The Divine and the Damned

Chapter 46: The Alesul's Agony




Rose was missing.

Dragos had returned from overseeing the family's wine trade in Constantinople, only to discover his future bride was nowhere in sight, and no one in the household had seen her leave the mansion.

He was greatly troubled, and scoured every inch of the villa, even extending his search to the neighboring areas but there was still no sign of Rose.

Three agonizing days passed with still with no word of her and Dragos was on the brink of insanity. Consumed by frustration, woe, and fear, he unleashed his fury on everything in his path.

However, on the fourth day, Darcia heard word of a body discovered on the shores of the Nišava River, its description matching Rose. Without her son's knowledge, she went to identify the body, confirming the heartbreaking truth that it was indeed Rose.

With a heavy heart, she arranged the transportation of the lady's lifeless body back to the mansion, then secretly paid off the fishermen as well as others who had stumbled upon the tragic discovery, to keep their silence.

After arriving at the mansion, Darcia headed straight to Dragos' room, thinking of how to break the terrible news to him.

He was gazing out of the window listlessly, but on hearing his door creak open, whirled around sharply to face her.

The hopeful gleam in his eyes died out on realizing it was his mother at the door, but still, they asked questions his lips couldn't utter.

"Dragos" Darcia started to say, shaking her head sadly "Dragos, I..."

"Stop" he cut in.

Darcia inhaled deeply and tried to pull herself together "I'm so sorry"

"I don't wish to hear it, mother. Stop" he repeated, his voice hinting at his fear... his pain... his denial of what had happened.

Darcia continued regardless. He needed to hear it.

"They found her on the shore this morning. I wanted you to see her before making the necessary..." Her voice lowered in sorrow "... funeral arrangements. She lays in the chamber downstairs"

The next minute, he was barging out of the room, hurrying downstairs like a rabid dog. When he entered the chamber her body was kept in, his pace slowed down as he neared her. With shaky fingers, he pulled back the cloth that covered her face and stiffened.

She was drenched and frozen, her eyes, wide open. The beautiful blue eyes that had once gazed at him so adoringly, were now soulless and bloodshot like she had been poisoned. Her once flawless skin was blistered and puffy, covered in unusual red lines.

Dragos crashed to his knees, bringing the body down with him. As he clutched the icy cold, lifeless form to his chest, he let out a loud, painful groan, while his cheeks strewed with tears of blood.

"I have failed you, Rose" he cried out with a heavy heart.

Darcia stood by the door, weeping silently for her son and for the young vampire whose life had come to a tragic end.

"I'm so sorry, I- I never should've agreed to turn you, I..." His words were heavy with grief. "I...never should've left you"

He rocked back and forth on his haunches, cradling the body.

Rose's body exuded a very distinct smell. The smell of Stalic. A poison known to kill vampires.

She reeked of it.

Drowning wasn't enough to kill a vampire, so whoever murdered her, had poisoned her first.

"Her body has been found" Azrael's voice cut through his thoughts.

"I would've expressed my condolences but this is a blessing indeed. It is a cause for joy"

He had been absent from the house until that very moment.

Dragos' entire body grew stiff. Carefully, he set down the corpse of his lover and covered her with the cloth, before turning to face his older brother.

He'd had his suspicions on Azrael before but now he was certain that he was responsible.

"It was you, wasn't it?" Dragos asked in a dangerously calm voice "You waited nine months, till I was no longer on guard, thinking you've left me be. You waited nine months and you plotted"

Azrael was quiet for a brief moment before responding, "You speak the truth. Indeed, it was I"

"You... ANIMAL!!!!" Dragos lost it. He rushed towards Azrael, lunging for him. "How dare you?!!"

Rafael, whom Darcia had called earlier to inform him of the tragic news, had arrived not long ago and moved quickly to subdue him. Darcia joined in, but it took great effort to hold someone as strong as Dragos.

Gradually, they could feel their holds slipping.

"Why do you restrain me??? Why do you... release me!!!" He shot his mother a dangerous glare "Mother?!!"

"Please, Dragos. You're not thinking"

He wrenched his right arm free of her hold, then turned to Rafael who held onto his other arm. "Let go of me," he said through his teeth.

"No, you're not ..."

Dragos' head snapped to look at Azrael who hadn't moved from where he stood.

"You will DIE!" He snarled, fuming with rage and overcome with grief, his voice reflecting his anguish, his urgency to seek vengeance "You will DIE in utter anguish!!!"

"Dragos!" Darcia yelled again "Dragos, please. You're not thinking. Don't do anything rash"

"Rash?!" He chuckled dangerously, wrenching his arm free from Rafael's grip. His eyes were wild as if he stood on the precipice of a great madness.

Dragos' gaze landed on an iron rod used as a decorative element, hidden behind a wall.

"Rash?!!" He asked in repeat "He killed Rose!"

"Darling, I know, and I..."

"Move out of my way." He said through his teeth.

"Leave him, Mother, let him fight out his grief. He'll feel better afterward. This is exactly what he needs" Azrael interjected, a crazed smile on his face.

"How could you, Azrael?" Darcia scolded furiously "How could you do this evil to your brother?!"

"How could you attempt such a thing?" Rafael questioned."Rose was good. She didn't deserve any of this. What have you done? Dragos is going to kill you"

"Then let him. At least I'd die with a smile on my face"

Darcia let out a sound of frustration and disappointment as she looked away from him, her arms wrapped around her.

Suddenly, Dragos moved and grabbed Azrael by the jaw, squeezing till he could feel the bones crush and give way. Still, he continued to crush relentlessly. Flesh tore, and blood spilled.

"Why?" He asked through his teeth "Why did you do it?"

Azrael hit away Dragos' hold on his chin, and moved a reasonable distance back, exercising his crushed jaw. Already, he could feel the flesh healing and bones setting back.

Descending from the bloodline of Dragavei not only awarded them the ability to walk in the sun—though it had its limits, it awarded them extra speed, strength, and every other vampiric feat over others.

He spat out blood from his mouth and responded, "Because you chose her over us! You are the Alesul, your duty is to your people! Your kind, not some girl..."

"That line... Why do you keep reciting that line like it's been burned into your memory?!" Dragos demanded, wrenching the iron pole from its position "And who are you to make decisions for me? Who are you to dictate my fate, my loyalties, and my heart??!"

Following that statement, he threw the iron pole. It landed deep in Azrael's chest and he grunted in pain, blood spilling from his mouth.

"Who are you to take from me the one person that made my existence bearable?!" His eyes blazed with fury. "You overestimate your presence in my life, Azrael!"

With difficulty, Azrael pulled out the rod, grunting in pain as he threw it to the floor before escaping outside. Dragos picked it up and gave chase.

Darcia and Rafael followed suit.

As Azrael recovered from his wounds in the woods, Dragos found him.

"All you ever speak of, all you've ever spoken of is duty, loyalty, my responsibilities as Alesul, but what about more, Azrael? What about me? I am more than just the Alesul, I am Dragos!" His voice cracked, as he jabbed at his chest. "I am your brother! Your flesh and blood. But to you, that means nothing, doesn't it?"

His grip around the iron rod tightened. "You've always put duty above family, above love. You've sacrificed everything, Azrael, EVERYTHING. The bond we once had, our brotherhood... EVERYTHING! on the altar of responsibility. And now, you've taken from me the one person who actually saw beyond the duty and loved me for ME!"

Tears of blood freely streamed down his face. "Who made me feel more than just the Chosen One. She was my light and you killed her. You killed her, Azrael!" His voice betrayed his sorrow. "Brother... how could you?"

Azrael's face remained stoic. He chose not to show the barrel of emotions his brother's words had stirred within him. Instead, he kept them locked away, just like he always did.

"You are the Alesul" he responded, his voice clipped. "A mere maiden should not be the source of your happiness"

Dragos was gripping the pole so tight, his knuckles had whitened.

"You don't know what it's like!" He yelled, nearing him "You don't know what it's like to love!"

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