The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 312: Petty Thought

Jewel watched on with morbid fascination at the lesser creature before her. She was perplexed as to how it could betray its own species for her mates happiness. The concept was completely impossible to comprehend for Jewel, for she was her species.

Although she was curious, she still did not want to talk to the pet. She imparted her dominance earlier by telling it to get off her mate and that would be the extent. She only spoke verbally because of Apollo. It was too crude a communication method for herself to use it with anything else.

A while later, Kathrine and I had sat down and began having a more casual conversation after all the heavy talk earlier. I then gave her some instructions for what she should do around Sophia, so that she doesn't get eaten after having a chat with her about today's events, for she felt it necessary to tell Sophia as they were business partners.

The biggest cutie that existed inside my Mindspace noticed that most of the drama and tense talking was done with so she meandered over for scritches from her master and her new roommate?

"Honestly Apollo, how are you not scared of doing that?" Kathrine asked, as Sapphire had encompassed my whole upper body with her maw, giving me gentle play bites. After poking the roof of her mouth, she spat me out and I replied.

"My Sapphire is literally a part of my soul. She can't hurt me. Well not lethally, we playfight sometimes and her claws are atomically sharp." I commented and scratched her nose before she closed her eyes to sleep again.

Kathrine watched the scene and her heart felt so full of happiness in this place. Seeing Apollo just acting as his true self, knowing now his true self. She felt a sense of fulfilment and purpose wash over her body. She wanted to do everything in her power to help him and by extension his 'Mate.'

Kathrine thought smugly to herself for a moment. 'The swarm seems not to care about titles other than "Mate." That is fine, I can still be Apollo's WIFE in the future, now that my soul belongs to him!' In the moments of bliss she was having this day, she had forgotten about a certain niece in the equation as she fantasised about her future.

Kathrine closed her eyes and smiled sweetly before opening them in realisation. "*Gasp* Apollo! My work! I have been gone all day, I had a meeting at five Pm! How long have I been here? Also that begs the question, how do I leave this place? Or am I stuck here?"

Hearing Kathrine's questions, I perused the information regarding my new power and just off in the distance, a room appeared. It appeared to be a hospital room with an outline of Kathrine on a bed. Experience more content on My Virtual Library Empire

Kathrine could guess the context of what was going on and as she stood up she sighed before muttering. "Fucking great... Mommy is going to be all over me now when I wake up... I should have made her leave yesterday like we agreed, now she is going to stay for another week!"

Kathrine and I then walked over to the room and once we arrived, she turned to me and went to kiss me goodbye, but hesitated as the presence behind Apollo's figure glared at her through the barrier.

I noticed this and caught Jewel radiating her displeasure just before she could retract it fully. "My Love, we are about to have a week together, going non stop. You can tolerate a single kiss." I declared, before turning around and planting one onto Kathrine.

Kathrine swooned into my body, she felt amazing, this kiss felt amazing. She wanted more, but knew not to push her luck. She then went to lay on the bed, in an identical pose to the outline before she and the room disappeared from her paradise.

Opening her eyes, Kathrine looked around and grunted at all the wires connected to her body. To her right, her mother was sleeping on a chair wearing her workout clothes. 'Even when I am apparently sick, she still gets her workout done... Typical.' Kathrine rolled her eyes before carefully removing the wires from her body.

Unfortunately for her, they were all connected to a secondary room that informed the doctor that there was tampering. As he ran in and saw Kathrine awake, he took in a breath of relief before saying out loud, ignoring Kathrine's arm flailing.

"Ah Lady Hyllus, you are awake. Thank goodness. You are in the hospital, your assistant, Candice, found you unconscious and after several attempts to wake you failing, she called our services. We currently have no clue as to why you went unresponsive my lady. All your vitals were and still are stable. We are going to keep you here for the next twenty-four hours, now that you are awake, for observation and then you are free to leave. Now forgive me, but I need to ask you some questions. Will you try your best to answer them to the best of your abilities?"

Kathrine looked to her right and sure enough, her mother was now awake and staring at her with a deep concern that actually melted Kathrine's heart a little. 'Mommy definitely needs to be with me and Apollo now.' She thought before turning to the doctor.

"Ask away Doctor." She replied and the doctor got stuck in. "Ok, my first question is related to the bloods we took when you were omitted. As we said, your vitals are stable, but you seem to have a heightened amount of oxytocin and serotonin in your system. Have you taken any drugs that could have caused this spike or know of the reason at all?"

'Yes, a pill called Apollo literally owns my entire being!' Kathrine thought with delight, but replied. "No, I haven't taken any substances in weeks and I do not know why they have spiked."

Valerica perked up a little hearing that. Kathrine was telling the truth about the drugs, but something in the way she said the last part made her worry disappear and instead she became ready to turn on the investigative mum mode once the doctor was gone.

The doctor continued to ask some more questions until he was satisfied. "Well, if after twenty-four hours, your hormones are still spiked, I feel professionally comfortable to discharge you. I would usually give you something to lower your serotonin to reduce the chance of you developing Osteoporosis, but with your family's um, special strength. I do not think that will be needed. If you need anything else from me while you are here, I am your on-call doctor for the rest of your stay and will be in the adjoining room."

The Doctor then bowed, for Kathrine was an important figure and left the room. Valerica stood up and followed the doctor, locking the room behind him before she turned hastily and began her interrogation.

"Alright missy, what have you done?" Her tone was demanding, leaving no room for ifs, buts or coconuts. "Mommy I didn't-" Kathrine began to speak before Valerica moved so fast to Kathrine's side and began tugging on the woman's ear.

"Kathrine Bianca Hyllus, you do not lie to your mother when your health is at stake! You will tell me what you have done and you will. Tell. Me. Now!" As the twisting of the ear continued, Kathrine began 'owing' over and over as she thought.

She could not tell her mother the truth of course, not yet anyway. But she did have some liberties because her Apollo was so sweet, allowing her to still be herself. Valerica noticed that Kathrine began smiling and thought she was being toyed with.

"Oh? You are too tough for the ear tug now huh? Well how about one of these?" Valerica went towards Kathrine's breasts with the intent on making the beautiful buds purple. Kathrine was taking no chances and screamed. "It was Apollo!"

Valerica paused in her tracks, her fingers millimetres from turning the dials. "Ok." She said and moved away. She then sat back down on her chair and picked up a gossip magazine where the headline was talking smack about one of her old friends. "Well, she was always a huge slut." She muttered to herself, Zoning out Kathrine who was staring at her in disbelief.

"That's it? That is all you have to say finding out Apollo somehow managed to knock me out from the entire opposite end of the empire? Aren't you just the least bit curious?" Kathrine asked, causing Valerica to shoot her a hateful look.

"Hey! My Apollo is a good boy! If he is somehow able to knock you out from across the empire, I am sure he has his reasons, you were probably being a shit and he somehow knew. Though does that mean he is now better? Can he knock me out so I can talk to him as well? What did he say to you? I assume you spoke since you knew it was him? What did-"

Kathrine looked on in shock as her mother began talking so lovingly about her 'Son.' She was not even concerned about her own daughter anymore, just wanting to know more about how her incredible son managed to send a message from across the Empire.

Kathrine frowned at her mother and thought to herself, full of pettiness. ' Never mind, she can fend for herself now when the Swarm fully invades. I am not sharing my paradise with this bitch.'

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