Chapter 50 - Kisel's Defeat
A few moments before.
As I was fighting against the almost infinite number of people, I saw something that made me step up. Haiel on the floor defeated and Kisel was crushing Haiel's arm and if it went as I thought it would then he was going to die in the next moment.
I tried to fight harder and kill everyone but their number was still a lot. So I thought and thought before a memory suddenly came to me as I called Arthur.
Arthur even among the horde of endless mobs turned to me, "Yeah!"
"Do you have any way to take care of so many people at once?"
"Ahh… no." The guy lied, "If I had then I would have used it already." I liked this fact about him in the book.
He wasn't like other novel protagonist that showed all their powers, this one kept quiet about it and only used it when necessary. But I didn't like that fact now.
"Oh… I suppose the viscounts going to die then." I said a little louder than necessary and he turned to the scene as his eyes widened and his mind went into decision mode.
It might have helped that Elisabeth also heard me, because she screamed, "PAPA!"
So seeing her childhood love's daddy and his future first father in law death about to happen, the guy didn't have any other choice.
He said and I immediately moved away from the spot. Samantha came beside me but had a confused look, "What is he going to do? He can't take care all that people by himself? Even you are having problems."
Ah Ah Ah… it's not that I am having problems… I can easily take care of them using my special black hole ability but unfortunately there are too many important people here that might blab about it.
"Let's just wait and see." I said and sat down on a chair as Samantha felt weirded out by it.
Arthur glanced at the 50 or 60 thugs standing in front of him and took a deep breath.
"What are you going to do boy? You're all alone and there's sixty of us."
"You might kill a few of us, but it will only take one of our blades to take care of you."
"Why not just give up altogether, it's much better like that."
Arthur ignored the taunts as he knelled in front of everyone and rested the sword on his forehead. He felt the cold touch of the blade mixed with the iron bloody smell as he closed his eyes and chanted.
What he was chanting wasn't understandable to any but they quickly noticed that a blue glow was emanating from the sword.
"What's that?"
"Is that… a sword mantra?"
Then someone from the group noticed something as he quickly said, "He's chanting a delayed sword mantra."
"Quickly get him, who knows how much damage that could do to us."
A mantra having a delayed reaction possibly meant that it was much stronger than the occasional one.
They were right… but they were late.
Arthur slowly stood up and prepared his sword to attack. One of the mob took the slow momentum and ran but was immediately hit by a steel plate and fell down on the floor.
"Let him cook, people." I said while my eyes looked for every detail and weakness of that technique.
Before any of the others could reach Arthur, he opened his eyes, which glowed the same blue color and roared, "Lion Sigma Slash!"
He slashed in the empty air before him as a large horizontal ray of blue light left from the sword and hit the thugs.
Whoever got hit by it, immediately was cut off or injured very much. The ray of light didn't stop until it hit all 59 thugs. The 60th one being unconscious on the floor because of my tray attack.
Samantha beside me had her mouth open and her eyes turned to shock. I smiled while slowly walking towards Arthur.
It was a gruesome sight, so many of them had been cut so swift and cleanly that it felt like a beautiful art piece. The artist that drew this was on his knees breathing heavily as I patted his shoulder.
"Don't worry about the leader… I got him."
"Are you… sure?" He asked with a tired voice.
Arthur right now was acting… yes, he was far from being depleted in stamina… in both wise. As I said before, he was very strong. He had to act smart and look weak right now, so that he could have an advantage over his foes in the future. But I wasn't in the mood to dispel his acting right now.
"Yeah, I'm sure."
I walk past him and take out my weapon, seeing Kisel ready to deliver the final blow. I aim right at his weapon before throwing and hitting it dead-on, gluing it to the wall.
"You might have stopped me from killing him and also locked down my weapon, but in doing so you lost yours." Kisel said as he understood who it was, "So how do you intend to win without one?"
"Don't worry about that, my fists are enough to smash your face in." I said my face inches before the guy.
"Well, aren't you cocky."
Standing so close to someone like Kisel wasn't a good idea, but it wasn't a problem.
Arthur saw something under Kisel's arm as he warned, "Look out!"
Kisel smiled as he quickly thrust the small blade hidden under him at my chest. It would have been very fast and impossible for me to dodge at this distance. But again… it wasn't a problem.
Kisel quickly struck and turned it while smiling at me. But his smile quickly vanished as he didn't see any change on me and furthermore felt lighter in his hands.
"Looking for this." I smiled showing him the small blade that I already took.
"How the fuck-" Kisel couldn't finish his words, as he saw my fist coming for his face and quickly blocked it. Unfortunately for him, it didn't stop the impact from flying him through the walls and out the garden.
A large sound occurred followed by a shake of the place and a few blips in the lamps before everyone saw Kisel firmly planted on the ground.
"Hmm, that felt good… wonder if I'm a sadist."