The crows:Death falls on all eventually

Chapter 23: Chapter 23

Detroit Underground prison facility

Klaus lay tied town to an iron table bed with different syringe tubes inserted into his body and a larger circuit connected directly behind the iron bed. His eyes bleed continuously front the impact of the continuous supply of heavy electrical current being supplied through the attached circuit. Although on the surface it looked like a normal heavy electrical current, it was more like a heavy storm being conjured into a circuit form being sent into his body.

"Day 16, experiment 8. The subject has proved to be more resilient and more so has exhibited an exceptional form or self healing. No sign of regenerative aspect on the torn skins. Also this concludes the whole experimental phase on the cell and organ aspect". Reported Mr. Benedict whole read out the report in his hand with a raspy voice.

Dr. Maru although knew of the report but still felt surprised about the results of many experiments on Klaus. The experimental subjects they had in the past could not make it past 5 experiments before their immune system begin shut down. The most intriguing aspect of the experiment could not be determined since all experiments would produce different unexpected likeable results.

Dr. Maru with an ecstatic smile begin recounting the previous results of each experiment.

Day 1 experiment 1 dealt with a very minimal infliction of injury on the subject with included small cuts deep cuts and bruises to determine if he was a self healing or regenerative aspect super human. The results showed that his small cuts healed in a mater of 4 minutes while the deep cuts took double the time. Bruises took seconds to heal which proved to them that he could be a self healing type super human.

The second part of the first experiment then commenced the following day at mid night just few hours after the first experiment. Hot iron was placed on Klaus arms whilst he was awake and tired to the experiment table. Following the placement of the hot iron on Klaus arms at the same time his whole body went into a stat of shock, his temperature skyrocket for a moment before returning back to it's optimal state without any medical serum injected to him. An incredible feat yet again in just few hours , his burn wound began churning but unlike the cut aspect it took nearly a whole day for it to heal to an extent. This further proves that he's just self healing based and not regenerative.

Day 3 experiment 2 involved breaking of certain bones in his hand but this yielded no result lead to medical treatment to be given to the subject. Day 4 dealt with breaking of the bones in his arms with a full day treatment conducted on the fifth day, while day 6 breaking of the bones in his leg. This six days experiment proved a key aspect of the subject being able to endure pain even though it's a small amount of anesthesia that was given, his level of endurance also shows his body ability to amplify medical properties being injected to it to a certain extent.

Day 7 a new aspect was being examined. Unlike the other days experiment when the subject was give anesthesia but still awake, no anesthesia was given and the application of the anti ability technology was applied to the experimental table. A large amount of electric current enough to power a simple room was sent into the subject's body. The subject did feel extreme pain which is a new discovery since the start of the experiment. A total of 100 volts electricity way further supplied through the circuit into his body which in turn cause some severe burn and the test subject lost consciousness.

The subject went into a state of recovery of four days. Seems the test subject is already reaching it's limits. The results of the subject's blood sample from the day just came and it was said to have some unusual things about it. His DNA isn't in sync with the RNA in his body which something very unheard of so we taking a step further of injecting his blood into another super human.

Day 12 four tubes of the subject's blood was taken and was was each injected into other test subject and one of our super humans.

Day 13 incredible it is, the blood even though low was enough to cause a miracle, the super human who had the blood injected into him seems to have had a step further in his evolution. One of other test subject who had the blood also injected into him ended up dead and began rapid decomposition which lead to it being disposed of. The other two had their body which was at its limits recoverable to some extent.

Day 14 one of the successful test subjects of the previous results of taking in the blood also ended up dead noon after performing two more tests on him. Seems only two out of the four made improvements with no side effects.

Day 15 the test subject regained consciousness but after conducting several tests the results were the same as the previous and so this test subject has been labelled T-KL

to which we would be moving him to a Sanatorium of prison.

Day 16 the conclusion of the tests were all documented with more blood samples a total of fifteen were draw from Klaus the now labelled T-KL before transferring him to the Sanatorium.

All the scientists and doctors present celebrated their new discovery and finally decided to take a long rest with only the attendants of the lab carrying on with their duties.

[Klaus pov]

"This is mad, very sickening, I've been made into a lab rat. Who could have thought the government in whom many think are humane could be very much of a cruel breed of evil than one could ever imagine. Would I be able to survive or even see the sun once again. Ahhh how long has it been since the test had been going on . Two week or three weeks I think, I'm on the verge of losing my sanity, what can I do.

It was a good thing I was able to control my ability from the start, but even so it seems I was still unable to escape being monitored and fed like a sheep for slaughter".

He glanced around with great difficulty to see where he was being taken to but no matter what he did everything just seemed so blur

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