The Immortal (twilight fanfiction)

Chapter 121: Evelyn

Sitting in a spare bedroom in a wooden chair, I leaned back on the back two legs, with my back against the wall, humming some old country song while I read a book about a man who got shipwrecked on an island.

Flipping a page, I blinked the tiredness from my eyes.

It had already been seven hours since the incident, so she should be waking up soon.

I saw her head turn from the periphery of my vision.

Looking up, I dropped the front two legs of my chair to the ground while closing my book.

She hadn't looked at me until I made a sound, her head whipping over to look at me.

"You…" she said softly before the door to the room opened.

I looked over, not surprised to see Rosalie stepping into the room.

"Love," Rose said sweetly, looking pointedly at me.

"Dear," I said with a cough, gesturing with my head to Evelyn, but she already knew she was awake.

Turning her head, Rose looked down at Evelyn, an emotionless mask on her face.

"So… you're Evelyn," Rose said, sounding unimpressed.

"Uhh," Evelyn said, slowly sitting up as Rose walked backward to me, taking a seat on my left leg while putting a hand around my neck.

"Putting it on a bit thick, don't you think?" I asked, barely above a whisper.

She looked down at me with a raised brow.

Letting out a short sigh, I turned back to Evelyn.

"I bet you're confused?" I asked.

"You could say that," she said, looking around the room, then at me. "What the hell is happening…and why can I hear your heartbeat so well from all the way over here?"

Opening my mouth to respond, I was cut off by Rose.

"You're a vampire," Rose said plainly. "A member of our family lost control around you and bit you, turning you into what you now are."

I looked up at Rosalie, who ignored me, then back to Evelyn. "I couldn't have said it any better," I said with a sheepish smile on my face.

Evelyn's eyes widened as she looked at Rose, putting a hand to her neck, feeling for a pulse she wouldn't find.

Her eyes widened even more when she didn't find anything.

"Yeah…weird feeling, isn't it?" Rose asked, a small smile on her face that I recognized as her evil smirk.

Evelyn's eyes shot to Rosalie, her eyes looking at Rosalie's chest.

"And you… you're one too?" Evelyn asked.

I nodded my head. "Yes, she's also a vampire," I said.

That's when Evelyn seemed to see how Rose was seated, one of her brows twitching slightly, before she looked at me.

"But you… what are you? I can hear your heart?" she asked, venom filling her mouth as she listened to my heart.

I chuckled, "For the most part, I'm just your average Joe human," I said, expecting her next question.

"For the most part?" Evelyn asked.

"He's also Adam… the first man," Rose said in her dry tone of voice.

The room went quiet.

"Adam… the… first man?" Evelyn asked, confused.

"Yeah, you know… first man created by God in the Garden of Eden. Killed his first son Cain when he saw him kill his younger brother…" Rose said.

Evelyn's eyes darted to me, clearly confused and frightened.

"It sounds more impressive than it actually is," I said with a chuckle, ignoring the tight bone-crushing squeeze Rose gave me for that comment.

Evelyn let out a short bark of laughter. "I've lost my mind and am in some sort of fever dream."

Both Rose and I looked at each other, then back at Evelyn.

"No… you haven't lost your mind," I said with a small smile.

Evelyn tossed off her sheets, throwing her feet over the side.

"Bullshit!" Evelyn said angrily. "Vampires don't exist!" she said, standing to her feet.

"I would be careful if I were you. You're no longer human and are much stronger and faster than you used to be," I said, watching as Evelyn went to take a step, but as she stepped forward, she blurred headfirst through the thick oak door to the room, sending splinters and chunks of wood flying into the short hallway as she collided with the hallway wall with a thud.

Rosalie let out a short, quiet chuckle as we watched Evelyn pick herself up from the ground, rubbing her forehead.

"Are you alright, dear?" Esme asked as she and Carlisle blurred into the hallway with concerned expressions on their faces.

Evelyn snapped her head in their direction, her eyes wide in shock.

"You're… you're…" Evelyn stammered.

"Vampires… yes," Carlisle said with a warm smile.

"Is everything alright?" the distant voice of Emmett said.

I quickly stood, holding Rose by the hips so as not to drop her to the floor.

Setting her down, I quickly made my way to the door, unsure how Emmett would react to Evelyn now, Rosalie hot on my heels.

Peeking my head out of the door, I watched as Edward and Emmett both made their way down the hallway towards us.

Both Carlisle and Esme turned to look at them as they approached, revealing Evelyn to Emmett, who stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her.

His mouth fell slightly open as he looked at her.

Turning my head, I saw Evelyn had also stopped moving, her eyes locked onto Emmett.

"Well… this is awkward," I said, breaking the tension-filled air with my words, masking my happiness with a blank expression.

They clearly had some sort of weird chemistry going on between them, which hopefully meant I wouldn't need to worry about Emmett for much longer, and Rosalie wouldn't have to worry about Evelyn.

Both Emmett and Evelyn blinked a few times, confused and startled expressions on their faces.

"Evelyn, let me introduce everyone," I said, stepping into the hallway.

"These two are Carlisle and Esme, the leaders of this coven," I said, gesturing at the two who were standing beside her. "And those two are Emmett and Edward. Edward is one of my descendants, while Emmett is the one that bit you," I said, putting my hands on my hips with a small smile.

Evelyn's head whipped over to Emmett, her brows furrowed.

"Oh really?" she said in a cold tone.

"There is time enough to get into that later," Esme said, stepping in front of Evelyn. "For now, let's take you to your new room where we have some of your clothes ready for you," Esme said, gently guiding Evelyn down the hallway.

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