The Corroded Mind of Alexandra [GTA V]

Chapter 9: An Afternoon Spritzed with Crimson

"I'd say I was being punished, but I know the world doesn't punish wicked people. We make our choices and take what comes, and the rest is void." - Daud, Dishonored




"I'm glad I've made sure to care for it all these years. Few less dollars for my well-being in return for guaranteed safety during an emergency is a small price to pay."

Alexandra, reminiscing about time past, runs her hands over the matte black muscle car, armored to the teeth with its engine sticking out, looking as if it came straight from an apocalypse.

"Last gift I got before they bit the dust. Just got my license, and needed something to keep them from worrying... 7 years... It's been a long time."

Alexandra walks beside the vehicle to the muffler, talking out loud to Nicholas, before reaching inside to pull out a key.

This vehicle looks like it's ready for war.

She walks around to the car's trunk, on which says 'Parabellum'.

...That explains it.

She then opens the trunk, and presses a button on the top. Immediately, A pressure is released, and a secret compartment flies open. Inside of it are multiple weapons, attachments and ammo, as well as gunsmithing tools, a generous stockpile she's saved up over the years of looting various bodies and buildings.

Grabbing a suppressor, knife with its hilt, and a holster for her pistol, she then closes the trunk, walking away. Alexandra sits in the back of a destroyed blue van, fastening the knife to her belt and stowing the suppressor in her pocket, next to her holster.

"SilencerCo Osprey 45 suppressor, surprising find given its price. Lightweight, easy to attach, good sound suppression. It'll be useful at mid-range, though anyone closer than 100 meters will most likely hear it. I'd rather not use it on the damned Glock, but I have no better options And a Ka-Bar Half-Serrated Tanto. Good all-around, but hard to conceal. 12 inch blade will do that. Worth it in the end, though."

Standing from her stupor, Alexandra starts to exit from the decrepit shack, before hearing voices approaching, anger evident in their tones. She hides in the empty dumpster at the back, Listening to their conversation.

"Damn, I know she just came in here. Find that bitch. I want my shotgun back."

The men start to spread around the shed. As one was reaching the dumpster where she hid, threading on her silencer, the leader called back out to the men, causing the one near her to turn;

"And see if you can break into that car. It'll make for a nice bonus."

As he finishes speaking, the man turns around, leaving his goons to continue searching. Alexandra takes this time to strike, stabbing the throat of the one closest to her, and shooting two nearby in the head nearby, alerting everyone else.

They all turn and see their coworker's throat pierced, and a woman behind him, aiming at them. Before they could fire, she slithers into the half-destroyed bus behind her. They open fire at it, before stopping, making sure not to use too much ammo.

They then hear the metal beside them rattling, turning to face it, but not before another has a gunshot wound in their skull. The 4 left then run outside to confront her, and 2 get shot in the leg when they round the corner, and they see her jumping back into the shed.

The last 2, with adrenaline still running high, start to run away, before they both get shot, one gets one to the head, and the other 2 shots in the back, Alexandra's head peeking back over. The two on the ground try picking back up their dropped guns, before they both get one last shot to the head.

"The fact that they didn't give up until the very end worries me."

She jumps back out of the shed, then walks up to one of the dead bodies, looking at the logo on his jacket.

"Lost MC. Must've stolen something from them at one point. Apparently a shotgun. I don't even have a shotgun. Oh well, better get the car out of here, lest I get arrested. Before that, though..."

She then puts on the gloves in her left pocket, before searching the bodies, finding $700. She doesn't touch the guns, though, as they were all using pistols.

Alexandra then walks back into the building, before entering the car and driving off, making sure to run over the leader's body.

Was that necessary?

"Seeing as this car can't be traced, I'd say there's every reason to."




Inside the Vanilla Unicorn, Chastity was on the center pole, sensually spinning around and showing off her body. She doesn't fully enjoy her line of work, but the money is good, and as unfortunate as it is, she has no other options. She's good at her job, though, at the end of the day.

Leaning down towards the audience, Chastity looks up, and out of the corner of her eye, she sees someone walk in. Normally she wouldn't pay attention to the people who enter, but this one is different, noticeably the black and red hair familiar to her; it's the girl she met a weeks ago. 

Making sure she isn't completely still, lest people get annoyed, her eyes are mostly glued towards Alexandra, watching as the girl heads to the bar in the back, waiting for a minute, before grabbing a bottle and sitting at a nearby table.

Taking her eyes off of the girl, she continues working until another woman, Juliet, takes stage, and walks into and out of the backstage area. 

Heading towards the table, she sees that, surprisingly, the bottle of scotch is already halfway gone. Chastity sits down next to her.

"Never expected to see you here. What happened for you to be drinking like an alcoholic?"

"I'm an alcoholic. The best way to keep yourself sane when you're homeless."

"Then get a job."

"Can't, for certain reasons I refuse to elaborate on."

Chastity snickers.

"You sure that isn't just an excuse?"


They sit in silence for a while, Alexandra drinking more than she probably should if Chastity has anything to say about it.

"I understand why you work here, as everybody has their reasons for something, but why the name?"

"I refuse to elaborate."

"touché, mon amie."

"Be careful speaking French around here. You might summon Fufu."

"Another stripper?"


"I'll make sure not to be here."

Their silence is drowned out by the numerous things mixing in the viscous air, filled with scents and sounds. Alexandra stands up and goes to order another drink, but the bartender cuts her off, thinking she's already had enough. Sighing, Alexandra sits back down, looking at Chastity, her piercing eyes staring daggers into the woman.

"Last time you saw me, I was a criminal in your bathroom. Why did you come over here, knowing I'm a danger?"

Chastity shifts in her chair nervously.

"I have no idea, to be honest. Curiosity, maybe?"

"Mystery calls to many, but is dangerous enough to be lethal at times."

"You wouldn't have offered me help if you were looking to put me in danger."

"Speaking of, any problems happen recently?"

"No, not that I can think of."


"Boring is better for living."

"A boring lifestyle isn't a life, but a cage."

"Guess I'll stay in my cage, then."

They stare at each other, sardonically smirking at each other, before Alexandra stands.

"Well, I've spent enough time and money here. Time for me to head out."

"Aren't you homeless? How do you have money?"

"Criminal activities. You gonna call the police this time?"

"Don't feel like it. You've made my day marginally better, so we'll call it even."

Alexandra goes up to the bar and slips a 50 to the bartender, then starts to walk out.


She stops her stride.

"Make sure you don't die out there. I enjoyed this conversation, and I'd like to have another."

"I might as well be a roach. I won't die easily."

Alexandra walks into the hallway and outside, walking past a passed-out guard.

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