Chapter 47 - Unsavory Style
My words left the defender speechless, enough time for me to go ahead and stab him, my sword penetrating through three of his comrades behind together.
Then I pull them up together and show it to the other mobs, scaring the shit out of them.
"H-how is he doing this!"
"He killed all four of them with just one stab!"
"W-We need to do something about him or we will be the ones who gets killed like that nex-next."
"But how do we do that-"
The guy couldn't finish his sentence as his friend from behind throws him to stop my approach, before the guy even knew what happened his whole world started spinning in the air before it dropped and he saw his headless body wrangle for a bit before falling and him dying alongside it.
"Did you really just do that?" I asked and the guy felt that I might kill him next so he stepped back.
"That's good… guys like you with no moral integrity shouldn't let something like this from surviving. But even though that was a good technique, how will you stop my next attack?" I said and dashed forward doing a Flèche attack, dashing forward and thrusting.
The guy didn't even get a moment to think as my burst ended me coming closer to him and my sword went through him as smoothly as butter. He looked down at the sword and then at me with a blank expression, "Come on now, at least say something?"
Then his head dropped down and he died. I sighed while pulling out the sword and having a philosophical question towards what I was doing right now.
I had never hurt someone physically before let alone kill them but now I was slicing and dicing like it was some daily routine, it certainly didn't help that the sword was so great that each kill was done beautifully and without any struggle.
Maybe it was because I've never had such strength in my past life but maybe… maybe I am a little damaged on the inside you know. Not physically but mentally, maybe some part of me has always wanted to do this but never had the power and era to.
Maybe there is a little killer in us everyone and it only needs power to show itself, every single person that I've known historically who had strength, was known to kill people.
So maybe I am a little different but not so different after all?
I was so engrossed in the thought that I didn't notice a thug taking the chance and coming to attack me. But he had two faults in it.
I quickly stepped aside from his attack and sliced off the arm with the sword as he screamed in agony.
First I have my very special eyes which I admit, he didn't know about.
"Ahhh… AHhhh!"
The guy screamed and I slowly inched before kneeling down to him.
"You shouldn't scream out when doing a sneak attack… its like the basics of doing a sneak attack." I said and he begged me.
"P-please don't kill me."
"Don't worry, I won't kill you."
"yo-you won't?"
I shook my head, "I need a living example for the mistake you made right?" He looked at me with more fear, "But try not to scream okay." He nodded multiple times as I got up and tell the others.
"Now this here is an example people… he had the courage to attack me, good for him. But… does anybody know what he did wrong?" I asked and looked around at each person.
"H-he… shouldn't have screamed." One person said as I clapped.
"Good, good… you can go if you want."
"Well you answered correctly so I'm giving you a reward. Now you can leave if you want… or try your luck against me." I said with a dark smile as he ran as fast as he could and escaped through the window.
Everybody went dumbstruck seeing this… The thug leader, Arthur, Elisabeth, Samantha, Haiel and most of all were the thugs. They were calling themselves stupid for not answering the question.
Arthur slowly came beside me and whispered, "Did you really just let that guy leave?"
"…isn't that the opposite of what they should be doing?"
"Yes, but the guy was smart enough to took the ticket."
Arthur nodded and looked at his friend in a new light now while thinking, 'He isn't what he looks at all, I initially thought he might be one of those pompous rich kids, but that went out the window… and especially with that sword, he really does seem like a demon.'
Arthur didn't say anything as he blocked an attack from an enemy and continued his fight.
Haiel saw the momentum of place change from despair to hope. Even it may be from unsavory means, it was now at hand, so he couldn't stand back anymore.
Haiel took out his sword and channeled his voice loudly, "For the kingdom!" Then he jumped down into the pit of thugs and started fighting them.
I looked at it from my side and I had to give it to the old viscount. Half-Century could really fight, He had killed four people by now.
Seeing his defeat closing in, the thug leader took matter into his hands, "Step aside, let me take care of the old man."
Haiel saw the leader come before him and pointed his sword at him, in a challenge. He couldn't see the leaders face clearly as there was red color smeared under the robe.
"I'm sorry that it had to come this way, old man. Our original plan was to just kill you and some other people before leaving but now… because of a deviation," His gaze landed on me briefly, "We need to kill everyone… even your daughter."
"Hah," Haiel snickered at the guy, "Tough talk from someone who's about to lose… don't worry though, I am much more generous than the monster back there. He might not let you die painlessly but I will try to do that."
"Oh! The old man has some smack in him," The leader lowered his stance a bit as he prepared to attack, "Let's see how much you can smack, when I take your daughter right in front of you."
Haiel's face turned dark, "The only one that's going down is either you or me… and I still have years under me."