The Boy That Can Foresee the Future

Chapter 24: Chapter 24 - Haru and Kichi's First Duel

Third person POV

 And so, Kichi and the other students did so, splitting into two groups based on their results from their first tryouts. Catalina was disappointed that she had to be in the group of low-scored students while Kichi was in the other one with high-scored students. Then, Kiba took the high-scored students with him to the west side of the training hall while Monster took the other one with him to the east side of the training hall. After that, both groups began their first lessons in proper training as assassins. Kiba's group had an easy time while Monster's group had a hard time exercising and doing their assassin skills. Kichi and his group have an easy time sparring with Kiba. The sparring sessions were after their second lesson in the basics of being assassins.

 Their Training Session lasted until 11:02 a.m., and by that time, all of them rested to unwind before lunchtime. But as his friends are preparing to leave the training hall, Kichi is about to leave with them when Haru comes to him and asks him for a simple duel for him, partially to make up to him for their duel on the first day of school. "Sure, I am not that tired at all," replied Kichi back, "let's do it now."

 "Okay, I won't back down." Haru nodded.

Haru's POV

 And so, while a handful of students were still in the training hall, we did our duel in an empty duel ground. We looked around, and Kiba and Monster, one of our school's high-ranking professors, were looking at us as if they anticipated our duel. So, we began. I activated his Berserker ability and charged at me with his right fist. Kichi then used his Danger Sensation ability to dodge my attack. I was stunned, and Kichi did a strong karate chop on me. I felt the pain but endured as much as I could. Kichi then did a karate kick on me, but I dodged it and tried to land a hit on him.

It made an effort to attack him on his arm, and Kichi felt some pain but managed to endure it.

He then smiled at me and gave me a thumbs-up, signaling to me that he was fine, much to my relief.

 And then, we continued our friendly duel for a few minutes until…we became completely exhausted. "Good one, Kichi-kun…" I said to Kichi while panting for my breath.

 "Yeah…you, too…as well…" replied Kichi back.

 Neither of us won the duel, but it was an enjoyable one, at least.





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