The crows:Death falls on all eventually

Chapter 15: chapter 15

Upon the closing of the door , Vincent and skara arrived at a market square while being welcome with states from the surroundings. Their sudden appearance from no where lefty quite the audience stunned.

"Thank you everyone, it's just a performance" Vincent swiftly said grabbing a hat from the nearby counter display. He in return received a round of applause from the surrounding people which made skara wonder if the people were not aware of what had happened to be unnatural or if it was just that they didn't mind. "Don't think too much about it, this has happened many time " Vincent voice rang from the side after he had noticed the loss in skara's face.

"What do you mean it's not the first time?" he said snapping out of his thoughts.

" Let get moving if you aren't taking anything" he replied pointing at the counter he had just picked up a hat and a scarf.

" You still haven't answered me" he grunted picking up a brown hat along with a old woolen jacket as he ran after Vincent who happened to have moved few steps ahead of him.

"Mami Mia put the things on my tab" still not answering skara Vincent shouted stopping in his steps while looking towards the lady who had been at the counter the whole time while being almost unnoticeable by the people around.

"Hey you ..."

"Let's get moving I'll tell you the details later"

They began moving through the crowd down the streets to an old neighborhood block with the 90s morden building structure which was popular all around the area. The area was filled with trees which acted as a shade on the parkways and also added a little bit of charm to the environment.

"We are here" Vincent said as he knocked on one the doors of the apartments.

"What took you so long" an old lady's voice came from behind the door. The voice seems excited but it was more of a frustrated excitement.


The door unlock and with a creeking sound it open. A familiar face appeared before them and this face was the face of the person Vincent had just told to put the bills on his tab at the market square.

"Mami Mia please don't be too annoyed, it's not too good for your health" Vincent with a smile tried to calm her down holding her close by the hand and shoulder as her walked the open area of the room.

"You should stop waiting outside and come in "Mami Mia scolded "also close the doors"she added.

Upon entering into the house, skara glanced around the house looking in excitement and curiosity. The surroundings was well cleaned and arranged with old furniture with a little bit of cam wood smell flowing along with the air. Moving forward behind Vincent and Mami Mia he met with an antique of a grandfather's clock which stood rooted to ye ground at the right side of the passage just few steps away from the entrance to the main room.

To the left opposite of the room was a stairway which led up into another room, but that doesn't seem to be where anyone would have an opportunity to explore without permission from Mami Mia. As he followed into the room with his hands unconsciously brushing through his hair just to look okay in case there was anyone to meet, he met with a big large portrait just a few meters above the fire chimney.

In the portrait was a younger self of Mami Mia at the middle while a man at the right hand side and a young boy at the left while behind here stood two gorgeous young girls.

"Oh! she is the most beautiful creature I ever come across! " He blurted out without restraint only to be met with a sharply gaze staring at him.

"What do you mean?" and turning round, she looked for a moment at the portrait.

"I'm sorry if I have just offended you right now but I was just too amazed by the girl standing behind you by the left in the picture.

She withdrew her gaze and coldly said, "She is elegant that i agree; but do not to be tempted by the beauty in it; and I am in no mood at present to give consequence to young lads who are slighted by the sight of beautiful things. You had better those thoughts to yourself next time and enjoy it, for you are wasting my time."

Skara for the first time in his life felt bashed so badly on the face that he couldn't even utter a word. Judging from the action and mood of Mami Mia it seemed like she had a bad history with the lady in the painting, but even so why still leave it there when it could have just been taken down to avoid being irritated by it.

"Sigh" Vincent came to his side " Don't talk about my sisters in from of Mami Mia unless you really want to be thrown into the desert by me"

"Huh" skara was left totally blank on this. To be exact he felt lost, according to what he knew, Vincent was just an orphan and one of the main foot soldiers if the organization so how come he had sisters.

"Well it none of my business, it's better to not know what's not wanted to be know sometimes, everyone has their own secrets" he thought as he composed himself not to cause any further misunderstanding.

Mami Mia sat on a rocking chair with a long wool ready to start knitting.

"So tell me, what happened this time around" she asked.

"It seems like the call of for the search was not really a call off it's more like another plan to draw out the superhumans around that I'm certain about. But what I still don't get is how they were able to identify and locate the ability users, considering how they caught on to skara while he had just boarded a bus to our location" Vincent paused walking towards the window and opening it for ventilation " I had to change plans of the pick up the moment I saw sight of them near where I was"

"Wait, hold on this isn't right, you mean to say you were able locate me the moment you noticed i wasn't at the meet up"Skara asked.

" A tracked was installed on your phone just in case you end up in a situation and yup you really did"

"It seems like there's a leak from our middle man huh. Then inform forbes to make the needed changes Mami Mia said looking outside the Kindle peacefully.

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