The Goddess Made A Mistake Again

Chapter 42 - Large Brick Problem

Inside a luxurious hotel on a high floor inside a very large room.

An overweight man could be seen standing in front of a mirror large as him as he fixed his tie. There was another person with him too, a woman who was helping him fit into the clothes.

They were me and Anna.

"Hmm, this should do." I nodded to myself seeing the black tuxedo and white undershirt. It wasn't as same as the tuxedo from my time, this one was larger and much more expensive.

But it didn't matter much to me as I looked at Anna putting a pin of red colored rose and spraying it with scent. After a brief moment, she finally stopped herself and looked at me.

She had changed me from a fat lord to a… well an art, if I may so myself.

I looked good, quite good. Regal even.

All I needed now was a big pipe to smoke on and many henchmen to listen to me and bring me illegal money. But all will be done in due time, for now I needed to go to an old man's birthday party.

Seriously, other than rich people who would be so stupid enough to waste money on other people?

The answer… me. Why?... because I can get their good impression faster than actually doing any hard work.

Which is also one of the reason why the viscount arranged this party.

"This is good… what do you think, Anna?"

I asked and didn't find any answer so I looked at her and saw that she was just looking at me with a lost gaze while her real mind was elsewhere.

"Anna… anna… annnnna."

After calling her with a ringy tone did she finally got out of her daze and looked at me with surprise.

"D-did you say something?"

"…No, I only just called you, so tell me," I showed her myself, "What do you think?"

"Your wonderful… I-I mean that this looks wonderful on you, master." She said with a blush.

'Hmm… she seems to be quite straightforward these days. Is it possibly her time of the month?'

I couldn't understand what it was about her, but I certainly didn't dislike it. If she got too straightforward then isn't it just good for me?

But I put the thoughts away as I feel a goldish robe over my body.

"What's this?"

"This would go good with your look master."

"It's too much I won't wear it to a party, it's too much."

"But it would look fashionable."

"But I don't want it."

After a thorough talking with her, I was walking towards the outside door while wearing the damn robe.

I tried… I really did… but when she got all that angry while raising her big boobs… I just stopped functioning… she found my weakness, didn't she?

"See you after the party then master." She said to me with a happy smile on her face and I couldn't help myself from doing what happened next.



Anna moaned as she touched her ass. Right before I was about to leave, I slapped her ass. It wasn't hard at all, it was right between pain and pleasure for her to enjoy it, especially for me.

"Why'd you do that for?" She said while pouting angrily and rubbing her cheeks.

"For good luck."

"Huh?" She heard then blushed understanding what I meant and quietly said, "Pervy master."

Then as Anna saw me walking away, she noticed the huge block on my back, "Master, why are you taking that thing with you?"

I looked at where she pointed and said, "I'll need it tonight."

"But it's a birthday ceremony… why would you need that?"

"Ohh, but I will. I'm more than sure of it."

"Make sure to tightly lock the doors and windows... tonight might get a little rowdy."

Anna was filled with more questions than answers but I was already out of the hallway.


It was nighttime.

In the center of Valint stood a large mansion. This mansion wasn't like any of the mansion in the city, this mansion was larger, better and sturdier than all others.

Today was a special day for the city of Valint. Today was the city's renowned viscounts 50th birthday. So in celebration, the whole city was smiling and moving with joy.

The viscount called Haiel, was renowned not only because he was a strong fighter but also because of his kindness and generosity towards the city's people. Everyone thought of him as a good person and a capable man for the job.

So whenever it came to his birthday, the people didn't hold back and celebrated in full motion, while also giving a good sight to the new people who traveled hearing about it.

So here I stood, in front of the aforementioned mansion.

It is as they said it is. But I wasn't focusing on just that, I was also looking at the security. Mainly the guards, they were almost everywhere I could see. Two on every door, two in every section of the large garden and 3 at the main gate.

There weren't the only ones guarding, there were a few more inside the building too but not like that's gonna matter to those people. But why not talk about the boring stuff later and get to the party.

I walk towards the main gate and immediately get stopped by the guards, "May I know what your business is?"

"Well I was invited here by a friend?"


"Arthur Reginold."

The two front guards took a look at eachother and one nodded before pointing towards my back, "Alright, you can enter but… your gonna have to leave… that thing with us." They said pointing to my sword.

"Hmm?... I thought that it was allowed to bring a sword."

"Yes, that is true… but it's only for those that had been invited by the viscount himself." The third guard, the one who had been silently looking at everyone, said.

"Without that, you cannot bring any weapons inside, sir."

"A invite you say?" I touch my chin for a moment before bringing something out of the long robe, "Do you mean this?"

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