The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 305: Right

Staring at Jewel, I felt an overwhelming sense of rejuvenation. Just being in the presence of the being I love made me feel slightly better. As I gazed upon her form, I regretted my decision to stop using my far sight after she tried to push a tentacle through again.

'How could I have gone so long without witnessing her majestic form? I am a fool.' I thought. Even without the link, Jewel could read my flirty thoughts and smiled lovingly. She stayed firmly rooted where she was as she watched Apollo walk over with Orchid and the interesting Hybrid.

Jewel stayed in place as she was afraid if she moved that she would use too much force in her love and hurt her everything. So she simply watched as Apollo moved ever closer to being in her embrace once more.

Now mere steps away from my Jewel, I opened my arms to prepare for an embrace, I could tell by the pink energy expelling from her eyes that she too was eager to make physical contact.

However, as I extended my arms out, I suddenly felt something land into my hand. Looking over, I grew confused by what I was seeing. "Stick?"


The time was Nigh. Its divine purpose was at hand. From those present below, All three independent thinkers present had lewd and indecent thoughts about its master. They would feel the divine wrath of its body as it expelled the blight known as horny from their bodies.

As the rod fell from its hiding spot on one of the teleport towers, It realised something. Its master was injured. Now while the rod usually could not feel pure emotions, it could tell that a being of its own essence was at fault for its master's injuries.

This drove the rod into a burning rage that caused it to ignite itself mid descent. In one fell swoop, it would deliver its divine retribution while aiding its master to the best of its capabilities.


"Stick?" Orchids eyes went wide with fright and Jewel's energy stopped pouring out of her. Keyla did not understand what was going on as Apollo's body began to turn with a force that was not his own.

The three transgressors were too close to Apollo to act in a timely manner and what befell them was their fate for thinking lewdly of Apollo.




As Keyla and Orchid began screaming at the sudden disruption of their Psionic energy and Jewel was on her knees with the rest of the dazed onlooking Bio-forms. I suddenly felt a great deal of pain subside from my body as my stick, which was on fire for some reason, began to engulf me with its flame.

"OOOOH! Oh goodness me yes!" I gritted through my teeth, satisfied. Whatever this fire was, it was burning away the excess Psionic energy that was eating my body from within. It was even smart enough to only burn away that which I did not need, making sure that my decay did not worsen, nor threaten my existence in any way.

"Jewel, what did you do to my stick? I feel good. Really good! Fuck me I forgot what not being in pain felt like." People who live with chronic pain are now walking gods in my eyes having to deal with that and not bitch and moan all day everyday.

As I walked forward to the kneeling Jewel, She suddenly stood up and began to back away. I could tell by her lower facial expression she had a look of revulsion as her faceplate looked at me.

"Apollo, how are you tolerating being engulfed in that? Even in my main body I would be writhing in severe discomfort." Jewel tried to place her hand forward to touch her beloved, but it instantly recoiled.

The Fire was hot, now usually that would be no problem, she actively lives on a volcanic world and has bathed in lava for Apollo's viewing pleasure numerous times, but that fire was Anti Psionic in nature and would burn her being if it touched her.

"My love, I have no clue and I do not care. Can you stabilize my condition so we can embrace already? I need to be inside of you." I said calmly, causing the fire on my being to flare up, trying to purge away the horny corruption from its master.

Jewel's insides twitched as Apollo said that. She was debating whether or not she should just throw herself at the blazing mate and deal with the consequences later. Her better judgement prevailed however, as she began walking and talking.

"The Biomass I have on the planet is enough to stabilize you, but you will have to go to home world via the teleporter to augment yourself. I will also use my Main body to check this 'Soul energy' that, being gave to you when you are home."

I wanted to run up and give Jewel a kiss, for just listening to her speak had sent me into my own mating frenzy, but with my sticks flames engulfing me, I knew that would be a bad idea.

Speaking of. "Jewel, why did you bring the stick here?" Jewel turned around and flashed an angry expression towards me, or rather, towards my right hand. "I did not bring that accursed thing here! It attacked me in my own throne room while my guards simply watched! I lost so much biomass because of the backlash it caused me!"

Jewel then explained what happened the day of the unjust bonk and how the stick vanished afterwards. I looked at the stick in my hands in awe. 'Are you more than just a stick?' I thought to myself.

The stick chose its right as an inanimate object to remain silent towards its master's thought. "Still, I cannot believe it attacked you without provocation. I promise I will make it up to you once I am better.

Two Lewd suggestions in such a short amount of time! The Stick's worst fear had come true! The master has been tainted by being away from its presence! The master is not at fault, no. It was the corruptive piles of Psionic energy meat bags that surrounded him.


My Right arm suddenly extended forward and the flames on my body began to blaze and sputter as they seemed to reach towards Jewel. Jewel turned around upon feeling the phenomenon and watched on curiously.

My feet began to skid across the barren dirt underneath me as the stick began to pull me towards Jewel. I gave Jewel a perplexed look while she looked on, fascinated. "Can it be? If so, the possibilities that opens..."

Jewel then shook her head. Now was not the time. Ignoring the flaming stick that wanted to bonk her head, Jewel led Apollo underground towards where this body of hers had been nesting.
Your next journey awaits at My Virtual Library Empire

As I followed, I saw many warriors and drones walking about performing tasks. I got a peaceful feeling at that sight. It felt like I was truly home. Where Jewel had been staying, Jewel had been quick and had already created a tank with rejuvenation fluid inside for me to enter.

" I know you would not want me enhancing you greatly, as your body has been your project since you were little my love, I will enhance you just enough so that the decay of your body will cease for about three weeks. That way, you have a week to mate with me here before you return home to enhance and augment yourself, agreed?"

I looked at Jewel with a lovestruck expression as I began to take off my clothes. Jewel noticed the effect the decay had on my body, but did not mention it, as to her, I still looked perfect. After leaving my clothes in a nice pile, I put down the stick on top to prevent it from getting dirty.

As soon as I put it down, the fire from it disappeared and so did the fire on my body. I knew I would have a little while before the pain returned so I walked over to Jewel without saying a word and pulled her body down so I could kiss her.

Right. The perfect word to describe the kiss. The kiss was right. My lips belonged to be intertwined with Jewel's. The feeling of home, love, passion, peace, lust, mania, euphoria, happiness and a concoction of a myriad more emotions cascaded through our bodies with each second our lips were interlocked.

The kissing went on longer than planned, no one wanting to back away from the bliss we were experiencing, a prelude to what was to come when I was better. In the end, It was Jewel who pulled away first after realising I was starting to feel the effects of my decay again.

Looking into my eyes with her slits, Jewel then placed her headplate against my forehead and whispered.

"We have eternity still to enjoy each other my mate. For now, let me heal your injuries."

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