Chapter 62: Links and Weaknesses
Alec's injuries had already healed on their own, he needed no assistance with that. He decided, after making sure the rest of his friends were all alive and well, to spend his time searching for someone. He looked all around in the hospital for that specific person but couldn't catch a glimpse of him whatsoever.
When all his other senses failed him on that task, he turned to his werewolf sense of scent to complete the job. It did turn out to be a tad more complicated than he thought it would but eventually, he did find him.
Daniel was outside the building, sitting by himself, just staring into nothing like there was something about to appear out of thin air again. He seemed pensive enough not to notice Alec approaching him from behind, or at least that was what Alec thought.
"What do you want?" Daniel asked even before he could see Alec.
"Nothing... I just...," Alec stuttered.
"I am not really in the mood to talk to you," he said.
"Will you ever be?" asked the werewolf, then he finished his question when Daniel turned around to see him,"Be in the mood to talk to me?"
"What do you want to know?" Daniel gave up on his attempt to push Alec away, it almost seemed too easy, nobody could really tell those days.
"I don't get it, only a few hours ago you were trying to kill me, now you saved my life and... I gotta say I am a bit confused by all of this...,"
"I wanted to kill you, but I wasn't trying to," Daniel admitted in a softer tone.
What he said didn't clear the fog in Alec's head so, he walked even closer to the man and slowly sat by his side,"I still don't get it...," Alec's words got stuck in his throat when Daniel turned to look him in the eyes, he bore an expression Alec couldn't comprehend, the best he could guess was somewhere between pain and sorrow, his tears threatening to fall.
A moment of silence followed in which, Alec wondered if Daniel was gathering his strength to speak up, or if he was picking his words with care for one reason or another, but then he spoke,"I had someone to care for, someone to love, someone to talk to... And then all of the sudden they were ripped away from me with such ease, I just couldn't live with it,"
"They were murdered by a supernatural?" Alec asked when Daniel paused for a little too long, he waited for the answer even though he already knew what it was going to be.
"A werewolf," he said, he resumed his story faster than he did before,"I watched the entire thing, and I couldn't do anything. After that you can imagine what I wanted to do, I wanted to rip the heart out of that thing's chest, I wanted to eat it raw. I didn't care, I just chased after it for months until, I found out another hunter had already had its head. I was left with all that anger burning me from the inside and I didn't know what to do with it and then...,"
"And then you met Monroe," Alec finished his sentence for him when he seemed to be struggling to do so himself.
"She told me all supernaturals were the same, and that she made it her mission to go around and exterminate anything she deemed more than human, and she invited me to join her group. You might think it was pathetic but at the time I was completely lost, and she gave me a new purpose, something to live for when I'd totally given up on living. Deep down I think I always knew how absurd we all were with that mindset, but I just couldn't accept it,"
Another moment of silence followed after Daniel's words, before Alec's voice came to break it, "No, I... Don't think it was pathetic, I couldn't think that even if I tried to," Daniel's eyes darted towards Alec in an instant, he seemed surprised by what he just said to him, but then Alec said something else,"What changed you since last time we saw each other?"
"Well, there's already the fact that you could have killed all of us, but you didn't,"
"Yeah, sorry about that by the way, but...We can't just let you kill us, you know?"
They both chuckled after Alec's most recent sentence but then, Daniel's face became serious again and he finally allowed the heaviest thought he had in mind to escape, "You look just like him,"
Alec went dead quiet after hearing that, he pondered for a few seconds whether he should ask or not, eventually he went with the former idea, "Look like who?"
"My little brother... The one that I... Lost," Daniel confessed with the smallest of voices, almost as though he was afraid of what would happen, like he wasn't allowed to say what he did.
They both just sat in silence after that, Alec came to understand Daniel's attitude towards him the night before, when he had a gun pointed at his head. In a way, maybe that was the only reason he didn't pull the trigger, maybe he felt like he was watching his brother die all over again, or worse, maybe he even felt like he was the one killing him.
It felt like it was a good opportunity to just look at the morning sky, and breathe all of that torment out, so they did just that, no more words were needed.