The Birth of Dragons

Chapter 47: Chapter 47: Feast

Lady Catelyn Stark

They had come as she knew they would. Bolton, Ryswell and Dustin, Lord Wyman had begged off from attending due to his illness, and she had accepted that. There was no doubt that Lord Wyman was loyal, it was the other three she was concerned about. They had all come with men, as if they were expecting some sort of military action, she was not sure what to make of that, and it worried her slightly. But she put it out of her mind, Lord Ryswell was friendly, whilst Lady Barbrey was cold, but that was what she had expected. Roose Bolton's second son Balthasar had come with six hundred men, and he worried her slightly, there was something off about him, but what it was she did not know. Regardless, the feast had begun, and she was determined to keep a good face.

"I am thankful you could all make it here; I know that things are not progressing as well as one might have hoped on the western coast." Catelyn says, she knows how to get Lord Ryswell to her side, he is an old fool really.

"That is quite alright my lady. We would never deny an invitation from Winterfell." Ryswell responds, blustering, his face flushed. "I do think that we do need to discuss the issues on the western coast though."

"Of course." Catelyn concedes. Slowly, deliberately she says. "I have sent men under the command of Leobald Tallhart to force the ironborn from Torrhen's Square, the man was very willing to do such a deed, considering the horrors they dealt to his nephew and niece."

"That is all well and good my lady." Lady Barbrey says, her tone sharp and crisp. "Torrhen's Square will fall if it has not already. But what I want to know, what we all want to know, is what are you going to do about Deepwood Motte and Moat Cailin? After all the longer the ironborn hold Deepwood Motte, the longer they have access to the Wolfswood, and the more chance they have to build more ships."

Roger Ryswell, heir to the Rills speaks up in agreement with his sister. "I agree with Lady Barbrey. Torrhen's Square is not the issue here. The issue is the continued ironborn occupation of such a valuable castle and its land. The Forresters and their men are fighting amongst one another, and will continue to do so without strong hands guiding them. Something Winterfell has been lacking, as of late."

Catelyn hears the insult in the man's words, but she keeps her face neutral. "And what would you suggest I do, master Roger? Winterfell is the capital of the north. Theon Greyjoy nearly tried to take the castle, it was only because we had more men here that he failed to do so. Would you advise that I leave Winterfell undefended?"

At this, Bolton leans forward, his eyes intent, and Catelyn sees Arya bristle slightly at the change in his attention. "Tell me Lady Catelyn, what has happened to Greyjoy? Has he been executed as befits a traitor, or is he still sitting in a cell?"

Catelyn senses a trap here, but she answers honestly. "He remains in a cell here, waiting Lord Stark's judgement." It still feels strange calling her son Lord Stark, but that is what he is now, with Ned dead.

Bolton nods. "A wise decision, but I must ask my lady, do you know when exactly Lord Stark shall be returning northwards? At present it seems as if he has forgotten about the north and is more focused on winning some acclaim for himself in the south."

Catelyn bristles then. "Have you forgotten who it was that brought this state of war to the north master Balthasar? The Lannisters are still alive and well, and they are not yet deal with the suffering our people suffered under them." She knows it sounds aggressive and weak, but that is what Robb had said to her in a letter, and she needs to defend her son.

"The Lannisters do not hold King's Landing anymore my lady." Lady Barbrey points out. "Stannis Baratheon holds the capital now, and has purged the Lannister influence from court. The Lannisters and their children sit somewhere in hiding. Has Lord Stark forgotten that? Has he sworn an oath of allegiance to Stannis?" there is a pointed silence, and when she does not answer it, Barbrey responds. "Of course he has not. He wanders around the Westerlands, burning and pillaging, ignoring the plight of his people here."

Her eyes narrow in suspicion at the lady's words. "What are you suggesting my lady? That Lord Stark abandon a campaign in the south and come rushing back north, when we are perfectly capable of dealing with the ironborn here? We have more than enough men to deal with them and expel them."

"So then why has the word not come from Winterfell?" Roger Ryswell asks. "We have waited for the summons to come from Winterfell, but it has not come. Instead we have seen the ironborn take more of a hold over the western coast, slaughtering good and innocent northmen, whilst Winterfell sits in on itself cowering in fear."

The doors to the great hall open and men begin filing in, but they are not Stark men, Catelyn looks around and she sees the same look of worry on Ser Rodrik's face, their own men are outnumbered within the hall, more men are outside, but by the way these men are walking in, she gets the feeling they were of no use. "And what exactly is that supposed to mean?" Catelyn asks, though she thinks she has a good enough idea.

Balthasar Bolton is the one who speaks then, his voice crisp. "My lady, we have come to a conclusion that the continuing chaos within the north can only be put to a hold if a Northman rules over the north in Lord Stark's absence. Whilst your dedication to holding Winterfell is admirable it is not practical, and the north is bleeding as a result. We are replacing you."

"And should I refuse?" Catelyn asks.

Bolton claps his hands, and Catelyn sees soldiers jostling her children up and out of their chairs, daggers on their backs. "We shall harm your children." Is the response, and Catelyn knows what she needs to do.

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