Chapter 28: Escape Plan
The sun pierced through the misty horizon, casting a golden glow over the ocean's endless expanse. But inside Kane's floating war room, the world was preparing for something far darker.
A holographic projection of the world map flickered across the steel conference table with red markers pulsing over key intelligence locations.
Silas Kane stood at the center of the chaos, his gold-plated pistol resting beside a glass of whiskey. Across from him, Nikolai Volkov leaned forward with his piercing blue eyes gleaming under the dim lights.
Jonas Wren exhaled, arms crossed. "So let me get this straight. We're not just fighting the CIA anymore. We're going after a hidden government that controls the global underworld?" Volkov smirked, rolling his cigar between his fingers. "Yes. And if we don't strike first, they'll crush us before we ever see them coming."
Kane took a slow sip of his drink, his mind already calculating. "Then we hit them before they consolidate power."
Volkov tapped the holographic map, zooming in on a secure data facility in Zurich, Switzerland. "This is where we start." Jonas raised an eyebrow. "Zurich? Why?" Bishop, Kane's top cyber-strategist, swiped through a series of encrypted files. "Because that's where Project Dominion keeps their central intelligence network. Every major operation, every financial transaction and every black-budget account they've set up, it's all funneled through this server farm."
Volkov leaned back, exhaling smoke. "If we take this out, we cripple them before they ever go operational." Kane smirked. "Then let's burn it to the ground."
The Swiss Alps loomed in the distance, casting shadows over the ultra-modern facility nestled deep within the valley. Project Dominion's main intelligence hub wasn't just a server farm but it was a fortress. Armed guards patrolled the perimeter. Automated turrets lined the walls. Military drones hovered above, scanning for threats.
Jonas adjusted his tactical vest, watching the security feeds from inside their disguised transport truck. "Jesus. This is tighter than Fort Knox." Volkov chuckled, checking his rifle's magazine. "Good. Makes it more interesting."
Kane smirked. "Let's remind them why walls don't stop ghosts." He turned to his assembled strike team, a mix of his elite mercenaries and Volkov's former Spetsnaz operatives. "You all know the plan. We breach, extract the data and erase this place from existence. No survivors. No traces."
A murmur of agreement filled the truck. Then Bishop's voice came through the comms. "Security is rotating. You've got a five-minute window. Move now." Kane pulled down his black mask, his eyes cold. "Let's go."
The first explosion rocked the southern perimeter, sending debris raining down as smoke billowed into the sky. Before the guards could react, Jonas and Volkov's team moved in, silencing weapons and taking down targets before alarms could even sound.
Kane led the second wave, his pistol spitting death in perfect and controlled shots. One guard turned the corner and Kane shot him twice, one in the leg and one in the head. No wasted bullets. No wasted movements. Jonas fired a suppressed burst into a security tower, dropping two snipers before they could react. "Turrets are still online!"
Bishop's voice came through the comms. "Working on it! Keep moving!" Kane motioned to Volkov. "Upstairs. We take the control room first." Volkov nodded, moving like a phantom through the smoke with his blade flashing as he silently dispatched two more guards.
They reached the reinforced steel doors leading to the main servers. Kane planted a breaching charge, taking a step back. "Blowing in three… two…" BOOM! The doors exploded inward and Kane's team rushed inside.
The moment they entered, a second blast erupted but this one wasn't theirs. The walls of the server room exploded outward, revealing a hidden strike team waiting in ambush. Project Dominion had been expecting them. "DOWN!" Jonas shouted, diving behind a server rack as gunfire ripped through the air.
Kane moved fast, rolling into cover, taking in the number of hostiles. Fifteen men. Military precision. No hesitation. Volkov cursed, pressing against a crate. "They set us up."
Kane exhaled, adjusting his grip on his pistol. "Doesn't matter. We finish this." Jonas fired first, dropping a guard with a headshot. "We're pinned!" Bishop's voice crackled in their earpieces. "Working on shutting down their cameras. Hold tight!" Kane grabbed a flashbang, tossing it over the server racks. "Cover your eyes." BOOM!
The room erupted in white light and Kane moved like a phantom, shooting three men before they could recover. Volkov rushed forward, his knife flashing as he slit a throat and disarmed another.
Jonas took out the last two guards, panting. "We need to get that data now!" Bishop's voice came through. "I'm in. Plug the drive into the main terminal!" Kane rushed to the primary server, pulling out a custom data siphon. "Copying the entire system." A loading bar filled the screen. 65%… 80%… 95%…100%. "We got it."
Kane ripped the drive free. Then the alarms blared. Jonas checked the hallway cameras. "They're sending reinforcements, twenty hostiles inbound!" Kane reloaded, his eyes sharp. "Then we fight our way out." Volkov smirked. "I was hoping you'd say that."
The moment the first wave entered, Kane and Volkov opened fire, dropping them before they could take cover. Jonas fired a grenade launcher, blowing a hole through the eastern corridor. "Exit's open! Move!" The team rushed through the smoke, cutting through the remaining guards as they fought their way to the extraction point.
Outside, the armored transport truck waited, engines running. Kane shoved the encrypted drive into his pocket, turning to Volkov. "Get in. We're done here." Volkov smirked. "Not yet." He pulled out a detonator. Jonas blinked. "Wait…." Volkov pressed the button. BOOM!
The entire facility exploded, sending a fireball into the sky. Kane chuckled, watching the destruction. "Damn. You don't hold back, do you?" Volkov grinned. "Neither do you."
Inside a secured penthouse overlooking Lake Geneva, Kane plugged the encrypted drive into a laptop, letting Bishop decrypt the files. Jonas poured himself a drink. "We just pissed off an entire shadow government. What did we get?" Bishop's eyes widened as he read the data. "Holy shit."
Kane leaned forward. "Talk to me." Bishop exhaled. "Project Dominion isn't just controlling the underworld." He turned to Kane. "They're planning a global coup." Silence. Then Kane smirked. "Well then." He picked up his whiskey. "Looks like we just became the only thing standing in their way."