Chapter 12: Chapter 12
[Livonia - Michigan] Detroit
Arriving at Dickson Vermont Estate, a group of van and trucks trooped in driving down to one of the mansions in the estate. In front of the mansions was written Keepers-take with two male guards in army uniform discussing some things with a man in casual clothing. This man was Mr. Bingley, his eyes were sharp with his nose straight and pointed. Upon the arrival of the vehicles, he dismissed the soldier guards.
Stepping out of the truck was scarlet, Lucy and the other female black oops team dragging klaus who was tied to the chair pale and weak .
"May we proceed " asked scarlet emotionlessly. From this it was no secret that scarlet so much disliked Mr. Bingley and had little or no respect for him whatsoever. Mr Benedict on the other hand just smiled and opened the mansion door.
Compared to the outside of the building, the inside looked more like a prison. This was because upon entering into the mansion, it was like an entirely different view of what a normal person would imagine. Iron bars were used to differentiate the sections of the room and moving forward, was a big door so large that a car could pass through it and proceeding forward into the entrance of the door were large rooms with bulletproof glass and force fields as door displays. Inside each room were group of people in ragged shape, some toe up to the flow while the rest bleeding with their lives hanging by a thread with medical personnels attending to them in a malevolent way.
There were a total of seventy eight rooms at each sides , each rooms being able to contain a maximum of twenty people. To the centre of the hall way lay a door on the ground which automatically opened leading to a downward spiral environment. The walls around the space were mostly rocks making it look more like a mine cave than a living space for research. This environment was used in researching of supernaturals by experimenting on their bodies, some dead while some alive. Different government agencies patrolled to and fro the entire space well armed and loaded.
Welcome back, said a woman in her fifties with gray hair and slender stature .
"I hope the mission this time wasn't too, difficult" the woman asked.
"Not really " the whole black ops female team responded. This woman was Maru Amanda the commander and trainer of the whole team which allowed for the respectful answers from the females.
"That's good. Did he say anything" she further asked pointing at the unconscious Klaus.
"Nothing, just wasted our time and energy on him. But it's strange that the chair is making him react this much" answered Lucy who was holding a lollipop in hand.
" Hmm really" exclaimed Maru who walked closer to take a closer look at Klaus condition.
"Wow, this is a first ,wonderful. He is the perfect specimen to research on. Fascinating" thought Maru while circling round Klaus. When Sonia saw the commander in this way, she knew very well that it wasn't in her turn to stay further.
"While Mrs Maru is adjusting her ideas," she continued, "let us return to Mr. Bingley."
The others nodded while orderly leaving the lair.
"I am sick of Mr. Bingley," cried Lucy.
"I am sorry to hear that; but why did not you tell me so before? If I had known as much this morning, I certainly would not have called on him. It is very unlucky; but as I have actually paid informed Mrs Maru to send her most trusted aid to welcome our arrival, we cannot escape the encounter now."
The astonishment of the ladies was just what Lucy hadn't expected; that of scarlet perhaps was a normal reaction.
What an excellent leader you have, girls," said Kristen, popping out if no where when the down door was shut. "I do not know how you will ever make him amends for his disgusting act; or me either, for that matter. At our time of life, it is not so pleasant I can tell you, to be making new enemies every day; but for your sakes, you should do any thing" she paused fir a bit then said " Lucy, my love, though you are the youngest, I dare say Mr. Bingley will want to mess with you, considering that you're Mrs Maru's favourite."
Scarlet just face palmed, since the return from the last operation at where she had first encountered Klaus, Kristen had become more loose with words, well can't blame her since its to comfort of the trauma of almost loosing a teammate in an operation unexpectedly not to mention the person they had almost lost that time was Scarlet herself.
They all left together and headed towards the direction at which Mr. Bingley stood. He hasn't changed his position since the girls left given his authority as the Head guard of the prison, it was sure unexpected.
"Welcome back, how did it go" Mr. Bingley asked leaning his back against the wall of the entrance to haha office. He invited them in to make a report to avoid eavesdropping from other ends of the building.
"Nothing too much to be proud of though Mrs. Maru was very excited and satisfied with what we brought back" answered scarlet in an emotionless voice.
"Alright then. The team leader of the Male black ops would be arriving in four days time along with some branch agent leaders. I would like you all to be if the best attitude in every aspect, no slacking off"
"Yes sir" they chorused with a salute and an attentive stance.
"If there's nothing else, then you may leave"
They all left except for scarlet who remained rooted to the spot she stood.
"What else do you have to say "Mr Bingley who had seemed amicable now seem like a leacher and a ruthless man.
"It's good that you finally decided to drop the whole facade. Nothing has changed about you" scarlet scoffed.
"Watch your manners young lady " he scolded.
"Although not all the whole females on the team knows of your disgusting aspect, Kristen seem to have caught up a something about you" scarlet pause " don't ever try to lay a finger on her unless you want ti receive damage"
"Hold up there, have you forgotten the presence of whom you stand before"
" I know whom I stand before but I don't serve at your feet like a servant. Even though you've molested me during my weakest and vulnerable time while undergoing the test run I've endured and said nothing. Lucy complained of the way you look at her to be creepy while Kristen also did the same. If I were to hear another word of this from them, I would not mind raising my fist"
"Clap, clap, clap"
My bingley clapped his hand while he stood from and without a warning, he grabbed towards Scarlet's neck.