The Dragon of Dreams

Chapter 423: Understanding of Reality

Chapter 423: Understanding of Reality

Late Evening - Mid Winter : Eikasía | Eastern Bahamut


"Hmm..." Leaning forward and inspecting my expression as we walked down the hall to leave the colosseum, Hera gave me an odd look that could only be described as a mix of scrutiny and curiosity.

Being a look that she had been giving me since the moment the fight ended, I knew why she was doing it, but at the same time couldn't help but be discomforted by it. "How long are you just gonna stare like that?" Matching her gaze with mine, her pupils were quick to relax and widen.

"As long as it takes for me to get a read on you."

Tilting my head, a somewhat playful smile came to my face. "I'm not sure there is much to read, Krystallo did well."

Pulling her head back, she raised it with some scrutiny. "Well enough for you to scar her with knowledge?"

-Well...- Almost instantly my expression settled. "It won't be that bad. I don't plan on revealing that much just yet."

"Right.. just a peek, you said?" Not believing me, she was quick to probe. "So, what would you consider 'just a peek' that wouldn't scar her, or make her thirst to know more?"

Looking ahead of us as we walked out under the starry, dragon-filled sky, I spoke freely. "I'll tell her the truth about Bahamut, that he was really a human who tricked and manipulated the draconic race into weakening themselves till they were one step from extinction."

"You don't think that's too much to dive into head-first?"

Shaking my head, I took a moment to find a spot to wait in the merchant plaza just outside the colosseum before continuing. "The truth will eventually reach the public, and since she will likely be working closely with us and the cabinet whether she follows my path or my mother's, it might help her understand the reasons for our 'reforms'."

"Hm..." Idly following me, Hera immediately sank into thought with a bit of worry.

"Even if she decides to not follow the path I show her, which I doubt, but would prefer, seeing the truth through Bahamut's manipulation will help her in the future."

Hera was quick to nod in agreement. "You aren't wrong, but you do need to be careful. Just as it can help her, that kind of knowledge can also be a curse. You should be careful with what you choose to reveal about that."

"Yeah, I know." Although I also wanted to take her to Bahamut's nest in the Library of Eternity and show her everything, since to me, that was still just a peek, I knew it would be too much for her to jump right into.

For now, all I had to do was crack the door to let a little light through. -I just hope she doesnt blind herself with curiosity...- I wanted her to make the decision for herself, using reason rather than impulse to decide what path to take.

But whether she would do that or not.. I couldn't be certain.

Eventually finding a place to sit in the plaza, near some merchant stalls, Hera and I briefly discussed what exactly we each wanted to reveal to the public in regards to the draconic races origin and history before Krystallo finally started coming out and we set the conversation aside.

But surprisingly, as we got up, ready to greet her and leave for dinner, we found that she wasn't alone.

She was talking to the young Epómeno, looking somewhat discomforted, before the young girl set her eyes on me and froze. -Hm?-

Watching a bright gleam slowly grow in the girl's eyes as her gaze drifted around Hera and me, it didn't take long to realize why her gaze glowed with fascination and awe. -She must have sensitive eyes...-

She was looking at our auras, watching as the space between Hera and I seemed to almost morph and bend as our auras clashed and blended with one another.

But while the sight froze her for a moment, it didn't take her long to turn to Krystallo in a hurry. "Stay here for a second, this couple was in the stands to watch a bunch of fights, and they both have auras larger, thicker, and more controlled than anything I've ever seen. I need to at least introduce myself."

Krystallo immediately turned perturbed. "Ah- Uh, w-wait, they-"

But the girl didn't listen at all, quickly crossing the merchants' plaza before coming up to us somewhat anxiously. "S-Sir! M-Miss!" The closer she got to us, the more flustered she became, before she finally threw herself into a bow, unable to keep her eyes on us. "M-My name is Alyssa Epómeno, I saw you both watching from the stands during a number of fights and couldn't help but admire the beautiful displays you provided those who had the eyes to see it."

A case of literary theft: this tale is not rightfully on Amazon; if you see it, report the violation.

Hera was quick to smile somewhat warmly. "Hoho~, we didn't do it on purpose, but I appreciate the flattery. If I may ask though, what is the display you saw?"

Knowing she was testing her eyes, the girl almost immediately looked up and went wide-eyed, trying to take it in all at once even though it seemed to be uncomfortable for her. "I-I... I see the space where the sky meets the stars."

Hera and I both instantly took on looks of shock. -What the...- It was a response that was far more profound than perhaps even she realized.

It even caught Hera's interest. "Little miss, what exactly do you mean like that?"

For a girl that had no understanding of outer space, she quickly tilted her head to try and find the words. "Like.. the transition from day to night.. that time where the sky darkens and the night sky shows itself. It looks as if the space between you is.. the embodiment of that transition."

-Wow...- I was honestly at a loss for words. "You went to the Academy before it was destroyed, right?"

She instantly nodded with pride.

"What was the favorite thing you studied there?"

"Theoretical magic! Or world theory."

-World theory?- It was a subject I hadn't actually heard of. "If you could remind me what world theory studies exactly? It's been quite some time since I was in school."

Her eyes immediately started glowing with excitement. "I-It's the study of how the world works! For the most part, it was all theoretical and was an optional class, but it went over concepts of how the world could work that really racked my brain. Most of class time was spent trying to disprove theories proposed by other students and professors."

-Huh... That sounds fun...- But also sounded a lot like a theoretical 'natural science' class. "Did you take that class as well, Krystallo?"

Alyssa immediately tensed before looking back at Krystallo nonchalantly walking up to us.

"No, the year I finally qualified to take the class, the academy got eviscerated by a certain someone."

But while she spoke casually, it made Alyssa look horrified. "Krystallo.. do you know these two?"

Krystallo was quick to nod with a sigh of both annoyance and relief. "That is my brother, the one you mentioned you wanted to-" *Pompf* Before she could finish talking, Alyssa's wing snapped out and shut her mouth.

Using magic, she was quick to speak just to Krystallo, not realizing Hera and I could hear it clear as day. "What we discussed earlier, please act like I never said anything..." Giving Hera a glance, she rather quickly broke into a cold sweat.

But it just made her burst out laughing. "Pft-Hahaha, it's okay, sweetie. Misunderstandings are bound to happen."

Feeling the awkwardness in the air, I was quick to interject. "In any case, I wasn't aware that you and Krystallo were friends, did you happen to meet at the Academy, or perhaps in the cabinet?"

Alyssa was quick to shake her head. "I just took a guess that she was Krystallo in disguise based of how my mother described her, and more specifically, her magic. I-I was just hoping to come out and meet you in hopes that I could form more connections with the next generation of Ragnaroks." Bowing her head, she let out several controlled breaths, likely in hopes of easing her nerves.

"Well then, it was a pleasure to meet you, Alyssa. If you decide you'd like to continue your studies in 'world theory', do let me know. Siratha is going to be studying a much more.. physically grounded version of 'world theory', if that's something you wish to explore."

"S-Siratha?!" She immediately exploded with excitement. "I-Is there any way I could give it a try without really committing to anything? My mother recommended that I spend a few dozen years outside of the nest exploring the world before I commit to anything, but..."

Nodding, I found her concerns almost funny. "Just tell your parents to reach out to Hera when you want to do it and we can set it up, alright?"

Hera was quick to nod as well. "You can also just drop by my office. I'm not always there, but if you leave one of the maids a letter, they can relay it to me."

Finally recognizing who Hera was, she once again tensed with a mix of embarrassment and panic, before desperately trying to hide it. "I-In that case, I will do just that. I apologize if I happened to intrude on your night out, but I will do my best to get in contact soon."

"I'll look forward to it." Smiling somewhat warmly, Hera was quick to send her off before continuing some idle chatter with Krystallo and taking to the air.

After a string of long days of stress and training, Krystallo was starving, and honestly, I could use some good food too, so rather than simply going to some place nearby, we took to the skies and flew out toward the coast where a small restaurant Hera had recently frequented was. According to her, they had some incredible food, it was secluded, and it had a great view.

In other words, it would be the perfect spot to have 'that' discussion with Krystallo.

But what we didn't expect was for her to be so tired. As soon as we finished dinner at the small place on the water, she fell asleep with the sound of crashing waves reminding her of home.

Perhaps that was for the better though. When she did eventually wake up, she was far less tense than she was prior to her nap, so it made things go a little easier–keeping her level-headed and rational.

Even if, regardless of having a more rational state mind, it was a bit of a.. rude awakening for her...

*Crash* *Splash* Sitting on the sandy beach as the waves crashed before her, sending up a mist that glistened in the light of the morning sun, she stared at the sunrise with a dark expression and motionless tail. "So.. you mean to tell me that Bahamut.. the god every dragon hails.. wasn't even a dragon..?"


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On RR and SH

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