Chapter 8: Chapter 16 – “Signs of a Story”
The house in Los Angeles was spacious and bright, with a balcony that offered an incredible view of the hills. Rafael and Gigi were enjoying a quiet afternoon, something rare since they had moved in. Khai was playing in the backyard, while Gigi was preparing tea in the kitchen.
"You know what I always wanted to ask you?" Gigi said casually, as she stirred the tea.
"Ask me." Rafael replied, sitting on the couch, watching her movements with a slight smile.
"Your tattoos. You never explained to me what they mean."
Rafael raised an eyebrow, surprised that she had never asked him directly. He looked at his arm where the "knife in the skull" tattoo was hidden under the short sleeve of his shirt.
"Do you really want to know?" he asked, his tone light, but with a sparkle in his eyes that Gigi didn't miss.
"I do. You always seemed to carry so much meaning in those marks. And the one of Archangel Michael… It intrigues me." — Gigi replied, walking over to him with the two cups of tea.
She handed one to Rafael and sat down next to him on the couch, crossing her legs in a relaxed manner.
"Okay, where do I start?" Rafael asked, leaning forward and placing the cup on the coffee table. He turned to Gigi, resting one arm on the back of the couch so that she could clearly see his tattoo on his bicep.
"Let's start with this one." Gigi lightly touched his arm, pointing to the "knife in the skull" tattoo.
Rafael took a deep breath, as if reliving an old moment in his mind.
"This one is a very special symbol to me. It's the emblem of BOPE, the Special Police Operations Battalion of Rio de Janeiro." — He began. — When you go through training and are accepted into the unit, it's tradition to get this tattoo.
"Knife in the skull…" Gigi repeated, looking at the drawing carefully.
"Yes. It represents the victory over death." — He explained, with a serious tone. — In BOPE, we face situations of extreme risk every day. Being there is not only about being brave, but about accepting that death is a constant possibility.
Gigi was silent for a few seconds, absorbing what he said.
— That sounds so... intense. — She commented.
— It was. — Rafael admitted. — But it was also one of the experiences that changed me the most. When I finished training, getting this tattoo was like a rite of passage. It was proof that I had surpassed my physical, mental and emotional limits.
— And you never regretted it? — Gigi asked, her voice soft.
— Never. — He answered firmly. — It was one of the most challenging and rewarding moments of my life.
She ran her fingers lightly over the tattoo, as if wanting to better understand what it represented.
— And the other one? — Gigi asked, referring to the Archangel Michael tattoo on her back.
Rafael smiled, as if that question took him even deeper into his memories.
"The Archangel Michael. He is the protector of soldiers and the armed forces," Rafael began, turning slightly to show the tattoo on his back.
Gigi leaned in to get a better look. The tattoo was impressive, detailed, with the archangel holding a sword in a protective stance.
"I got this when I was still in the DCT, the Brazilian Army's Counter-Terrorism Detachment," he explained. "For many soldiers, Michael is a symbol of protection and strength. He reminds us that, even in the most dangerous missions, there is something greater guiding us."
"It's beautiful," Gigi commented, her tone reverent. "It must have been important to you at the time."
"It was. The DCT is a special operations unit that deals with extreme situations. The pressure, the risk, the responsibility… It's hard to describe." Getting this tattoo was my way of connecting with something bigger, of remembering that I wasn't alone, even in the hardest moments.
"And do you still feel that? That connection?" She asked, with genuine curiosity.
"Always." Rafael answered, looking at her sincerely. "These tattoos are more than marks on my skin. They are parts of my story, reminders of the choices I made and the path I took to get here." Gigi smiled, touched by the depth of what he said.
"I think it's incredible how you carry these stories with you. They make you who you are today." Rafael leaned closer to her, his gaze serious.
"What about you, Gigi? Do you have any tattoos with a special meaning?" Gigi laughed, shaking her head.
"Nothing that even comes close to what yours represent. My tattoos are more... artistic." Rafael smiled, leaning back on the couch again.
"Well, each mark has its own meaning, be it deep or simple." What matters is what they mean to you.
They were silent for a few seconds, letting the words sink in. Outside, the sun was beginning to set, filling the room with a golden light.
"Have you ever thought about getting another tattoo?" Gigi asked, breaking the silence.
Rafael looked at her, as if considering the question for the first time.
"Maybe. But it would have to be something that really means something new in my life."
"Like us?" Gigi teased, smiling.
Rafael laughed, the deep sound filling the room.
"Maybe." He answered, his tone light, but with a sparkle in his eyes that made Gigi's heart race.
In that moment, she realized that Rafael's stories, branded on her skin, were not just memories of a distant past, but parts of who he was now, of the man she was increasingly in love with.
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