The man stood in front of the big mirror as he tried out the suit. It was a fit but somehow it definitely was far from being perfect. And here he was, arranging the tie. The colour did seem to appeal to him at this point and he smiled, feeling much better in these clothes than the ones he had come here with.
Who knows, he just might have worn a whole lot of better suits because somehow, he knew that he was already wearing a fake.
As he turned away from the mirror, he stared at the two charred bodies in the room. The man and woman had been making love when he came to knock on their door. Somehow, the man was angry and all was already really pissed that his session had been interrupted and he opened the door wide ajar. Making the man have ample enough time to force his way inside.
The naked woman as soon as she saw that her partner had been grabbed by his neck came to fight him and he grabbed her too by his free hand. This strength and power made him feel invincible. The fact he could work his stuff with both hands was incredible so much that when he let them down, he stared at his hands for some time before exploring the contents of the room.
Eventually, he left and went into his own room and locked the door. The charred body of the woman that had come to bring him food was still on his floor. He knew that it would be really bad if they saw and he bundled her and stuffed in the wardrobe.
"System? Hello? I sent souls." He said as he stared around blankly.
He was already becoming impatient and he needed to get all of this sorted out immediately. He decided to go taste the meal and the moment it crossed his mouth, he nearly threw up. This was tasteless shit and how could anyone eat that, he wondered.
Instead, he drank the water and went to lay on the bed, totally sad as he was beginning to feel purposeless. He had come to earth in a tabular blank form and now, the one thing that could have opened the door for him was gone.
That was when it happened.
[Three power points given for three souls received. Inventory updated. Please tap right to see what items are available]
He did not hesitate as he tapped right and then on his name.
[Request loading in 3...2...1... Congratulations. Your name has been identified as Julio Picasso]
Julio Picasso? Wait a minute, that was beginning to make him think otherwise. He had the name of Pedro Picasso on his mind all this while but right now, he bore the same last name. Julio was beginning to wonder if by any chance, Pedro Picasso was actually his father. If so, why on earth did he hold and harbour so much hate for the person when he mentioned the name?
It was really strange and he wanted to figure things out gradually.
[Hello Julio, welcome to the Villain Awakening Program. I am Demona, your assistant. It seems you have troubles with your memories. Would you like to initiate the memory recovery sequence? Yes/no®]
A memory recovery sequence, that was something that he really wanted.
But then, he saw the little 'r' in a circle and he was really curious as he wanted to know what this was all about. So, he tapped that instead and a little pop up box came on display.
[The memory recovery sequence is an assistant that has all about your life on earth uploaded. It is updated based on power points received. Just know that the more points accumulated the percentage of memories unlocked]
This clearly meant one thing, more souls to be sent. Well, Julio had no problem with that aspect of the assignment. So long as he knew what he had come here for, he was definitely going to bargain the earth itself. So, without thinking further, he tapped on the option.
[Memory recovery sequence initiated successfully. Check the inventory to view memory percentage and tasks]
What were those?
Julio was really becoming juiced up with the blossoming excitement. He wanted to get started instantly. So, he went straight to his inventory.
[Memory recovery sequence]
He had that option selected and then it opened. There was a long line with 0 at the start and 100% at the end. This was definitely how it was going to be weighed but so far, he only had 2%.
Was that supposed to be attributed to his name?
He was beginning to wonder just how many souls he was going to have to send to hell for the line to fill up.
But on the aside, what Julio might never have understood is that it was not necessarily a hundred souls for at some certain points, he would have to slay more for a single point. It was the price he was going to have to keep paying for his deal.
He started to think of how he was going to get started. This motel seemed like a decent enough place but it was also not smart to kill guests here. What he was going to need were randoms mostly. Somehow, he knew where to find his victims. What he was going to think of was his criteria for picking them off.
He then decided to check on the option for tasks.
[Sorry, there are no tasks at the moment. New task coming up in 16 hours. ®]
This was really frustrating. He wanted to get started already and he was being made to understand that he just could not do it at the moment. Julio wanted to understand what the tasks were all about too and he selected the little icon.
[Tasks are to be completed for either an extra point or an inventory item. Note, what is received is totally up to the system at random]
And that was it. He had to get to work as soon as possible.
He had been there for some time when suddenly, there was a knock on his door and he went to answer. He had the key chain still attached though.
"Yes?" He asked as he came face to face with the rude manager from the previous night.
"Did goodness, you're one gorgeous hunk of a man. How come I did not notice this yesterday?" She muttered as her eyes raked him through.
"What do you want?" He demanded.
"Oh, about that. I'm sorry but I wanted to make sure you got your lunch. I sent a girl but I haven't seen her. Damn bitch be playing with me for some reason and it's always up to me to do her duties." She tattled.
"She brought them and left." He responded.
"Okay. Well, aren't you gonna take the key chain off and invite me in so we can chat?" She demanded, as she rolled her tongue suggestively.
Julio did not care for her gimmicks. She was actually making him feel disgusted.
"No." He responded.
"Alright, big boy. I see you're all dressed and ready to go out. You have an interview or something?" She demanded.
"Not your business. Do you mind?" He demanded.
"Alright, alright. I'm leaving but you know where to find me if you ever get cold or want anything. Now, I have to find that dumb bitch." She said as she reluctantly peeled herself away.
Finally, he could now close his door rather firmly as he was wondering if this was how petty she could be. He thought about the body in his wardrobe and somehow knew that he could not leave it there and neither could he take it out in the open.
He would have to figure out a discreet way to dispose of it and now, he was already thinking of going to do some research. He really needed to find this Pedro Picasso but at the moment, he wanted to see what he found about himself.
So, he left, securely locking the door and going to take the truck as he pulled out of the way, totally ignoring the manager who was trying to get his attention.
He drove out to the way and started turning out in the direction from whence he had come before. Shortly after, he came to the intersection as he started driving aimlessly nearly because he was trying to find a place with computers. He had driven for some time when he came through to a game shop. There was the owner there with his headset on which was probably why he freaked out when he turned and saw Julio.
"Who are you?" He demanded
"Can I use your computer?" Julio demanded.
"I asked you a question first. Do you want to buy something? Or do you want to step?" The man demanded.
"I just need to use your computer. I'll pay." Julio said and somehow, this seemed like a language he enjoyed using.
"Amigo, you should have pitched with that." The man said, breaking into a smile.