In the end, I had to pretend to give in to my senior’s persistence and follow along. In reality, I was secretly cheering inside while heading to the field with my senior who couldn’t contain his excitement.
Twenty-one players wearing the same uniform as my senior were already waiting on the field. They simultaneously jeered at and enthusiastically welcomed the very last player who was quite late.
“Teacher, you’re totally late!”
“Did you guys drink your meal? Why are you here so early?”
“There’s no time for that, teacher! We only have 40 minutes left!”
Amid the students’ clamor, the game began hurriedly.
After sending my senior to the field and left alone, I had to choose a place to watch the game. I had two options: a stepped stand with intense sunlight beating down mercilessly, or a bench with cool shade created by lush wisteria.
Of course, my choice was the latter, and sitting in the shade, I could pretend to watch the soccer game while secretly observing my senior as the late spring breeze gently blew.
It was clear that my physical condition wasn’t good at all; my straight posture gradually curved, my posture slowly collapsed, and eventually I ended up gently leaning against a pillar. After resting my heavy body against something, my wide-open eyes began to close drowsily.
I think I dozed off like that.
I opened my eyes wide at the loud sound. The game seemed to be over already. Judging by everyone gathering in the middle of the field, that was the case. As I tried to see if my senior’s team had won with my still half-asleep eyes, I felt a presence beside me.
I almost woke up with a sound similar to how I had awakened.
On the bench next to where I had fallen asleep, Woo Tae-seon was peacefully sleeping. My eyes, which hadn’t fully opened until then, gradually widened. Surprisingly, my first thought was that he was really handsome.
Under the wisteria that would soon bloom, a fragrant breeze gently swayed his peacefully sleeping hair. The shadow dancing like undulating waves above Woo Tae-seon’s face made the curves of his magnificent features stand out even more.
I thought that if I had been like a newly hatched duckling and seen Woo Tae-seon first instead of my senior, perhaps I might have fallen for him instead. That’s how handsome he was.
* * *
Cough, cough. The cough I had been suppressing all morning finally erupted violently.
“Teacher Song. Are you okay?”
Despite hearing my senior’s kind voice, I couldn’t be completely happy today. Barely nodding was the best I could do. In fact, I wasn’t feeling well enough to even respond.
“I’m sorry, Jae-yun.”
The voice that had felt somewhat distant until just now was now whispering in my ear. Startled, I raised my head and only then became aware of the loud cheers filling the large field. Today was the day of the sports festival.
The reason for my sluggish responses was that the low fever that had been simmering since this morning had gradually boiled over and finally filled my head completely.
But my senior, perhaps thinking I couldn’t hear because of the noisy surroundings, cupped their hand between their mouth and my ear and whispered more distinctly. That they were sorry.
“Those kids are just too mischievous…”
The sports festival was an unparalleled big event that all students had been looking forward to for months. It was a day that officially granted freedom to students who normally had to focus solely on their studies.
For the students who had been gradually getting excited starting a week ago, waiting only for today, accidentally finding their homeroom teacher resting after lunch must have been a particularly precious event they didn’t want to miss. Of course, it wouldn’t have been too difficult to generously include the math teacher who happened to be sitting next to them.
What made the situation more awkward for my senior and me was that Class 5’s sports festival concept was “NYPD,” and the nine New York police officers were carrying large neon water guns instead of dangerous pistols. And to add one more thing, the place where we had sat down to rest happened to be right by the water faucet.
The cool water faucet transformed from our comfortable resting place into the perfect spot for enemies to easily refill their ammunition.
‘We’re completely soaked, you guys! Stop it!’
Regardless of my senior’s scolding, the merciless nine were satisfied only after creating two completely drenched mice, then left snickering. Without the energy to take off my clothes, I pulled at my dripping gym uniform top and wrung out as much water as possible with both hands.
I thought maybe it was a good thing. After all, the cold water would have cooled down my fever, and since the sun was not just warm but hot, wet clothes would dry quickly.
But contrary to my positive expectations, the simmering fever subsequently began to boil in earnest.
“Wait here a moment.”
When my senior, who had left after lightly patting my shoulder, returned, they were holding a bundle of keys.
“These are the keys to the infirmary, Jae-yun. The nurse will be at the medical tent the whole time, so rest comfortably. These are fever reducers, and they say it’s fine to take them on an empty stomach.”
I received the key bundle and two pills from my senior. My heart beat violently.
…Lunch, so they knew. I had tried my best to eat properly, but how did they notice? Just the fact that my senior, who hadn’t said anything until just now, knew I hadn’t eaten lunch properly made my heart race uncontrollably.
“Take these and get some sleep. I’ll come wake you up later.”
I don’t know how many times I nodded up and down. Even though the fever reducer was still in my hand, I already felt like my fever had gone down. No, it felt like all the heat had gathered in my face. Both cheeks were burning hot.
With how I felt now, it seemed like sitting next to my senior would be better for regaining my usual energy than lying on the infirmary bed. Of course, I couldn’t say that, and I shouldn’t, so I had to quietly head to the main building where the infirmary was. Thinking I would just sleep for a little while and then come back out.
But that was just my own thought, and my boiling body seemed to disagree. After taking the fever reducer and getting into the cozy bed, I quickly fell into a deep sleep as if I had been waiting for it.
I suddenly woke up while sleeping heavily like that.
My eyes, still hot from the fever, started to close again drowsily. Forcing my eyes open, I saw the infirmary ceiling, the last thing I had seen before falling asleep. Outside the window, cheers rumbled continuously. The sports festival seemed to still be in full swing.
Even though it was a short nap, my body and head felt much more refreshed than before. When I sat up, the gym uniform top that had been covering me slid down to my thighs.
I could immediately tell who the gym uniform belonged to. Though it had faded quite a bit, it still had the same scent as the perfume I always smelled from the seat next to mine.
It didn’t seem like I had slept for long, but when did they come to cover me and leave? With overwhelming emotions, my body went limp, and I flopped back onto the bed. I pulled the gym uniform up to the edges of my face, which was spreading into a wide smile. And when I closed my eyes, it felt like I was completely surrounded by my senior.
My hand slipped down stealthily. Even though I thought I shouldn’t do this, my hand moved faster and more boldly than my thoughts.
It might have been different if my pants had a buckle that needed to be opened and a waistband to undo. Then I might have changed my mind halfway. But the gym pants I was wearing had an elastic waistband. Thanks to that, I could easily invade without any hindrance, and I soon stopped all useless thoughts.
The fever that had been mercilessly pounding my head disappeared, and a pleasant heat began to boil. Imagining kissing the palm that had checked my forehead, I moved my hand a little faster.
Actually, rather than the smooth palm, I wanted to kiss the parting lips. My thighs twisted tightly. I thought it would be nice if that hand would hold me. My senior holding me. My senior. Senior. Jin-woo hyung…
Knock, knock.
At the rigid sound, I instantly came to my senses as if cold water had been poured over me. It was the sound of someone knocking on the sliding door of the infirmary.
What was I doing just now? What had I done? No, not yet. Maybe they haven’t come in yet. Did I hear the sound of the door opening? No. I didn’t hear it. The old sliding door couldn’t have opened without making any sound. So they knocked before coming in, yes, that could be it.
With trembling hands, I carefully pulled down the gym uniform that had been covering my head, and the heat that had filled inside it quickly dispersed into the air. As I immediately sat up straight, what entered my eyes was not the shape of someone reflected outside the opaque door, but someone standing inside the doorway. And it was.
“Teacher Song Jae-yun?”
Class 5 president, Woo Tae-seon.
“What are you doing?”
I couldn’t say anything. No, it would be more accurate to say I was frozen. My head gradually turned toward the floor. The black sneakers at the edge of my vision were getting closer.
“I wondered how sick you must be for groaning sounds to be heard outside the door.”
It was very easy for Woo Tae-seon to take away my senior’s gym uniform, and it was very difficult for me to prevent it.
My empty hands trembled. I tightly gripped the edge of the thin blanket that had been covering me instead of the confiscated gym uniform. The sound of my heart beating violently, as if about to burst out, pounded in my ears. My chest hurt so much it felt constricted.
A large palm wrapped around my stiff wrist. And instantly pulled me out of the bed. Thanks to that, I could no longer hide under the blanket.
As I managed to stand up straight on my trembling legs, the coldness flowing from the infirmary floor came up through my thin socks. It was strange because today was quite a hot day. That meant I couldn’t think properly. Now even my head started spinning.
The right hand that had easily pulled me out of bed now lightly tapped the center of my body.
“It’s wet.”
The center of my gray pants was soaked in a darker color. Both Woo Tae-seon and I looked down at the only spot that was a different color. The stiffness in my groin that had shot up at the sudden knock had instantly gone away, but due to the surprise, it seemed that some pre-ejaculate had leaked out.
I couldn’t think of what to say or a suitable excuse. No, it’s more accurate to say I had nothing to say. Like a criminal in court with all charges fully revealed, I couldn’t even raise my head.
“Whose clothes are these?”
Woo Tae-seon examined the gym uniform he had seized from me. He wouldn’t find anything special from the gym uniform, the most decisive piece of evidence. What Woo Tae-seon was holding was an ordinary Seongjin High School gym uniform. One given to all students, and even all teachers. So there wouldn’t be any name tag or anything attached to it.
In the midst of all this, I thought it was fortunate that he didn’t discover it was my senior’s gym uniform.
“But we’re an all-boys school, aren’t we?”
Though it wasn’t directed at me.