely stand, but he ignited his life force and stood anyway. "If any of us die, it's no big deal." He took another step forward. "We are here temporarily, and death will merely bring us back to reality."

The others gradually freed themselves as they were finally allowed to maneuver around the room, at least somewhat.

"However! Xurbon lives here!” He screamed, blood flying out his mouth. “I don’t know what you bastards have done, but you won’t take the life of our ally that easily!"

Yet another punch flew at Dukean, and he dodged, ducking under it. Golden runes lit up around his fist as he landed a true strike directly on the giant demon's lacerated torso. "Even if we die!" Yet another set of golden runes lit up. "We will return!" And another. "And you bastards!" Dukean’s body blazed in crimson flame as another strike flew directly at the monster's face. "Will suffer my revenge!"

The monster shot back and slammed into the wall. Gabrias dodged a tentacle and fired an arrow at it. Hunter threw his sword toward the demon, and Harel wrestled herself out of the mass of black ooze, throwing her weapon forward as well.

Finally, Marven focused, and a thin flying strike flew out, cutting straight into the monster's torso.

Dukean pulled on his chain sword. There was a pattern to the way it shifted. For so long, he had been trying to grasp it, trying his damnest to figure it out. And in that moment, as he yanked the chain and grabbed the sword with his free hand, he felt it. There was a whisling. A whipering.

A resonance.

Listening to it, he swung the sword forward. The image of the golem that held the weapon’s power materialized behind him as golden runes appeared. His weapon expanded so quickly that the demon had absolutely no chance of dodging it, and as it flew forward, it struck its head, cutting into it and blowing it apart into a faint, black mist while collapsing the wall behind it and shaking the entire cave.

Dukean, Hunter, and Gabrias looked decrepit, and Harel had suffered immense damage. Marven was the last one standing, nearly uninjured, and he raised his sword, readying himself to tackle their final opponent.

Suddenly, Dukean shook slightly and dropped to the ground. The moment he touched the black ooze, countless tentacles enveloped his body, and he was sucked down into the puddle of ooze.

"Dukean!" Marven screamed as he saw the young man’s body dragged into the same hole the creatures had come from.

He flew forward, diving into the black ooze, and to his surprise, Harel was right behind him despite her injuries. They both pushed and swam, Marven cutting tentacles repeatedly but being held back by the squirming mass.

Suddenly, Dukean’s sword swam through the mass of ooze and reached them, and they both promptly held onto it, sinking into the black liquid.

Eventually, the strength with which Dukean was pulling them down weakened drastically, and Harel’s and Marven’s eyes shot open. They still held the chain attached to the sword.

But Dukean wasn’t holding it any longer.

Moments later, they swam into the massive chamber beneath the fortress. It was pure chaos down here. Countless golems fought with seemingly endless monsters, and they instantly spotted the unconscious Dukean being dragged away.

Seconds stretched as they both rushed to get him. Marven dashed, and Harel jumped forward.

Dukean’s body was dragged into another puddle.

And without hesitation, they jumped in yet again. This time, no tentacles impeded them as they swam down. However…

Not too long into their swim, they began noticing something strange. The heat was rising. Fast. Soon enough, they were enveloped in such searing heat that they couldn’t continue.

So, with a great deal of hesitation, they returned.

As they swam back out, the decrepit Hunter and Gabrias stood before them, gasping for breath. All around them, the sounds of monsters getting shredded to pieces by golems echoed through the cave.

Marven coughed some black ooze out and looked at Harel with a blank expression on his face. "… I think Dukean is dead."



Yet another rune was shattered, and the avatar could barely maintain balance. Any damage Neave had suffered was long healed, and he was in optimal shape to fight.

Astrador’s puppet, however, was far past merely falling apart. The runes were flickering, and the body was chipped numerous times.

Neave chained several fast strikes again, and momentarily, the puppet froze. In this moment of respite, he raised his hammer and struck down with a slow true strike.

The puppet reeled and dropped to the ground. "P–Please…” Astrador begged. “Don’t stay here any longer. Kill the thing that is spreading the glass shrubs and leave."

"No can do,” Neave refused instantly. “I have no interest in listening to those who would bring humans to life for no reason but to dispose of them."

The puppet gritted its teeth. "I swear, I will do all I can to put you down if you let this continue."

"And I swear…" he raised the hammer again, saying, " I will do everything in mine to kill you.”

"… As you wish."

The hammer descended, surrounded by golden runes, with a massive image of a metal slime behind it, and a titanic force decimated the landscape around them. The moon disappeared, and the runes finally flickered out.

Neave turned around, only to spot something unusual in the distance. Glass shards floated in the air, creating a giant arrow that pointed right back toward their fortress.

His stomach dropped, and he rushed back.

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