Teen wolf / Beneath the surface / Season 7

Chapter 60: Past acts

Hayden walked alongside the wall patiently. Throughout the hundreds or so of voices she could hear in that hospital, she could make out one that she'd been wanting to hear ever since she first left Beacon Hills.

Liam was talking to someone, no, two people; she knew them as well, only not that much. Hayden found their conversation quite peculiar at first, but then she recalled what her and the others did in Mexico, things made a lot more sense to her after that.

"I don't get it, I thought you were dead, I saw you two die," Liam said, he sounded like his sanity was hanging by a thin thread.

"We did die," that was Brett's voice.

"Ow well, that explains everything then," Hayden smiled at Liam's sarcasm.

"Well, if it makes you feel better, we've been dead until very early last night," said a girl that Hayden believed to be Lori.

"Ok, what happened after that?" Liam asked.

"I am not sure to be honest, when I opened my eyes, I was in some sort of old temple. Apparently, it's an Aztec temple underneath a church in Mexico," Brett answered his question.

"Same for me. Sorry we don't know more than that," Lori added soon after him.

"I know Satomi was there too since I saw her, but who else was with you?" said Liam.

"I know about Deucalion and three other werewolves, Erica, Boyd and Aiden, someone else was revived after us but we didn't stay to find out who it was," said Brett again.

"Deucalion is back too?"

"Well, yes, most definitely," said Lori.

"But how?" Liam asked.

"We didn't really understand the process, but I am sure Satomi does, she can explain it to all of us later, when the others come back," said Brett.

"We just know that the temple was an important part of it," Lori added.

"I am sorry I am bombarding you guys with these questions, it's just that..." Liam started but trailed off.

"That it all seems so crazy? When has it ever been otherwise for the likes of us?" Brett chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess this is just beyond the usual level of crazy I am used to," said Liam.

"Well, don't hold your breath, according to what Satomi said, crazier is yet to come," said Lori.

"I don't doubt that," he answered.

"So, we've been dead for what now? Three years?" asked Brett, in a bit of a lighter tone.

"Something like that,"

"What did we miss?" asked Lori.

"A huge war. Humans against... All of us," Liam didn't really know how to describe the events better than that.

"Wow! I am not sure if I should be happy I slept through that storm," Brett continued and joked around.

"God! You haven't changed a bit," said Liam.

"Well yeah, for you it's been three years, for us, it feels like time hasn't moved at all, it's just like it was yesterday," said Lori.

"I guess what I am trying to say is... I am glad to see you guys," finished Liam.

Hayden felt odd, listening in on their discussion. But focusing on their words, she realized that, out of all the names they'd just sited, she really only knew Deucalion. It emphasized the feeling of distance she had ever since she'd received her first message from the guardian angel, that feeling of loneliness, like she was cut out from a bigger picture.

As she advanced towards them, their voices got louder and clearer. When they were finally at her reach, she stopped and just stood there pondering, hesitant. Unsure of whether she should show herself or not, she knew they were too deep into their talk to even notice her presence behind that wall. She thought that perhaps she should let them finish what they had to say to each other, they hadn't seen each other for years and for solid reasons at that.

"Are you just gonna stand there?" A fourth and familiar voice came to her ears from behind, she flipped around to see him.

"Theo?" said Hayden.

Theo had his arms crossed, his back and one foot against the wall behind him, "Yeah, yeah, how dare I be alive? And so on and so forth..." he said.

"No... That's not what I was thinking at all," she said in a bit of a serious tone.

he noticed a hint of what he thought was sadness in her voice, he couldn't tell the reason why, but he did regret his last utterings, "Ow well, that's progress," he smiled as he said that.

"I guess it is," she said, trying her best to smile.

"Anyways, you should just go in there, I'm sure you won't bother them," he pushed his weight off the wall with his foot, then he walked away from her after speaking those words.

Whatever he meant, she thought some of what he said ought to be true; what could she have had to lose more than what she'd already lost. She took a deep breath and turned around, she took a few steps forward, but then she noticed that Brett and Lori's heartbeats weren't there anymore, they'd left already.

"Were you really thinking of leaving without saying hi?" Liam's voice made her heart jump in its cage. He was standing right around the corner, waiting for her to pay attention.

When she finally laid eyes on him, everything she'd thought of saying to him just evaporated, it was like her vocal cords just dried out on the spot. Her lungs felt heavier in her chest, and she had no idea what to do with her body. Thankfully, she didn't have to think much about it for herself, she felt his arms go around her to squeeze her into a tight hug. She felt his warmth against her, and she could breathe his scent in. She finally allowed her tears to roll freely on her cheeks, she'd been holding them back for quite the long time.

"Liam I...," she began.

"It's alright, you don't have to say anything, I know," he said as he held her closer.

She did have much to say, she wanted to tell him how sorry she was for leaving, how wrong she was to think she could just get away from all of it. She wanted to let him know how sorry she was for basically abandoning him. How regretful she was of that decision, and how painful were the thoughts of her past actions leading up to that moment.

But somehow, he knew it. Somehow, he felt all of it. She knew she didn't need to utter a word about it, because he just knew, he just understood, even though he couldn't possibly know why.

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