Teen wolf / Beneath the surface / Season 7

Chapter 55: sunrise ahead

"There he is, the Stiles I knew!" the nogitsuné exclaimed. His smile was only shortly displayed on his face; he cut it dry, his eyes still on Stiles. It seemed he was determined to finally get it over with. It almost felt like he didn't want to do it, like he didn't want to kill Stiles just yet, like he wanted to prolong his suffering in order to revel in it a bit longer, "Well, farewell, I suppose," he simply stated.

His problem arose however, when he couldn't complete his action. The nogitsuné stood confused, wondering about the reasons he was hearing that scream, her scream. It wasn't part of the plan, it wasn't supposed to go that way; he too recognized that banshee's scream, for he too had dealt with her in the past, Lydia.

"Lydia?" Stiles muttered to himself, turning away from his enemy to look at the roof door leading back inside the hospital.

"Not sure what that was about but, no matter, where were we?" said the nogitsuné, his mind set on eliminating Stiles.

Stiles laid his sight back on the creature once he heard his latest words. Something peaked from behind the monster's back, right near his shoulder. Stiles instantly squinted his eyes at what he came to understand was light. His heart skipped a beat at that realization, he didn't even care about the fact that he was on the brink of death. That god awful night, that dragged its tail forever, was finally over.

Stiles' lips naturally pulled into a side smirk, the nogitsuné took no time to notice that, before following Stiles' gaze, and slowly turning around to view the sun, gradually casting its bright rays upon the town from the horizon. When he turned back around towards Stiles, his face was twisted in what could only be described as a thousand layers of rage and hatred.

The creature only had the time to take a deep breath and open its mouth to speak but didn't get the chance to come out with it. A thin silver blade promptly protruded through his chest; he took a few seconds to stare blankly at nothing in particular, then his irises fell down on the blade. Stiles noted that instead of blood, he saw rays of lights exude from the stab wound. The blade was retracted by its wielder as quickly as it pierced the nogitsuné who, had begun to spin his head around to catch a glimpse of his killer, but before he could do so, the weapon that appeared to be a katana was seen by Stiles go high, full swing, and behead the nogitsuné. His head landed a few feet away on the ground.

The body of the creature broke apart, consumed more and more by light with each second that passed, leaving free way for Stiles to gaze upon his hero.

"Mrs. Yukimura?" he spoke.

She sighed, before finally speaking, "You may call me Noshiko, at this point,"


The fight would have been merciless, if Kate hadn't liked toying with her catches. She'd always been that way, as far as anyone that crossed her path knew of her. She enjoyed watching the berserkers give a hard time to Peter and Malia.

Peter pushed himself as far as he could just to lay a hit on his enemy, but his recent injury was preventing him from fighting at full strength. He could sense how weak his punches had gotten; bruising a berserker's skin wasn't an easy task to begin with, let alone with a hindrance.

"Peter!" Malia screamed before throwing herself between her father and a berserker that stood behind him ready to stab him.

Peter only had the time to see the dagger after Malia's exclamation, but then it was hidden behind Malia's figure, who'd protected him from harm, "No!" he said, when none of them moved... Nor breathed for that matter.

"I am fine, focus on your fight," said Malia through gritted teeth, she'd managed to stop the dagger with her hand by allowing the berserker to stab through her palm. She lifted her leg and kicked at the berserker that barely budged, but that action permitted her to push herself backwards in order to remove the blade out of her hand.

"This honestly feels like the déjà vue of a déjà vue," stated Kate, she'd rested her figure on the stairs' handrails, as burnt as they were, they still held in place, even in that illusion. Malia and Peter were in her view, she watched their clash with the berserkers with twinkling eyes, she loved following their growing struggle, every injury and wound they'd garnered throughout that fight, she simply enjoyed the show.

Everything must come to an end one day or another, and it seemed that at that moment, it was time for Kate's smile to die as Lydia's scream ringed everyone's ears.

"That's Lydia's voice!" said Malia.

"It came through that way!" added Peter, pointing towards a specific direction just by looking its way.

They both ran like hell, their only hope to survive at that point was to leave that fight behind, and they certainly couldn't care less about finishing it, they weren't a good match anyway. However, Kate saw through their plan, and she immediately ordered her berserkers to go after them, she enjoyed playing around but push finally came to shove, and she knew she had a task to complete.

They'd managed to run out of the Hale house but didn't make it far enough from there, when Malia tripped and fell face first to the ground; Peter didn't hesitate to rush back by her side to help her. As she was busy pushing herself off the dirt, Peter had the occasion to see what stood right behind her, ready to end her life. The werewolf closed his eyes, threw himself on her back and held onto her tight to protect his daughter from the incoming attack.

An attack that... Never came. Peter reopened his eyes to see, that there was somebody standing between them and the berserker. The young woman didn't appear to have been injured, she stood in place, her arms spread eagle to shield him and Malia from the berserkers.

Malia thought she'd recognized the scent of Hayden Romero right then, "Hayden?" she said when she'd laid eyes on her.

When the shock was finally out of everyone's system, Kate spoke, "Interesting! They didn't kill you,"

"No, they didn't," Hayden said simply.

"You're not a werejaguar, but you're not a simple werewolf either," said Kate again.

"It's a long story, that I dont feel like chatting about with you," Hayden retorted.

"Whatever, maybe they can't hurt you but... They will hurt them!" Kate promptly growled her order at the berserkers after finishing her sentence.

The monsters advanced but, Hayden stood in their way again, and she didn't stop at that, she held her hand up to one of the berserkers' masks and gripped it. A few instants after that, its mask began to show signs of fracturing, and as soon as the mask had completely disintegrated, the entire berserker was rendered into a pile of crumbling dust.

Kate's eyes remained wide open before that show, unsure of what to do, but Hayden didn't wait for her response, she took the initiative, "Berserkers can't hurt a bone woman, can't disobey her and can't win against her," she said in a firm tone.

"Maybe... But you still can't take me on your own pipsqueak," Kate mocked Hayden.

"What makes you think I came alone?"

Before Kate could add anything, Jackson and Ethan came into view, one standing to her left and the other to her right, "Nowhere to run now, you old hag!" Ethan threw her way.

"We're not done yet," said Kate, then she continued turning towards Ethan,"I'll make you pay for those words,"

Light invaded the space around them very quickly, they all had to cover their eyes to avoid potential blindness, and when they finally opened them again, Kate and the remaining berserkers had disappeared.

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