Chapter 1: Gacha Chapter 1: Omni-Gacha System
"Where... am I?" A short, average-looking boy questioned in surprise of the foreign, green-filled environment surrounding him. It was quiet and peaceful, yet the sounds of the grass swaying in the swishing wind and crickets croaking were as loud as a pen dropping during an awkward silence
[Congratulations! You have been granted ownership of The Omni-Gacha System] A monotonous, robot-like voice entered the clueless boy's ears which caused him to look around just to find nothing as the voice carried on speaking,
[To begin with, please select 3 'Personality Types' and 1 Gender to personally customise the system's A.I. as you wish: Yandere...] And so, a rather long list appeared in front of the young boy, "A Gacha System, and a place I've never seen before but suddenly appeared in after dying..." The boy hummed to himself, stroking his hair-less chin in contemplation, "Well damn, this is like the Transmigration stories I've read too many of than I'd like to admit out loud!" His eyes widened in a sudden yet joyous realisation, smacking a fist against his open palm
Frankly, the boy was a closet-weeb. It was known that he had interest in the likes of Anime and Manga, the basics of basics; but he was someone more 'advanced', upgrading from Manga to Manhwa and Manhua. And then one (unfortunate) day, he fell down the rabbit hole known as 'FanFiction', which he wished he was able to climb out of but he managed to dig a bigger hole for himself with each passing day
'Internal rant aside, let's focus on the personality-choice I've been given' The boy focused his attention back onto the 'Omni-Gacha System' as the voice referred to itself as, and spent minutes and minutes going down the list until he made his choice: His Ideal Woman
"Kuudere, Funny, and Lazy. Female, of course" The boy spoke aloud, unsure if the system accepted mental answers or if he had to always voice his thoughts out loud, 'I'll probably get my answer soon anyway' He shrugged off, awaiting for the System to proceed with whatever it had to do, '...This is taking a while' He sheepishly scratched the back of his head, a habit of his he seemed to bring with him on this second chance at life (along with scratching the bridge of his nose)
Eventually, The Omni-Gacha System came back to life, [Hello, Host... I am your designated A.I. Assistant and Partner, #AA001] Announced the delicate and soothing yet cold voice, [Would you like an Introduction and Explanation as to how the Omni-Gacha System functions?] She asked, the tone of her voice uplifting a little which gave off the idea that she was more happy and smiley than before
"Yes please, uh... AA0-some kind of secret code thing-" The boy sighed awkwardly as his rather poor short-term memory struggled to remember his partner's name, [#AA001...] The female A.I. corrected with a low growl(?), huff(?) at the end, signalling her evident anger, "Do I have to call you that, or can I give you an actual name?" He asked, smiling as he sat himself on the grassy ground, casually leaning back and balancing himself by placing his hands on the floor either side of him to stop himself from falling onto his back embarrassingly
[Well... it's not necessary, but acceptable] '#AA001' answered, leading the boy to mumble to himself as he began to brainstorm a bunch of girl names, his assistant awaiting for permission from her 'user' to carry on with the system's tutorial and explanations, "What do you think of Celeste?"
[...] A silent response came from the A.I., "Hello...? Are you on Oceanic Servers by any chance, Celeste?" The boy began to joke to himself and laugh at his own jokes as his current and poor form of entertainment, [I love it- I mean... the name is acceptable...] The boy could've sworn he heard the A.I. cough and stutter somehow, "It's good that you like the name... now, do you mind giving me the lil' tutorial? Please, and thank you"
[Of course, Host-], The boy's body jolted, his right hand raised as he began to wag his index finger left and right, "Ah ah ah...!" He uttered, shaking his head while doing so, "Call me by my name, or a nice nickname", [...Of course... Solis...], "Good job, CC, you may proceed!" Solis gave a pleasant smile and thumbs-up, the A.I. blatantly ignoring the little nickname given to her by the strange yet oddly charming boy,
[The Omni-Gacha System contains 2 Main Functions: The first being the Gacha Function, and the second being the Mastery Function... Which would you like an explanation of first?] As Celeste spoke, Solis noticed that her voice became much more robotic, similar to before, prior to the A.I. customisation, as if it was following a script that she wasn't able to go against, "The Gacha Function first, please and thank you"
[The Gacha Function contains 2 parts - The World Gacha and The Omni Gacha. The World Gacha is easier to earn and receive rewards from, but is limited to the World that you, the user, are currently in-] As if the system could read his mind, which it probably could, Solis' question was answered in the next sentence, [-Which for you would be the World of 'Fairy Tail']
"For real!?" Solis giggled cheerfully, getting nostalgic flashbacks of Fairy Tail, one of his first Anime alongside the likes of Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragon Ball, D.N. Angel, and Bleach, "Holy shit, that's awesome!" His happiness started going off the charts though, and he decided he had to lock in and get serious as he listened to the system finish its mini-tutorial, [As for the Omni Gacha, it is harder to obtain and gets rewards, but the potential is limitless as you can get absolutely anything from any world that exists] The boy began to take mental notes of what the system was telling him, 'Then again, I'm sure Celeste has some kind of function that allows her to remember everything for me and answer my questions at any time',
[World Gacha Tickets are rewarded every 6 months for free, and can be obtained by completing significant achievements worthy of getting them. As for Omni Gacha Tickets, it is slightly more complicated and requires more 'special' achievements to earn them. As a beginner's gift, you will receive 2 World Gacha Tickets and 1 Omni Gacha Ticket once the explanation of the Omni-Gacha System is finished] Solis cheered, 'Free things are the best kind of things!'
[The Mastery Function contains 10 'Ranks' which measures how far along your 'mastery' with your abilities have come. This is to ensure that you earn your future Godly power through training and efforts rather than sitting back and doing nothing, being handed Planet-Destroying abilities for free without having to train] Solis nodded in agreement, 'Fine by me... I'd rather bypass time training my abilities and getting stronger over time than be super OP from the get-go and find everything boring like Saitama'
[The 10 Ranks of Mastery include: Innate -> Initiate -> Basic -> Intermediate -> Apprentice -> Expert -> Master -> Grandmaster -> Demi-God -> God. All abilities start off at 'Innate' Rank, and you must make your way up the Ranks if you wish to be the strongest of the strongest] Solis wasn't sure what it was, but he felt a rush inside his body after hearing the system's words which began motivating him to get stronger already even if it meant doing basic push-ups and sit-ups to start off with, [Congratulations... The Tutorial is now complete, and you have received your 2 World Gacha Tickets, and 1 Omni Gacha Tickets] Thankfully, Celeste's voice began to become more clear and lively, replacing the boring and mechanical voice before her, [...Open your tickets...?]
"You're talking less already, what happened to you, CC?" Solis asked with a small chuckle, standing up as he began to stretch his stiff body, [Talked too much... CBA], 'And now you're using texting terms', [I am], "So you CAN hear my thoughts" Solis quickly concluded, which was good to note and remember from now onwards, "Anyway, I'll let you have your beauty rest... after you open my World Tickets and Omni Ticket, in that order preferably, thanks- Woah"
Solis' eyes widened slightly, unconsciously taking a few steps back as two large wheels appeared in front of him, "WORLD GACHA WHEEL" was engraved on both wheels, 'I see...' The boy nodded in understanding as he stepped forward and outstretched both his arms towards the wheel, pulling them down with full force as the wheels began to spin quite fast, "..."
[...] Solis and Celeste waited in anticipation at what the boy's rewards would be, and both couldn't help but be impatiently excited, "Don't you already know what I'm going to get? Isn't it programmed or something?" Solis asked as the two waited, [No... 'Assistant', not 'System Creator'] Although Celeste's words might've taken a while for the boy to decipher, he eventually understood that him and Celeste were basically on the same level and wavelength within the system, 'My besto friendo...', [Si], "I didn't know you knew Spanish", [Neither did I]
Eventually, the wheels stopped,
[Congratulations! You have obtained Time Magic!] The familiar monotonous and robotic voice of the system spoke, 'Looks like there's a separate voice for Celeste and the system itself - if that wasn't obvious enough already'
[Congratulations! You have obtained Illusion Magic!], "Oh fuck yes" Solis pumped his fists up in the air in a celebratory manner, high-fiving no one in particular except the empty space of air nearby, [Congrats, Solis... I'm happy for you... but please refrain from losing your sanity on the first day of your transmigration] Celeste commented with a small sigh at the end, "Thanks Celeste- is there something like a status bar by any chance?" As the final wheel appeared, labelled "OMNI GACHA WHEEL", Solis' Status appeared in front of him
[Name: Solis]
[Age: 16]
[Race: Human]
[Status: Alive]
[Time Magic (Innate)]
[Illusion Magic (Innate)]
"Pretty plain, but neat. I like it" Solis gave a thumbs-up of approval before returning to the wheel in front of him, spinning it which he noticed was a lot heavier compared to the other one, "So, you come here often?" The boy began to chat up his A.I., truly going crazy it seemed, [Where you go I go, Solis], "Aw~ How romantic, CC". During the intermission, Celeste asked about Solis' switch between 'Celeste' and 'CC', to which he bluntly answered, "I just say whatever comes out more naturally and better during the conversation. One moment it's Celeste, the next it could be CC. Simple"
Finally, the wheel came to a stop,
[Congratulations! You have obtained The Heavenly Winged Dragon Bloodline!] As the system announced Solis' reward, his body began to glow a bright and beautiful colour reminiscent of the gates of Heaven themselves, [Solis...] Celeste's virtual mouth seemed to evidently drop as she witnessed the glowing particles around Solis' body dissipate bit by bit until his new form was revealed:
Though he remained undeniably short for his age (5ft5/165cm), the boy's average and frankly lacklustre appearance had done a complete 180. His previous brown hair and matching brown eyes was now replaced with dazzling, angelic lavender-coloured eyes which complimented the light cyan hair sitting on top of his head, drifting down a face so beautiful many people may mistake the boy as a female model had replaced the previous Solis [Images]
"Wow... I feel so strong!" Solis gasped, looking at his fists which he began to clench and unclench as if preparing for a fight. The boy then felt something odd on his back, so he reached an arm over his shoulder to find himself grabbing some sort of feather, [You have wings! They're beautiful!] Celeste's now-overly energetic voice sounded in Solis' ears, the boy looking over his shoulder at the new pair of white angelic wings, "Celeste, Status Check" Solis spoke with a smirk
[Name: Solis]
[Age: 16]
[Race: Heavenly Winged Dragon (Innate)]
[Status: Alive]
[Time Magic (Innate)]
[Illusion Magic (Innate)]
The boy focused his gaze on his new race, which revealed a new set of useful information:
[Heavenly Winged Dragon Bloodline (Innate) - One of the six main bloodlines of dragons created by the Dragon God.
Passive Effects:
1. Enhanced Strength, Durability, Agility, Stamina, Senses, and Regeneration
2. Enhanced Physical Growth, Libido, and Lifespan
3. Enhanced Magic Power, Capacity, Growth, and Compatibility
4. Enhanced Physical, Magical, and Poison/Illness/Disease Resistance
5. Enhanced Mental Capacity and Processing]
He then did the same for his Time and Illusion Magic, which revealed self-explanatory descriptions
[Time Magic (Innate) - Magic that allows Control over Time]
[Illusion Magic (Innate) - Magic that allows the Creation of Illusions]
"Hey, CC" Standing atop the edge of a hill, allowing him to look down at the civilisation below him from above, Solis smile grew bigger as he placed his hands in his pockets coolly, the wind causing his clothes to flail rhythmically, [Yes, Solis?], "Are you able to determine how long I have until canon starts?"
[...Yes] Expecting the next words of Solis' to be an obvious question, Celeste took the initiative to give him the answer in preparation, [It is December of X783... which means you have 7 months until canon starts], Solis nodded his head before asking, "And am I right in assuming that below us is Magnolia, where Fairy Tail is based?"
[...Yes] Taking a few seconds to compute Solis' questions and come up with a suitable answer in response, Celeste eventually gave him the information he wanted, causing the boy to dramatically turn around and walk towards the small forest of the hill he was stationed, walking away from the Fairy Tail Guild, "Let's get used to this change before I think about joining the guild"
- 3 Weeks Later -
Standing at the exact same spot he stood in 3 weeks ago, looking down at Magnolia Town with a longing gaze, Solis jumped up high into the sky with a bright smile on his alluring face, "It's about to we make our arrival, don't ya' think, CC?" As the boy free-fell from the hill with a calm expression on his face, his hands in his pockets, his dark-outlined figure eventually appeared in the blue sky, revealing his angelic wings to the world as he made his way towards Magnolia at fast speeds, his loving A.I. beside him in mind and spirit, [The only one making a big entrance is you... but I'm fine with that, darling~]
The cyan-haired boy couldn't help but snicker, 'You've certainly become more loving and caring over the last 3 weeks, CC", [Are you complaining?] She questioned, an evident huff in her voice which made Solis imagine her puffing her cheeks, "Never... you know I love it" He replied with a warm smile, [Damn right you do]
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