Chapter 36 - Breakup
A new feminine but familiar voice entered the argument as a smile automatically came on to my calculated face.
It was Samantha. She was standing there in her armor as if already prepared to give judgement to a certain fat person.
I knew it had to be her, who else could Amelia trust with such sensitive information.
Jacob? The guy was in his bed, still moaning about the pain I gave him.
So other than her, I didn't know anyone else that she was close to, at least not in this group of men.
"I said stop this immediately." Samantha repeated her order again when she saw Amelia still struggling in her half mad state. Eventually she listened to her and stopped, but there was still anger.
"My-My lady, don't believe any word that he said. He is lying… he- he's a scumbag and malicious enough to weasel his way out of this." Amelia said pointing at me.
I really wanted to laugh at this scene. Amelia was angrily blaming me and her outfit which was always graceful and stiff, now had glasses between her eyes to nose and her hair completely crumpled.
Instead of doing that, I put on the face of disbelief, "Nonsense! She is completely out of her mind."
I look at Samantha with a tired but fearful look, "Sam-Samantha yo-you-you got to believe me, I don't anything about what she is talking about."
"YOU'RE THE FUCKING LIAR!" I say with overwhelming rage of someone being scammed, "You followed me while I was peeing and then when I caught you, you blame of doing…" Eyes turned down, face wrinkled up to disgust, "Something so horrifying to a woman."
"How can I... even... dream of such wretched things."
I swear to Goddess, the face of Amelia at this moment was priceless. PRICELESS!
Seeing me give such fluent lies, even Amelia was struck whether I was really saying the truth or not. At one flicker, she even thought that I might have a doppelganger, but quickly threw that thought away as Jacob's agonized figure came to mind.
Amelia went and fell before Samantha's legs and begged, "Please madam… you have to believe me." Pointing her index finger, "This guy… I don't how… how he's saying all of that but it's all nothing but lies… Complete Lies!"
"Shut up!" I scream down at the girl on her knees, "You are saying all of this lies to humiliate and extort me, aren't you! Tell me who put you up to this? Was it one of my father's enemies… was it that kid? TELL ME!"
Samantha put her hand up and stopped me from taking this any further. She saw that Amelia was already crying ruefully as she looked at her with desperation, "Madam… believe me."
Samantha racked her head around this and couldn't come to any conclusion. Both sides had words to say but one was only accusations and the other was oblivious about this.
In the end, only one side was able to persuade her.
"Henry, is she telling the truth?"
At that moment, I could see everything depended on my next action.
"What! Of course not." I said flaring my dramatics that I learned from sixth grade theatrics.
"Why would I do anything to her, especially knowing that she is your maid... wait that came out wrong," I repeated before shaking my head, "Okay, forget about that, the real thing is I didn't do anything to her."
She looked at me for a moment before nodding. Amelia's eyes lost their light as she heard, "Alright go, let me take care of this."
"Thank you for believing me, Samantha." Then angrily said, "Make sure to get out all the culprits behind her." I said and start to walk away. Behind me I could hear, Amelia begging constantly, trying to change Samantha's mind.
After walking for a moment, I suddenly stopped and mumbled, "Wait a second!"
Both of them turned and saw my large back, "Samantha… why are you here?"
"Hmm… what do you mean?"
"What brought you here?"
"Well… I heard some arguments and got cautious, so I came to see what it was." She lied. Bad for her, she wasn't a good one.
"So you appeared after we started arguing."
"Hmm… so you weren't here before Amelia came?" I said and looked at her and there was a flicker of guilt in her eyes.
"No… I wasn't here. Why are you asking me that?"
"Well," I say while walking towards her, "You see, I have a good sense of my surroundings and before Amelia came, I could feel someone lurking around me."
"Strange thing is, when we started, you came way too fast, so either you were close to this place when we started or… you were here already."
At this moment, I had closed our distance enough to be called inappropriate.
I looked down at her eyes sharply, "I am going to ask you three things and I hope for our friendships sake, you won't lie to me."
Samantha gulped at my large figure over her and eyes looking into her soul as she felt the great pressure.
"Were you in on this?"
"No, I'm not."
I nodded, "That wasn't a lie… another one."
"Did you follow me here?
"Hmm... last question."
"Did you know she would do this?"
"…I …Henry you need to understand tha-" I stopped her there.
"Enough, you've told me all I need to know." I said and turned away.
"I thank you for all the help and guidance you gave me before… but I think it would be best if we go our separate ways now."
"Henry, please listen-"
"Goodbye, Samantha." I walked away as she didn't even had the courage to call me anymore.
As I walked away from there, I stopped for a moment.
That back there, was my finest act. But somehow I didn't feel the excitement I thought I would, instead there was sadness.
I shook my head at a thought, 'There is only one person.'
I walk into the tent and see Anna sewing my cloth.
'She's the only one I can trust.'
"Yes, master." She said and continued her exquisitely entangled but perfectly aligned cobweb sewing technique.
"Pack our stuff, we're leaving this camp."
"Oh!" She looked up, "I've already packed it, master."
'…Huh?' I was confused for a moment before I smiled, "As meticulous as always."