Teen wolf / Beneath the surface / Season 7

Chapter 9: Venomous

The bus finally stood still, and everything went dead quiet... For a brief while that is.

It was shortly after followed by the burst of a restless commotion, resulting from the agitation of everyone coming to their senses.

Scott took few seconds to overcome the deafening noise thundering in his head, as soon as he did, his brain was met with an overwhelming and searing pain, then came the sound of broken glass cracking and metal crying underneath people's shoes as they were trying to exit the vehicle.

"SCOTT!! Are you alright?" his ear drums weren't ready for Malia's voice, especially not from that up close and at that volume, he let out a groan and squeezed his eyes tightly shut. Malia seemed to notice that, so she softened her voice, " Scott, can you stand? we need to get out of here,"

"Stiles! Stiles and Lydia! We need to take care of them first!" that was the first thing that came out of his mouth when he somewhat got his thoughts together.

"Liam and Derek were closer to them, they got them out,"

"What about you? are you...?" he added, a tad calmer.

"I am fine, all healed, c'mon let's move," she helped her boyfriend hoist himself up then, together they headed towards the front of the bus, or what was left of it.

The windshield was completely smashed and removed, probably kicked away by either Derek or Liam to make a larger door out. Stiles and Lydia were the only two lying unconscious on the side of the road with Alec and Derek by their sides, checking in on them, everyone else appeared to have already healed from their injuries even the rescuees.

"How are they?" Scott directed his question at Alec as he drew closer and got down on one knee on Stiles's side.

" I think he'll be fine," Alec replied concerning Stiles.

He then turned his attention to Derek who understood what was expected of him, "She'll live," he said about Lydia.

The true alpha nodded his head in relief briefly then slowly stood up, he shined his eyes red to case the area through that darkness, they crashed right at the entrance of town, " what a heartwarming welcome" he thought, other than that there wasn't much to be said or seen until ...

"SCOTT!!" Liam's voice arose loud in the night, it caught the attention of every conscious soul in the surrounding circumference, he was standing behind the metal carcass, his tone held concern and a hint of surprise if not fear.

Scott circled around and approached him cautiously, followed closely by Derek and Alec and others who were near.

They thought they'd seen the worst, they thought they'd prepared for the worst, only... What they were facing, nobody could perceive coming, not in a million years, because what they saw was nothing like anything they've dealt with before.

What Liam was peering at was an eight feet tall humanoid figure, wearing but its bare skin, colored from head to toe with a sandy brown color, no shoes no clothes on its body, and long silky black hair on its head.

"Guys!..." this time it was Malia's voice that called for attention, it yanked them out their trance but they went right back into it when they laid eyes on what she was looking at.

She was standing behind Scott, fronting a second figure, identical to the first one, everybody's heads were snapping back and forth between the two creatures before realizing that a third one had appeared from another side, then a fourth one, all exactly alike apart from some facial features.

"Oh ... c'mon what now ?! ... "whined Alec.

" Derek?... Any ideas?" quizzed Scott hoping Derek would have a faint idea as to what those where.

"Nope! none at all!" exclaimed Hale back at him.

"Hello ... Hi...! Do you guys... speak?" that was Liam's attempt at a communication with the "men", the pack assumed they were male based on their masculin build, the lack of genitalia however left room for doubts.

" What's... going on?"

" You mean : WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" snapped Alec back at Liam.

Time wasn't abundant to answer many questions. Once confusion settled, fear and apprehension creeped in, they had to prepare in anticipation of a fight, and sure enough a fight broke out when one of those things pounced so fast that there was no forecasting it, Scott didn't think any creature could move at that speed since Deucalion.

They moved between the rescues in rows, leaving only wind behind to be felt.

People started dropping to the floor like flies, then came the moans and groans of pain, the pack's turn to be attacked came right away, their first target was Derek, he was immediately and effortlessly pinned to the ground.

That sequence allowed them to get even a better look at the supernaturals, a body part that wasn't visible before, a thick long tail was hidden behind their back when they were standing, but it wasn't just a simple one, it was a scorpion's stinger, and that thing was ready to use it on Derek if it wasn't for the intervention of Scott who, threw himself on the enemy and pushed him off, they definitely didn't want to find out how lethal or venomous it was.

The others joined the battle and quickly understood that they were no match, the difference in strength and speed was way too considerable to be comparable.

Bodies were slammed, bones were broken and sizable wounds were open, within ten seconds from the start of the confrontation, the pack was incapacitated and out of commission.

Scott was being held down by the throat, trying with all his might to break free from its grip, he looked around to catch sight of both Liam and Alec bested, lying sensless on the ground.

Malia was the only one still standing. Although, she seemed to be more focused on dodging their hits and she was pulling her weight, till the creature did a full on pirouette and lacerated her with its stinger from left to right across the chest, she dropped on her knees then face planted on the tar.

Derek was crawling on his elbows in a strive to make distance between him and the scorpion man, face covered in his own blood.

The creature seemed to follow slowly behind him, it was in no rush whatsoever, it knew its victim had nowhere to run to, it was practically toying with him and mocking him.

For Scott to watch his friends get treated that way felt much more painful than his throat being crushed by a monster twice his size, it felt surreal, almost like watching a movie sequence in slow motion, yet the worst part of it all, was when he looked in the direction where Stiles and Lydia were lying, he saw one of them standing over the banshee's head, ready to snuff her out of existence.

"NO!! Wait! STOP!!!" he screamed.

It didn't react to his voice in any shape, it continued like it was made for the only purpose to take Lydia's life.

A blaring loud noise rattled the place, it sounded like the roaring of a motorcycle engine, the mystery was over when a motor bike flew out of the trees and rammed straight into the creature pending over Lydia's body. The biker then landed her vehicle and without skipping a beat picked a shot gun and shot the supernatural holding Scott down right through the heart, she immediately flipped around and did the same with the creature threatening Derek.

She was a perfect shot, she finished the job and once the menace was no more, she walked towards Scott then lent him a hand, he just froze there looking back up at her, she reached for her helmet to remove it.

"Need a hand?" she asked.

She turned out to be someone he knew very well, it was, "Braden ?!!" he finally took her hand and picked himself up.

"Yup! That's me," she stopped speaking, took a look around and... an air of confusion appeared on her face, she stared back at Scott and asked, "Uhm... Where the hell is Parrish ?"

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