Chapter 60: CHAPTER 219
October 7th, 1797. Jin checked a single press release from Huphester. Four days ago, they had been reporting the Schucheron Imperial Knight Vowing Ceremony.
(This year, the Schucheron Kingdom's Imperial Knight Vowing Ceremony was led by Prince Tolian Schucheron instead of Emperor Lumon Schucheron.
Most importantly, prospective successors from Runcandel, McRolan, Tuko, Nitro, Ken, and other clans attended as well.
From this, it is speculated that Prince Tolian finally gained the formal title of successor, ending the battle between him and his siblings for the position. On that note…)
Jin watched Joshua blow himself up four days ago.
If he really died, then the article from 'four days ago' had to be false.
As Jin glued his eyes to the paper, a concerned Gilly approached.
"Young Master."
"…Just as I thought, he had something up his sleeve. He wouldn't die so easily."
Gilly and the others had already found out about the events on the island. They were also confused in regards to Joshua's presence in the article.
"And there'd be no way you'd mistaken his face for another… how peculiar. Either it could be an impersonation or Bouvard Gaston's handcrafted clone…"
Kashimir shook his head.
"There's no way it'd be either of those. The Decisive Killing Move was too legit to mimic. Someone outside Runcandel could never copy it. Maybe if it had been just a normal sword skill…"
Even though many talented swordsmen displayed exceptional innate talent, no one could imitate the Runcandel Clan's blessed body. A normal body could never learn the Secret Techniques.
"Well, regarding impersonators, the Joshua at the ceremony could be the fake one."
"We should definitely check up on that. But it feels… odd. I'm sure that snake-like man had a few tricks up his sleeve."
"He could be cursed like Shurry."
Enya whispered after watching Shurry for a while.
"Then we would've seen him regenerate when his body was dismantled."
"Young Master, how about Numeros's Tear?"
"In that case, we would've seen a bright light shine around him. We saw him shining with aura, which is completely different from what's said about Numeros's Tear."
"Heh, well, I was sleeping the whole time, so I can't offer much. What the hell did this guy do?"
Jin muttered that word.
"Milord, did you just propose cloning?"
"Just a thought. Looking back at his attitude and the conversations we had, I have to say that it could only be Joshua Runcandel."
But cloning a human was impossible.
Yet, due to the situation, they had to consider the impossible as well.
Just like Shurry's curse of immortality and Bouvard's compass and orb. Jin's recent years told him that anything could be possible at this point.
"Please continue."
"Well, this is what I think. He has multiple clones of himself, and he sent one to the island. Peitel's contractor, Julien, had to be one of his strongest soldiers. And since the island was covered in lightning, he knew that something was up."
Jin glanced at Julien.
He remained unconscious, his hand and legs bound.
"Joshua must've known that Julien's powers exploded. Kuzan and Beris didn't have a great relationship with him."
"So he went to calm them down?"
"Naturally. Plus, he came alone to avoid losing any of his goons to Julien, or possibly to keep the island's secret."
At that point, Joshua arrived via a small sailboat. This fact had constantly bothered Jin.
"Maybe he came alone because he could handle it alone. But it doesn't make sense, not with his personality. In addition, he chose to suicide in order to defeat Garmund."
"That motherfu… I mean, I don't understand either, Young Master. He's not the type to end his life so easily."
"He never expected to meet me, either. Once he determined his victory was at hand, he exposed his intent to steal my powers. He said he couldn't kill me, in spite of all my provocative comments."
—That power was meant to be mine.
Joshua said that as soon as Jin began to use his spiritual energy.
He didn't know at the time, but thinking about it now, it made sense.
"Then with the addition of Garmund, the tides turned. He instantly got pushed into a corner… and made a decision. Although he evaded capture, he had to give it everything he had."
"Maybe he already calculated that you'd die from Volcano."
"He's a 9-star knight. He definitely knew that Garmund could protect me. After getting rid of Garmund, he decided to just get me another day."
Jin was sure Joshua wouldn't have chosen to suicide if he only had one life.
And to Joshua's knowledge, Garmund was Jin's trump card.
Silence overcame those present.
It wasn't such a bright mood, but they all thought deeply about what would happen next.
"…My head hurts. If what you saw was a clone, then I don't even know what to do."
"Milord, why don't you go talk to Lord Cyron?"
Alisa asked, and Jin shook his head.
"It's the battle for hegemony. Consulting my father would only mean that I am incapable of defeating him. Also, we lack evidence. There's no definitive evidence that he is either dead or alive."
"That's true."
"Whether the Joshua that died was the real one, or the one that attended the ceremony, we can only theorize about it. If Julien regains consciousness, then we'd be able to get more information."
"Now we shall dispatch the investigative team for Kuzan and Beris."
Jin couldn't linger around to find them. He determined that they were long dead.
"Please don't rush to do that. In fact, he might get us if we go back right away. If they're alive, they'd give us a sign. They likely know I'm no longer their enemy."
* * *
A man sitting in a chair shuddered. A cold sweat and fever.
And bottomless shame.
All of this was what he experienced after losing a body.
A black dust molded together in front of him.
Spiritual energy, the thing he desired most.
Within the dust, a woman appeared with a smile.
"How can the successor of Runcandel be quivering alone in the basement? How pitiful, you look just like an orphan. How does it feel, little orphan?"
The darkness of the basement covered the woman's face. Only two pumpkin-colored eyes flickered in the darkness.
"You came to laugh?"
"Yes, that's correct. I came to laugh at your pathetic ass. Haha, you idiot! Why did you self-destruct? Do you think making a new body is that easy?"
Joshua said nothing and only stared.
"Don't just look at me and at least make up an excuse. Was that your best? Then it's a disappointment."
"I had to do it to get rid of the Illustrious Legend."
The woman burst into a fit of giggles, but stopped immediately and ground her teeth.
"Alright, then a question for this foolish human. Did you ultimately kill Garmund? No, his true self doesn't even exist in this world."
"…So the Illustrious Legend is alive?"
"He's in a purgatory, but he's still alive in the sense he didn't actually die. Hence, you just threw away your extra body."
She spoke with a smile, but her eyes were filled with hatred and disgust.
"Goddamn it. I don't understand why the prophecy pointed me to your poor ass. Maybe if it was the first daughter or the youngest son. No, even Diphus or Mary would've been enough."
Anger bubbled within both of them.
"Or maybe the first person that the original prophecy pointed to, your father. What if he met me before he became a demigod? I wouldn't have to babysit you anymore."
Joshua just sat and waited for her to stop.
At the end of the day, the woman could not leave him. She'd stop and shake her head in a few more minutes.
She stopped hurling insults.
"Well, whatever. Maybe it's enough that information was gathered about your little brother. If you found out during a more important battle, things could've been worse."
The woman wrapped her arms around Joshua.
"They found Shurry, too. Jin taking care of Shurry is even worse, but everything will come back to you, Child of the Prophecy. I'll make you a new clone."
"How much do you need?"
Joshua asked, and the woman grinned.
"The same as last time. There are plenty of ingredients."