Chapter 33: Chapter 33
Few hours passed and the moon cast its silvery glow over the newly repaired farm field, illuminating the faces of the weary teenagers as they rested on the cool, damp earth. The cracked ground, once a testament to the land's wear and tear, was now smoothed over, a testament to the perpetrators hard work and dedication to fixing their messes.
As they sat or lay on the ground, their bodies relaxed, their eyes gazed upward. The air was filled with the sweet scent of freshly turned soil and the distant chirping of crickets, providing a soothing background melody.
The moon, now a silver crescent in the dark sky, cast long shadows across the field, making the teenagers' faces seem almost ethereal. Their laughter and conversation, though hushed, carried on the night air, mingling with the sounds of nature.
To one side, not too far from where they worked on, a rusty old tractor stood sentinel, its metal body glinting in the moonlight. Nearby, a wooden fence, weathered to a soft gray, stretched across the field, its posts casting long, ominous shadows.
Sounds of chattering from different sides could be heard as many residents were having a blast with their family after a long day of work.
To one end one could hear the sound of men cheering at a sport of unknown type , to the other sound of children singing in appreciation of the moonlight when to the other ends the sound of the chickens crowing.
" This sure is a country side. The sound of the animals, the chattering from many country men. How peaceful and soothing " Holly in tiredness expressed.
" It's nostalgic, I wonder what that old man name was. He seem pretty much more of a local than an Agent of ours" she added.
"I won't be surprised if he's called Jerry, people with names like that are always grumpy" Ryan scoffed.
"Smack" Claire hit Ryan by the arm seemingly fed up of his complaining and grumbling like that of a little kid.
"Can't you do without being a total jerk for a while" she scolded.
"His name is Julius kind of a mercenary. It's said that he's only working with our company since we kind of have the same goal. I remember being warned not to piss off the old man" yunlin who had not spoken since a while said.
"Finally you talking I was beginning to think you had gone into silence mood" Holly joked as she extended her hands towards the sky playfully.
"Well what did you expect, still feeling nauseous from the flight" Sonia sighed, her eyes grew dizzy and her body was visibly trembling.
Rein, Oscar and skara stood still staring at the fixed ground. Rein marveled at the sight of their hardwork, Oscar just stared there trying to notice anything odd while skara was just standing lost in thought.
Vincent on the other hand was assembling the tools together in one spot with no form of tiredness noticed from him. His breathing was regularly and one could see his muscles flexing as he worked his hands around the tools.
"Vroom, vroom"
The sound of a tractor engine reeving resounded even admits the chattering going on. The head lamb of the tractor flashed towards the group of nine whom had now completed their respective duties in fixing the cracked ground.
The tractor began moving towards them slow and steady with a little smoke noticably being released from the exhaust pipe above the tractor.
" I knew it that's an old modeled tractor from the 90s been thinking I had seen this before somewhere" suddenly Sonia jacked up.
Everyone though surprised at her exited attitude, they all were to tired to react , well except from Ryan of course, who else would have a lot of energy to spare if not him.
"Damn that's Gold. I wonder if we all would fit in ...yup it looks large enough " he commented.
Unlike the usual scolding and laughter everyone just shook their heads and before they knew it the far off tractor was already before them dirty but not dirty, old but still new.
Julius stepped out of the tractor and his silver eyes which wouldn't have been noticed in the day was certainly and visibly noticed by all who were present unconsciously. His radiat demeanor and charisma was even more undeniable than it was in the day.
He looked just exactly like a high ranking soldier coupled with his well developed and bulky body shape.
" Hmm, you all did great I must admit. But anything less would have made me just feel you all were useless. Well that's that let's head to your dorms" he generously made a comment which made everyone sigh im relife.
Julius looking at his tractor and then at the teenagers before him nodded as if agreeing to something.
" The tractor can take in only five with me six persons, it's left to you all to decide which five would be on board and which four would be running behind the tractor " he added.
"Well that's not going to be me" Ryan said trying to make his way to the tractor only to be pulled back by Vincent.
Vincent looked around and said " the tools need to be packed and the females present did most of the job while we the opposite only dig and measured. It's only fair that we go on foot to the dorm"
" Hey come on I handled the mallet for almost four hours in total,I am an exception...I mean I am the exception to this" Ryan in his own element was being him but Vincent ignored him and signalled to Oscar .
"I not done..."
All of a sudden his voice became in audible and this was as a result of Oscar whose ability was to isolate sound