That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Primordial Demon

Chapter 32: Frozen Impact.

With the otherworlders evolving into saints, they were now effectively immortal.

Well, that kinda depends on their willpower.

As humans, their willpower is extremely strong.

The bridge that separates the humans from power is their energy quantity and quality, along with how difficult it is for them to gain evolution.

With their evolution completed, this bridge was broken.

Their magicule quantity and quality increased astronomically after their evolution.

Not to mention the extra energy they got as a result of me naming them.

To put it bluntly, the energy quantity should be as great as my early stage demon peer level or even greater.

Well, let's forget about that. Without warning, a brash message was sent to me.

「Evolution into a digital life-form completed. You are now capable of transferring your existence between infons.」


「Additionally, the intrinsic skill 『Existence Concealment』and the subskill『All Creation Alteration』 has evolved by using the principle of infons.」

What the hell is happening?


——— Answer me damn it!! ———

「Notice. This was a project Raziel had long been working on.」

So she didn't even alert me about it this time around, huh?

「Notice. You were definitely informed about it.」

I see. Once again, my unneeded carelessness strikes.

Well, transferring myself between infons sounds extremely sick.

With this, I have a lot of questions to ask.

Is there any danger behind doing so?

I mean, won't my existence be transferred into information by doing so?

Doesn't that mean information about my existence can be split apart if I'm not careful enough?

Wouldn't that be enough to kill me in one go?

If so, isn't this evolution kinda unneeded?

「Notice. All the statements you made except from the last one are accurate.」

Alright, now I'm just a confused little kid.

「As a spiritual life-form, your will is enough to keep your existence intact.」

Oh? That's reassuring. Well, it doesn't stop some random fucker from doing so.

「Even so, that's the more reason to practice and exercise your control over infons.」

Yes. She's absolutely right. That statement is so accurate; there is no place for argument.

In fact, doing so would only make me look stupid.

——— I see. Thanks for the advice, Raziel-san! ———

I thanked her from the bottom of my heart.

I knew it wasn't an easy thing for her to express herself freely as she couldn't really comprehend the complex emotions dwelling within her.

Seeing her go as far as to caution me and take good care of me just speaks volumes of how much I'm cared for.

"Well, I'll take that advice to mind," is all I can say.

——— So, as you were saying, just being aware that I exist is enough to keep my existence intact during this state? ———


Well, that's nothing difficult to be completely honest.

Something every human does without even realizing it.

This is just another factor that has to do with willpower.

Looking at it, when one is in that state, their existence is only held together by compounded information of that individual.

This meaning, if another person with a will stronger than the first person attempts to overwhelm them with their own information, they could overwrite the victims' existence with theirs.

Coveting all their abilities and skills by imprinting their will over the latter through infons.

Well, that all depends on the circumstances.

But I'm kinda curious. Can you alter the laws behind a skill by altering the infons possessed by the skill?

「Can not answer. More information is required to answer..... however–」

Eh? Could she be making a possible deduction?

「–It may be possible to do so if the user has the ability to make their desire or effect on the infon permanent.」

Now I'm just a confused little fish. What does she mean?

「It is possible to insert your will upon infons, passing it to another person in the form of data as a sort of information transfer process.

However, that is as far as effect insertion can go. It is not possible to apply an effect other than willpower through the form of information on an infon except if an anomalous method was used.

That is also plausible through the usage of some unknown effects such as skills or magic.」

Oh! That's something to experiment with!

If it's possible to apply an effect on infons permanently, that's gonna make one a mini-god.

But didn't Alya have a skill that has some type of will insertion effect, or is it my illusion?


What was the name again? Uuuuh... Will Application? No! Not even close!

「Answer!『Will Manifestation』!!」

Aha!! That's right! That's the name of the skill!

——— Do you have it!? ———

「Answer. Data of the skill was already stored. It is possible to replicate its effects. Do you wish to do so? [YES]/[NO]?」

Hell yeah!!

「Notice. Replication of the skill 『Will Manifestation』 has been successful.」


「Additionally, the skill has been merged with the subskill 『All Creation Alteration』to form 『Existence Alteration』.」

...Okay—I think that's a bit too much.

——— What the hell are you up to now? ———


——— Eeeeh!! Raziel-san! What's happened!!? What made you change moods!!? ———

「Notice. As of now, it is impossible to insert your will upon infons. Further information is required to provide you answers.」

——— Oh? Is that the reason for your sudden frustration? ———

「.... Forgive me. I overreacted.」

——— Ah!—no—no! Don't sweat it. In contrast, I'm actually happy that you are beginning to accept the foreign emotions within you. ———


Well, that's weird. I expected a reply of the sort.

But it is what it is, I guess.

As of now, I'm just chilling g under the shades of a tree.

It has been relatively peaceful ever since the last battle.

Hopefully, things will remain the same for a long time to come...

???: 「I already said sorry, sister!! I won't do it again! Just spare me! Please!!」

....Or not...

Damn it all!!

Murphy's Law strikes again... I guess.

My peaceful day was suddenly interrupted by a loud roar from above.

The voice behind the roar was painfully familiar.

I stood up to check the cause of such a loud cry, making my way to the skies.

Unfolding my wings, I flapped them hard enough to get me to the sky, causing a mini cyclone below me in the process.

Activating my intrinsic ability, 『Universal Perception』, I expanded my perception range, attempting to grab information through little concepts like sound, light, and other menial matter.

What I saw was... surprising to say the least.

Velzard: 「I'm sorry, little brother, but I'm all out of forgiveness. It's too late to apologize.」

A figure of Velzard in her humanoid form, going after Veldora, who was trying as hard as possible to escape her wrath, could be seen.

I vividly remember the scene of Veldora complaining to me about how maltreated he is.

According to him, he was on his own when a group of wandering humans attacked him due to fear.

Seeing their futile and almost pitiful attempt to escape annihalation, he showed them what a true attack was supposed to look like.

He used his breath attack to wipe them off the face of this world.

Lost in the act, he proceeded to burn down a whole village "unknowingly."

That was when he got killed by his sister.

The main reason she killed him was because the attack he used to destroy the village was too strong.

It further expanded to destroy many other places, causing a lot of the population of the world to reduce dramatically.

Hearing his words at the time, I could only pray for the poor souls that were unlucky enough to face this senseless mass of energy.

Velzard: 「I hope you come back to be a better person with a different mindset. Goodbye.」

My mind was forcefully snapped back to reality after subconsciously hearing her words.

I panicked as she was about to unleash a devastating attack that could easily wipe off a huge part of the forest.

With a nonchalant fling of her wrist, a deadly magic was unleashed in the form of a destruction wave.

「Notice! Analysis of the magic has commenced.」



I couldn't help but sigh at her antics. Even in the midst of a crisis, all she cared about was the benefits.

Not that it mattered to her in the end. She is doing it for my sake after all.... or not?

The attack used by Velzard had a type of motion-disruption effect.

Imbued with the laws behind her essence, this wave brought the movement of particles to an absolute halt.

This attack is capable of destroying Veldora, not only physically but also spiritually.

With his large size, along with the accuracy of the attack, it is impossible to evade.

Seeing no way for him to escape death, I had to intervene for him.


With the recent passing of my brother, life just became all too boring.

He was the only person who would shield me from my sisters if you excluded my best buddy Sariel.

He always tried to teach me how to behave well and live without causing destruction wherever I went.

Unlike my sisters, who always treat me with absurd levels of cruelty, he guided me with care.

He always cared deeply about this race they called "humans," which made me wonder, "What's so special about them?"

It was solely because of them that he held the cardinal world of much importance compared to the otherworld he created.

I ventured out to investigate the reason for such care.

To me, they were all a bunch of living stones to be crushed, possessing fragile bodies and incomprehensible nature.

It didn't make sense. But knowing my brother, it may be because of something deeper.

Even so, I still found it quite boring to just sit around and do nothing but watch some random humans live their life.

So I decided to pay them a visit.

I figured that with my massive frame and imposing stature, I could amaze them by appearance alone.

Deciding on a cool entrance like my friend always did, I made my presence known to them.

Veldora: 「Ku-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!! It is I, the Storm Dragon Veldora!! Feast your eyes on my greatness!!」

I roared loudly to catch their attention. Not that it was needed as my majestic appearance could do it all.

Seeing my giant figure, they began to scream unnecessarily.

Veldora: 「What is the screaming for?」

I questioned silently as I was baffled by their sudden shift in behavior.

I mean, I get that I am majestic and all, but that doesn't call for screaming. Now, does it?

Or is it another weird tradition of theirs?

I couldn't care less as I only stared at them with disappointment.

"My first meeting with them, and they are already frolicking around like headless monsters?"

I expected better from my brother's favorite creation.

With some time, a group of humans far stronger than the rest gathered in front of me.

They started screaming nonsense of how they would make a good meal out of me and stuff.

That alone was enough reason for me to wipe them off the surface of existence.

But they weren't done being clowns. They even proceeded to attack me with something they called magic.

The sight of wasted stones throwing other stones of greater quality compared to their existence made me shiver with anger.

In a fit of rage, I showed them what true magic is supposed to be.

Without knowing, I had destroyed a large area of the land, but that was beside me.

Seeing the foolish humans that tried to attack me die like the useless stones they were, I was elated.

The joy derived from destroying arrogant fools filled me with adrenaline.

I went on to destroy the village those humans resided at.

It was quite fulfilling. I relished myself in the pleasure of creating chaos.

It felt as if it was part of me. It's not my fault. That is how I am for some unknown reason.

I like it that way. Without knowing, an individual had snuck up behind me.

???: 「Are you enjoying yourself? You should because you won't get that feeling for some time.」

With a cold tone, the mysterious individual sent a deadly attack towards me.

I felt a chilling sensation crawl up to me as my body was frozen.

Veldora: 「W-Wah!? Who dares to attack me!!? The strongest dragon to ever exist...!! Huh?」

I didn't realize it before, but in retrospect, brother told me about my sisters.

He specifically told me to be well-behaved around them.

He also hinted that my "energetic" behavior was something that they wouldn't appreciate at all.

Is this what he meant?

However, it was too late. The attack had already connected.

I wanted so much to scream an apology, but alas, it was all in vain.

Unfortunately, I died.

The feeling was weird, to say the least.

But in the end, a dragon as great as I am can never truly die!!

I was reborn, but with my memory bamboozled.

I couldn't remember clearly what I had done, but the feeling was faint.

Time after time, I headed off to do the same thing over again.

There was even once a time that I was killed by that demon lord when the rampaging got too much.

But it wouldn't make any difference! No one can stop a dragon as amazing as I am!!

I am the great storm dragon, and I will do things when I want to; how I want to; and do what I want, and there's absolutely nobody that could ever stop me!!!

....Perhaps I got too cocky...

I didn't realize it, but I had gotten my sister mad.

And now, I was paying the price for it.

I am currently being chased by her.

Even though I flew as fast as I could, there was just no escaping her.

The worst part of it was that I had tried attacking her to escape punishment, but it all failed miserably.

Now, there is no hope of escaping. Even so, I won't just give up!

Veldora:「I already said sorry, sister!! I won't do it again! Just spare me! Please!!」

Velzard: 「I'm sorry, little brother, but I'm all out of forgiveness. It's too late to apologize.」

My plea for mercy was denied!

Why can't you just forgive me!!? I could only roar in my mind.

Saying such a thing would serve as a surefire way to get myself killed instantly.

Without any way to shake her off, I began to lose hope. That was when my fate was sealed.

Velzard: 「I hope you come back to be a better person with a different mindset. Goodbye.」

With these words, the level of despair and helplessness I felt doubled.

Once she said that, I would surely die.

Without hesitation, she sent a destructive wave towards me.

The level of destruction this wave caused was something I wouldn't like to experience, but it was inevitable.

I resigned myself to my fate and expected to be met with an intense pain, but something I could have never predicted took place.


Just before the deadly wave could hit Veldora, Sariel appeared before him.

With his hands outstretched, he muttered silently...

Sariel: 「『Soul Lord』.」

With that, a dark violet matter was released out of his palm.

The violet matter was in a gaseous form, allowing it to spread all over the space around them within seconds and devour the shockwaves produced from the attack.

The absorption rate was heightened, and the attack was successfully nullified.

Sariel: 「Phew. That was close.」

He silently rejoiced as he had succeeded in protecting not only his friend but also his forest from becoming non-existent.

He turned to look at the perpetrator behind all the chaos and wore a very cold expression.

Sariel: 「I quite recall telling you never to touch Veldora ever again. Did I stutter?」

The question was sharp, and the finality in his words was absolute, demanding nothing but answers.

Velzard replied in an equally cold tone.

Velzard: 「And what if you did? Am I obligated to take orders from you?」

"I named you asshole!! Show some respect!!" is what Sariel wanted to scream, but he just regarded her with a simple glare.

Sariel: 「Even so, am I supposed to teach you how to think? It should be clear that if you've tried it so many times, and he never changed, it means he will never change.

Am I even supposed to teach you that spiritual life forms are not easily influenced by external factors? I expected more from the so-called "White Ice Dragon."」

Sariel taunted with a haughty expression. His words dug deep into Velzard's core, striking a nerve within her.

She wanted so badly to do away with the nuisance before her, but she quickly regained her composure, though the malice was still present.

Velzard: 「You know, if I wanted you dead, it would have been so the moment you interfered.」

Sariel: 「Yeah. Let me just bow down to you, right?」

Without another word, a destructive snow storm was unleashed.

Her intrinsic skill, 『True Dragon's Haki』 was released, and the casualties took place.

The land below them began to freeze, spreading the effect further.

Seeing this, Sariel sighed.

"It looks like it's inevitable." He thought with frustration.

If they fought here, there was no doubt that the forest would face irreparable damages.

But that should be the least of his concerns.

If he were to fight with her as he was now, he was most definitely sure that he wouldn't be able to defeat her.

A dragon such as herself is already capable of making simple attacks on the level of ultimate skills (ultimate level).

When this is paired with the power of an ultimate skill, which she wielded, their existence is boosted to an unimaginable level.

Considering Velzard's ability to fight, it was a lost game.

Sariel understood this very well, and yet, he was still willing to go through such extreme lengths for his friend.

Seeing this, Veldora was very grateful. In fact, the word "grateful" wouldn't be enough to define how happy he was.

He was willing to fight alongside Sariel, even if it meant being killed.

Seeing as he was cowering before her just a moment ago, this clearly shows how truly grateful he was.

Sariel: 「Don't worry, buddy, I've got this. Just watch.」

Saying this, Sariel also decided to flex his aura to counter that of Velzard's.

Although it wasn't anywhere near what hers could do, it still helped.

He decided to set an additional protection,『Multidimensional Barrier』 to ensure the forest's safety.

Looking at her one final time, he knew that a fight was impossible to evade, but he was ready.


With the passage of less than a second, she was already in front of Sariel.

With her dragon claws extended, she aimed downwards at him, attempting to cleave me into.

He evaded the attack by dodging sideways before releasing an attack of his.

In this type of battle, a clash between two spiritual life forms, where willpower decided it all, there was no need for inefficient energy utilization.

She possessed about seven times more energy than he did.

His energy quantity alone was impressive, but with it multiplied in her case, it was almost unfair.

However, he had no right to complain as he was the one who instigated the whole thing.

Recently, he found out that using any soul related ability of hiz took much more energy than other skills or magic.

Only some categories of magic, like primitive magic and chaos magic, had a higher energy consumption rate.

Hence, when facing against an opponent whose energy level was superior to his, he either had to use this magic/skill category wisely or not use it at all.

That was a basic principle that could not be overlooked.

As he evaded her attack, he used 『Extinction Haze』 to retaliate.

As expected, it failed.

The dark violet mist was frozen solid, making its effect non-existent.

With it being in a solid state, a casual swipe of her wrist was enough to shatter it.

The ice shards that were generated from the frozen mist were sent towards him with insane speed.

Each of them had the properties of『Fixation』, a subskill of the ultimate ability『Gabriel』.

He intended to make use of his all-devouring ability, but since this was empowered by a legitimate ultimate skill, he resorted to evading the assault.

Unknown to even him, this was all according to plan.

To make an attack, which he can't casually devour, forcing him to evade at the expected location, it was all within Velzard's grasp.

Considering his experience in battles, he had expected some type of sneak attack of the sort.

With his thoughts accelerated to over a million times, her attacks were manageable.

She wasn't as fast as Velgrynd, making it a good thing.

Although he managed to dodge that trap, he was still slightly phased by the claw she used to attack.

The attack had the after effects of her magic, making it truly difficult to counter.

His regeneration rate was reduced, and the damage was being done.

Seeing this, he had to do away with the affected part by slicing off his arm. The wound was then healed.

Seeing as he had dealt with the problem, she had a wicked smirk plastered on her face.

If I were to guess, she plans on continuing like this until I'm totally depleted on energy.

Well, that's only possible if I were to deactivate my barrier.

He activated his intrinsic ability, surrounding himself with the absolute barrier.

The exchange between them began.

With just a minute, their clash had already grown to an unimaginable level.

Velzard's blows were fatal and precise, making them almost impossible to counter.

Her magic was a good match for her innate ability.

The ultimate skill 『Gabriel』 had the essence of Fixation.

It's possible to solidify all sorts of material and create a single mass.

She's good at condensing the moisture in the atmosphere to create walls of ice.

There's no need to condense just water molecules when she could also affect all molecules.

Unifying them with a single molecule increases their strength.

On top of that, it also makes them look beautiful, so it's customary for Velzard

to add a little extra effort.

With her innate ability, along with her ultimate skill, she was a force to be reckoned with.

If it could even stop the flow of energy, it would be enough to nullify any and all attacks.

And since it couldn't break unless it surpassed Velzard's bottomless amount of

magicules, it was practically impossible.

Looking at the defensive side alone, it would be no exaggeration to say that Velzard

boasted invincibility.

She attempted to instantaneously solidify the space around me, to which I countered.

Activating my stronge–.... SECOND strongest skill–


–I devoured the energy before it could reach a level where devouring it would be difficult.

Whilst doing that, I prepared an attack of my own.

He couldn't just keep dodging attacks here and there.

Come to think of it, I do have some magic that could possibly injure her.

Well, it worked on Asura, whose durability was as tough—if not tougher than that of the dragon race.

He thought whilst preparing another attack secretly.

To do that, he had to first keep her in place.

He prepared the magic halfway at a discrete point, aiming to get her stuck in the magic before activating it after he had completed making the preparation.

Using elemental magic, he created the magic 『Gale Slash』.

This magic was imbued with the effect of 『All Creation Severance』.

To others, it would seem like a harmless gust of wind. That was the purpose of the attack.

To fool the enemy with skills.

She knew that there would be no small reason for me to use such a trivial attack, so she followed her instinct and dodged the attack.

She was completely right to do so.

The attack that flew past her destroyed the barrier surrounding them.

But it was all according to the plan.

Sariel: 「Aha! Take this!! 『Chaos Magic: Divinity Nova』!」

Following his roar, two large magic circles appeared above and below Velzard.

One shining brightly with holy energy whilst the other emitted a dark evil light that seemed to dwarf that of the holy light.

With the preparations set, thousands of light rays collided against each, with some coming into contact with her body.

A rainbow colored light erupted from the product of these collisions, possessing an infon erasing effect, eliminating everything at a terrifying rate.

This supernatural light exploded outward and filled the space.

This went on for some time, and the light began to die down.

Slowly, the luminosity of the magic reduced, and the result was clear.

Sariel: 「Eh?」

The person he had trapped in his magic was still in perfect condition.

In fact, there was not a single scratch on her body.

He knew that she had used a trick to counter the magic, but an ability to negate the effects of his chaos magic was something unknown to him.

It was surprising as his attack did not only break down intermolecular forces but also destroyed infons by using the principles behind spiritrons and minus energy.

Moreover, she was no longer a young looking teenager but was now bearing the appearance of an adult woman.

She wore a black sleeveless gown that accentuated her voluptuous figure.

With her perfect cleavages slightly exposed, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say she was a divine beauty.

She now had larger proportions, as well as golden eyes that shone with an intensity that seemed to challenge that of Sariel's.

Her gaze was predatory-like, with a serious glare that made Sariel feel endangered.

With a cold yet acknowledging tone, she spoke.

Velzard: 「There is only one person who managed to get me this serious. So be proud. Now, let me show you an art meant to be used for those I deem worthy. 『Time Stop』.」

With her words lingering in my ears, I could only widen my eyes in stupefaction after hearing the name of the art she spoke about.

With that as the last thing I heard, I was forced to be in an immobile state.

My consciousness remained, but this was just how powerful of an art this woman had just unleashed.

It was as she called it an absolute time fixation.

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