Chapter 7: The Second Selection Begins
Ego and Anri's Watching Area
Anri looked so excited as she said "That Ayanokoji Kiytoaka was amazing! Why did you place him in Team W instead of Team V?"
Ego looked at her and said "Because he asked me to challenge him so I complied. That's all."
Anri looked at him and asked, "Ego-San. Do you think he's the one?"
Ego looked at Koji through the screen and said "He's the one."
Anri looked at him and said, "He and Isagi are the ones you picked yourself. So I guess you built this place for them?"
Ego shook his head and said "No. If a Striker that surpasses Ayanokoji is produced I will not pull anything in favour of Ayanokoji. My dream isn't to make a person the greatest striker in the world. it's to create the world's best striker. The difference is subtle but it's there."
Anri nodded her head as she watched Koji score the final goal against Team V.
Team W Locker Room
Koji had gotten out of the shower as Chigiri walked up to him and said "You were seriously amazing back there you know?"
Kuon patted him on the back and said "Yeah you really were."
Koji looked at them and said "Thanks. You guys did great as well."
Suddenly Ego appeared on the screen and said "Well done my diamonds in the rough. Unfortunately it seems Team Y has completely wiped out as it's striker with he most goals locked off voluntarily. No matter since that means he didn't have the Ego to succeed. Now look at the screen. These are the top 5 ranked players in this building"
221- Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.
222- Nagi Seishiro
223-- Barou Shoiei
224- Reo Mikage
225- Bachira Meguru
Ego then went on to say "Now that that is known it's time for the second selections. While the higher up buildings relax you will all be training in preparation." Many looked annoyed at this but Koji accomplished the training without breaking a sweat.
Second Selection Area
Koji looked around and noticed no one ranked higher than Team V was present as he thought 'I see what your game is now Ego Jinpachi.'
Ego appeared on a screen and said "Welcome My diamonds in the rough." Ego then explained that there were no teams higher than Team V.
Everyone went into an uproar except Koji who simply got a Football and placed it down at his feet thinking 'I might need this soon.' He saw another player Rin Itoshi also do the same as he kicked one ball as Koji thought 'A good arc.'
Rin kicked the next one but this time Koji shot his ball. The ball hit Rin's first one and bounced off hitting Rin's second ball. Rin's eyes shifted to Koji instantaneously as he thought 'That shot. Who is that guy?'
Everyone else was shocked as well as Imamura asked "Seriously man? You're unreal."
Koji looked at them and said, "From here on we're not a team anymore so if I meet you in there I won't hesitate to crush your dream."
Chigiri smirked and said, "Wouldn't have it any other way you psycho."
Kunigami smiled and said, "It'd be a fair match so I have no issue."
Rin entered through the door as Ayanokoji went through behind him. Another boy went through the door behind Koji. Koji knew who this was.
1st Stage
Koji stepped forward as he saw the Blue Lock Man for the first time and thought 'Using Holographic technology like that. Meh. Nothing new. I spared with things like that so many times in the White Room. If you lost to it the instructors would beat you pretty severely.' Koji saw a ball flying out as he waited for it to hit the ground and then shot the ball in thinking 'So I have to score goals? I guess that's easy enough.' Koji completed the 1st stage very quickly not breaking a sweat.
2nd Stage
Koji entered the second stage and his rank updated to "1" and Koji thought 'Number one huh? Well seems things went as expected.'
Shortly after Rin entered with his rank being 2 as he saw Koji and walked over to him and said "Lets team up."
Koji shook his head and said, "I have no reason to team up with you."
Rin looked at him annoyed and said "We're number 1 and 2. If we're on he same team we can defeat everyone else that's here."
Koji looked at him and asked "Is that your logic? Choosing teammates for the sole reason of making things easier for yourself? You have no wish to challenge yourself at all? How boring."
Rin looked at him annoyed as he realised that this Ayanokoji reminded him of his older brother as he thought 'Not another one. He's just like Sae.'
Later Tokimitsu arrived as Rin teamed up with him and then the next person who arrived was a boy with green hair as Koji smiled a little and said "Welcome Hirata Yosuke."
Chabashira stood at the front of the class and gave some news as she said "Hirata Yosuke has dropped out of school. Right now he is in Blue Lock."
Everyone was shocked as Mi-Chan shouted "There's no way Hirata would do this! He'd never leave us like this!"
Suzune walked up to the stand and said "I want to reveal something." Everyone paid close attention as Suzune took a deep breath and said "All of our victories in our first and second year... they were all because of Ayanokoji." Everyone was shocked but considering what Ayanokoji had shown in the second half of the second year many were inclined to believe it. Suzune continued saying "It's time we stopped relying on classmates like Ayanokoji and Hirata who we burdened with carrying the entire fate of the class on their shoulders. We need to keep pushing forward."
Sudo chimed in and said, "Suzune is right!"
Mi-chan looked down as she thought 'Hirata-Kun almost sacrificed his dream because of our selfishness. If I had been a better friend I would have told him to go and chase his dreams. I would have told him we would be okay without him. I'm sorry Hirata-Kun.'
Chabashira smirked thinking 'Ayanokoji my golden goose. I'm sad to see you go but you left some golden eggs behind so I suppose I won't hate you too much.'
Yukimura stood up and asked "If what you say is true why did Kiyotaka hide all of this"
Suzune looked to the class and said "I...honestly don't understand it myself. He went behind my back giving me the credit. At the end of the Island Exam he told me it was to help me gather allies but while I don't think he was lying I feel like he wanted me to be a puppet leader to trick the other leaders."
Yukimura nodded his head as Koenji laughed and said "I don't know why all of you find this surprising at all. Of course the teacher would come to his student's rescue."
Suzune then asked, "What exactly are you insinuatiing Koenji?"
Koenji smirked and said "Isn't it obvious? While Ayanokoji-Boy certainly didn't realise why at first it's clear to me that hea was drawn to you from the very beginning seeing your hidden potential to become a leader of this class."
Suzune looked a bit shocked but smiled warmly knowing Koji had so much faith in her as she said "If that't the case I hope he was right because I'll have to ensure this class's graduation as Class A."
Koenji then smirked and said, "I suppose his other motives were of some other desire."
Suzune looked at him and asked, "What other desire do you mean?"
Koenji looked as Suzune's cheeks and said "Fromt he heat coming from your cheeks I think you know already."
Suzune looked puzzled as the blush finally came through as the class was shocked to see the cold and calculating Horiktia Suzune blushing. Kei looked up and thought 'i see now. The reason Kiyotaka broke up with me. It's you Horikita Suzune. I saw him smile that day while you two were having coffee. I wanted to deny it at the time but now it doesn't matter. Please make Kiyotaka happy Horikita. I've never seen him so happy before and I don't want to see him like he was before. Not ever again.'
Suzune sighed and said, "Before Ayanokoji-Kun left we confessed. We're... dating." The class went into an uproar as Sudo looked heartbroken but he took a deep breath and accepted his defeat honourably.
Sudo looked to Horikita and thought 'I've never seen Suzune so happy. You better keep it up Ayanokoji.'
Suzune managed to gain back control as she shouted "Now is not the time to get caught up on a person's love life. Just keep up the good wor and graduating from Class A is guaranteed."
Everyone nodded as they rallied to her ready to give it their all for victory.
Second Selection
Yosuke looked at him and said, "I made it."
Yosuke looked exhausted. It was clear that he had given his all. Koji helped him to a seat and said "You're ranked number four in all of blue lock. Well done."
Yosuke shook his head and said "I went in straight after you and gave it my all. I had a serious headstart and put in more than I should have. If I hadn't I would be ranked much lower. Maybe towards the bottom."
Koji sighed and said, "Regardless you've done well taking your first step by entering Blue Lock and coming this far."
Yosuke was panting as he then said "I'm the only one from my team that made it though."
Koji looked at him and said, "So you were the top scorer."
Yosuke nodded and said, "Just barely though." Koji patted him on the back as Hirata then asked "So can I team up with you?"
Koji looked at him and said with a straight face "No."
Yosuke looked surprised and asked, "Why not!?"
Koji sighed and said, "Even though you've taken a good first step there's something you're lacking."
Yosuke looked at him and asked, "What am I missing?"
Koji then said, "As a striker you're missing an ego."
Yosuke looked down and asked, "So you really won't team up with me while I'm in this state?"
Koji then said, "No I won't."
Yosuke got up and moved to Rin and said "Let me join your team."
Rin looked at him and said "You're the lukewarm striker from the match against ANHS. Still it doesn't matter who my teammates are so fine."
The three confirmed it and walked off as Koji waited longer Nagi and Reo arrived. Nagi walked over to Koji and asked "Hey Ayanokoji. Since you haven't joined a team yet how about you join me and Reo?"
Koji looked at him and said, "I have no reason to team up with you two." Nagi was surprised but accepted it walking away but Koji continued saying "But... Reo Mikage. You're different. Join me."
Reo looked shocked and asked "Me!? Not Nagi?" Koji nodded as Reo began "I won't abandon Nagi. You can't expect me to..."
Nagi cut him off saying "Go Reo."
Reo looked at him and asked, "What are you talking about Nagi? We're supposed to achieve our dreams together!"
Nagi looked at Reo and asked "In our current state can we even make that dream come true? We're weak Reo and he's giving you a chance to play with him. You'll definitely get stronger if you accept."
Reo looked conflicted as he started "But Nagi..."
Nagi looked at him and said, "I know you want to go with Ayanokoji. It's okay Reo. Let's meet again beyond our dreams." (The People who've read the Second Selection Arc of Blue Lock: Episode Nagi will understand the significance of this line.)
Reo looked at Nagi in shock as he thought 'Nagi...' He gritted his teeth as he looked Nagi in the eyes and said, "I'll meet you at the end of the Second Selection. You better be there Nagi."
Nagi nodded and said "We'll become the best in the world. Both of us will get stronger."
Reo looked to Koji and said, "I'll join you Ayanokoji."
Koji looked at him and said, "Good choice. Now all we have to go is wait for the man of the hour."
Bachira entered soon as he walked up to Koji and said "Reo huh? I didnt' expect that but okay. Looks like we're a three-man squad."
Koji's sweat dropped thinking 'He just decided like that. Well, not like I mind.'
Reo looked to Koji and asked, "Is this guy our third Ayanokoji?"
Koji looked to Reo and said "Yeah he's our third. Let's go."
Bachira smiled saying "I wonder how well our trio will do. Me, Koji and Reo."
They walked through the doors.
Third Stage
Koji's team walked through the doors to find Rin, Tokimitsu and Yosuke waiting as Ego welcomed them saying "Welcome my diamonds in the rough to the third stage. Here you will face off against another three-man team. Also, you don't need to face off with the team already here. You can wait if you want.
Rin walked up to Koji and said "You said you thought I was boring right? That I wasn't challenging myself? Then I'll challenge myself. I'll destroy you."
Koji looked at him and asked "Going after the Number 1 so soon? How bold. It's a good ego. Let's see how well it helps you."
Rin glared at Koji as he asked "So are we playing this match or not?"
Koji looked to Rin and said "Sure. We can have a match."
To Be Continued
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