Superbabes: Special Delivery Service

Chapter 416: Delivery Girl: Power Girl Order #7

I don't own DC.


There has been something on Power Girl's mind for a while now. Something scratching at the back of her head as she sat on the couch of her apartment with Batgirl, as usual, slurping on a shake beside her. Her patented big breasts bulging out of the Batman shirt she stole from her boyfriend, Tom Kirby, who also happened to be the subject of her thoughts…


I know. Big SHOCK…


But it has been bothering her… So… she finally brought it up.


"How would you feel if I invited Tom to move in with us?" The question seemed out of nowhere, but Jackie loudly slurped her shake before smacking her very talented dick-sucking lips and glancing at Power Girl curiously.


"Doesn't he live here already?" which is a question Jackie 'Batgirl' Brown would ask, but Sierra brushed it off. They've been friends since forever at this point, so there was very little she didn't already understand about the semen-addicted redhead.


"No. But that's what I mean." Power Girl continued watching the TV. "He practically lives here already, and let's be honest, Brit spends more and more time with her pirate nowadays that she could move out any day now…" Jackie loudly slurped her shake seemingly thinking on it. "…So maybe when she does, Tom could move in. With us…" she said as Jackie blinked at her.


"…You're writing off Brit pretty easily in this scenario." Power Girl pouted, and Jackie gave her cup a shake as she thought about it.


"…Well, it's just me thinking."


"Why don't we get a house?" Jackie declared as Power Girl stared at her.


"What? Just like that? Buy a house?" Jackie shrugged.


"Well, this place is getting kind of cramped." Jackie replied. "And if we got a house, we could have parties and shit…" Power Girl rubbed her chin.


"Parties huh…?" She said softly, already imagining herself as a housewife in an apron, inviting people over. Tom holding a pipe in a cardigan and oddly everything was in black and white… she really needed to lay off the midnight TV sitcoms. She shook off the daydream and came back to reality. "I mean it is a thought."


"Well, it's a thought I'm now thinking about. You brought it up." She said, shaking her drink cup again to shake all the good stuff to the bottom of the cup. "…I mean, have you talked to Brit about this or just me? Because as long as I have a couch and ice cream, I'm cool."


"…Well, what if Tom and I just moved in together?" She asked tentatively, and Jackie wrapped her lips around her straw and slurped thoughtfully, then stopped.


"…Then I guess I'd have to find new roommates." Jackie mumbled, thoughtfully slurping again as Power Girl sighed.


"…Who am I kidding? Even WITH what I make at Superbabes, buying a house is a lot… Fine, you can move in with us." She said with a playful smile.


"Good, I didn't want to have to get used to other people." Jackie noted, "Let me know how it works out with Brit."


"How what works out with Brit?" said their attractive British roommate coming in from her morning jog. Her sports bra and sweatpants clinging tightly to her sultry body as she pulled out her earphones and slipped out of her sneakers. "What's up, love?"


"Oh… well. I... was thinking." Power Girl fidgeted, rubbing her thighs. "About moving in together with Tom…" she said. Britney raised an eyebrow at that.


"Doesn't he live here already?" she replied as Jackie chuckled around her straw.


"That's what I said." Power Girl scowled at them both.


"THAT's the thing. I was thinking about moving out. With Jackie… and getting a house."


"The house was my idea," Jackie replied as Britney blinked at them.


"Oh. Do you have any ideas where?" Britney replied, "If possible, I'd like it to be at least within spitting distance of Edward." They stared at her. "What?"


"Oh… well, I just thought that you'd move in with him." Britney then raised an eyebrow, smiled, and chuckled.


"Oh, lovely, I am NOT ready for that." She declared, "He and I both quite like our space right now, and Jacob isn't ready for…" She then gestured to her gorgeous ebony body. "THIS being a permanent resident… I'm not ready to split up t'dream team yet." She said fondly.


"Well… I still need to talk to Tom about moving in together." She said, fidgeting again. "…He might say no."


"Don't know why." Britney replied with an eye roll. "He's crazy about you, and he'd get to shack up with a trio of beauties; I don't see how he could say no."


"Well… there is ONE reason he could." Power Girl turned her attention to Jackie, who slurped her shake and blinked at her two friends and roommates looking at her skeptically.


"…What?" completely oblivious.


"…To think she would normally be a bonus if it was anyone else." Britney replied with a chuckle, "I'm going to shower. Why don't you look up some listings?" Walking away into her room.


"Or practice what you're going to say to Tom?" Jackie replied, "I can ask him if you want."


"No. Why would I want you to ask MY boyfriend to move in together?" Sierra asked with a rather bemused smile on her gorgeous face before getting off the couch.


"Tom likes me." Jackie replied casually,


"In a way." Power Girl admittedly conceded, "But he still has his issues with you." She added under her breath.


"…I'm a delight." Jackie replied, completely straight-faced and distinctly lacking any more shake. Power Girl, however, rolled her eyes and reached into her pocket, pulling out her phone before checking a real estate website.


"Uh huh…" Power Girl replied dismissively, now focused on looking into what could be available.


"Somewhere close to a supermarket. Or at least a place with ice cream." Power Girl glared at Jackie, who went into their kitchen. "…a nice big freezer." She added as Britney soon came out of her bedroom, yanking down a T-shirt over her big breasts, snuggly held by some old lacey merchandise she once modeled.


"A basement and a second floor might be good." Britney said casually, sitting her beautiful backside on the arm of the couch, looking over Power Girl's shoulder. "I'd love the extra space. Plus we can have a floor for each of us."


"I don't think that's how house sharing works." Power Girl replied with a smile, "Also, who'd live in the basement?" After a brief moment of thought, they turned their attention to Jackie, who had returned after making a new shake.


"…Too far from the kitchen." Jackie replied casually as Britney just chuckled.


"Well, we'll figure it out. Oh!... look at this." She then held up her phone, showing the picture of a house with a white picket fence, "Two-car garage, basement, two stories. Wow, that's everything we asked for, and look at that pricing! ... So, okay, what's the problem?" She was Gotham born; she knew a suspicious sale when she saw it. She clicked the house and scrolled down for details…


Previously owned by Serial Killer Duane Dumass.


"…Who?" Power Girl asked, confused. This was Gotham; there were a LOT of serial killers.


"Duane Dumass." Britney said, checking her own phone. "Aka the 'Double Dee Killer.' Wanker killed three 'well endowed' women and was shot dead trying to have a go for a fourth." Britney frowned, "…What kind of wanker kills women with big jubblies?"


"A guy who can't handle them." Power Girl replied proudly, "Unlike Tom…" Britney just rolled her eyes.


"Well, the guy's dead, so it's probably not that much of a problem for us." Britney said, which is a good thing because she and Power Girl would've been prime targets for this 'Duane Dumass.' "I say we go check the place out…"


"Well, there's no point in looking until I actually TALK to Tom and see if he wants to move in together with us."


"Bugger that. Just because Tommy boy doesn't want to move in together doesn't mean WE still can't move out." Britney slid onto the couch, shoving Power Girl over. "We could still totally afford this, with or without Tom."


"Because it's a serial killer's house." Jackie replied.


"A dead one." Britney replied, but Jackie shrugged.


"I don't really care about that. I'm just saying." Jackie slurped her shake. "They shot him, right? What do we have to be worried about?"


"…Ghosts?" Power Girl replied after a moment's hesitation.


"If ghosts were a common thing, Gotham would be full of them." Jackie replied casually.


"There is literally a criminal who calls himself Gentleman Ghost." Britney replied.


"Yeah, but how many other ghosts have you met?" Jackie added as the other two seemed to ponder her statement seriously. "Again. This is Gotham; we should see ghosts everywhere."


"…I really hate it when she makes a good point." Britney mumbled under her breath; Jackie, however, went back to sucking on her shake.


"Ugh!" Power Girl sighed, shaking her head. "Well, it doesn't matter if Tom doesn't want to-" BUZZ! Her phone suddenly vibrated and rang, leaping from her fingers as she jumped, but she quickly caught her device and looked at who was calling. "Speaking of…" she then answered the phone, and his handsome face appeared. "Heeey sexy." She purred playfully as Tom greeted his girlfriend over the phone, and Britney and Jackie both intruded into the shot to wave at him.


"Heeeey." Britney and Jackie said as Power Girl pushed away the former, then the latter, and got up from the couch, leaving her roommates to grin and slurp at her, respectively.


"Hey." Tom declared with a grin that it looked like he was just getting home to his apartment. "So… I originally called to see if you were still on to come with me to the party.


"…Party?" Power Girl blinked at him, completely blanking on what he was talking about. "What Party?"


"Are we having a party?" Jackie replied, suddenly interested, only for Britney to put a hand on her shoulder. 'Parties' had something of a different meaning to Jackie during a fix…


"Down, girl." She replied, shoving Jackie back onto the couch.


"The Wayne Tech is having a get-together." Tom replied, "I told you about it a week ago. Did you still want to go? I'm allowed to bring a plus one."


"Oh! Uh… YEAH." She smiled prettily; she had TOTALLY forgotten about the party she had been invited to, all this talk about moving in together and a new house it completely slipped her mind.


"…You sound like you don't want to go."


"NO! No, I definitely want to go." She smiled, "You get to show me off; I get to look sexy and have some appetizers…" Keep an eye on LISBON. Speaking of eyes, Tom's seemed to be twitching, so she quickly took the attention off herself and onto him. "What's wrong with your eye?" she asked as Tom frowned and then looked away from his screen, as if suddenly remembering something important.


"Oh, that's just water getting in my eyes…" and seeing the look on her face, he added. "Right. Well… so…" he turned his phone around, and it showed that his entire apartment had a sudden downpour with three inches of water on the floor. It looked like it was coming from the sink, and the bathroom… and the roof. "…I think I need a place to stay."


"What the hell happened?!" Power Girl gasped as Tom sighed reluctantly, heading into his room and trying to pack up what little he could into the most waterproof thing he could find. Which was a large black trash bag.


"Apparently someone on the upper floors dropped an M-80 into the toilet and flushed." Tom said irately, "Don't know who—"


"Probably some little shit." Power Girl replied quickly. "Well, of course you can stay with us."


"That's GREAT…" he said, as water continued to flow. "Because I'm pretty sure I'm out of a house for the next few… weeks."


"Ask him!" Britney hissed as Power Girl scowled at her.


"Ask me what?" Tom asked curiously.


"I'll tell you when you get here." She said as she turned to her roommates, who could only grin.


"Bye, Tom." They said casually.


"See you soon." Britney added, and the buxom blonde hung up. "It's a sign." Britney teased silkily


"That Tom lives in a really shitty neighborhood." Jackie noted as Power Girl scowled at her.


"It's Gotham. All the neighborhoods are shitty." The blonde retorted, "Now shape up; Tom's coming over." She said as the girls rolled their eyes and went back to… doing what they had been doing. Why would they change? Tom's seen them naked before, and they 'partied' together themselves.


It was just a few minutes when a slightly soaked Tom with a trash bag of his things over his shoulder appeared at their front door. "Hey." He sighed loudly as the girls saw him walking in. He was wearing his work clothes, and he was positively soaked down to his socks.


"Hey Tom." They said, and Power Girl took his bag while he took off his soaked socks.


"Thanks for putting me up for… a while." He sighed loudly. "Finding my apartment in a mid-transformation into becoming Aquaman's summer home was not something I expected today. So I appreciate the shelter from the storm."


"It's fine." Power Girl replied, "We LOVE having you under the same roof." She added carrying his salvaged things into her bedroom. Tom blinked after her, frowning thoughtfully at her statement.


"…Okay?" He replied unsurely, turning to Jackie and Britney, who were looking at him funny. "…Did I miss something?"


"Tell me, Tommy boy, how would you feel about a change in venue?" Britney asked silkily as Tommy raised an eyebrow.


"Uh… like, what do you mean?"


"This is the second time your apartment has exploded, so… how would you feel about a nice new place?" Britney noted as Tom scratched his head, still wet from water.


"So move?... I guess, but where? I might have a decent job working at Wayne Tech, but it's not like I can afford to live in a high-end place." Power Girl soon walked out. "That apartment was pretty good for me."


"And now it's underwater." Declared Jackie.


"…Right." Tom sighed as Power Girl rested her hands on his shoulders from behind and kissed his cheek, wetly… because he was still wet.


"Why don't you take a bath and warm up." Power Girl replied, pushing him towards her bedroom as well as her bath. "Give me your suit; I'll go dry it off." She said, pushing him along as the girls hissed at her.


"ASK!" she said together as she frowned.


"FINE!" she hissed back, before following her Tom into her bathroom, watching him undress before taking his clothes and throwing them at Britney. "Toss those in the dryer for me." She said as Britney sighed.


"Fine, but I'm not turning them on unless you ask him." Britney replied cheekily before addressing Jackie while walking out of their apartment to the laundry room. "Text me and let me know."


"Kay-SLURP." Jackie replied dismissively. Power Girl, irritated that her friends were pushing her into this, stomped back into her bedroom to talk with Tom, heating himself up in the hot water.


Power Girl took a deep breath and sighed loudly. "Tom?"


"Yeah?" he replied as steam hissed out of the bath. Power Girl braced herself and then ripped off the Band-Aid.


"So… the girls and I were thinking of moving." She said as Tom seemingly began to soap up and shampoo, judging by the smell.


"Oh yeah? Where?"


"We found a place… but." Power Girl cutely pouted, even if he couldn't see it. "…We were wondering if you want to move in together with us." There was a long, palpable silence in the air, and she blinked. "…Tom?"


After another second he turned off the shower and peeked around the curtain to look at her. "…Are you asking me to move in together?"


"…Yeah." She said with a sheepish smile as he seemed to think on that. At first Power Girl thought his immediate and reflexive answer would be 'No'. It's a big step in their relationship, and also the caveat to it is she'd be bringing along her smoking hot friends for the ride. That would normally be a bonus to other red blooded men and some lesbians, but Tom is a bit weird like that.


"…With Britney and Jackie?" he added curiously.


"Yeah, that is the plan. We even got a nice place picked out." She pulled up her phone as he got out of the shower, and she tried not to be distracted as he wrapped the towel around his waist as she retrieved her phone and showed him the place. "See? We were looking at this."


Tom dried his hand and took the phone from her, eyeing it curiously and scrolling. "…It is a nice place." He frowned, "…Owned by a serial killer?"


"He's dead; it's fine." Power Girl replied, "But LOOK at it, okay? Basement, two-car garage. Two stories." To her absolute delight, the look of apprehension on Tom's face seemed to disappear as his girlfriend continued to sell him on the idea. "With all of us pitching in…" she said, "It's an upgrade."


"…Well. I do my best thinking with my pants on."


"I beg to differ." She said cheerily, and Tom smirked nervously as he shuffled past her.


"Well, we got time until we need to go to that party. So we can talk about it more." He replied, going to his trash bag and grabbing some fresh and not-so-damp clothes.


"So you're open to it?!" Power Girl replied cheerily as he pulled on some pants, and she tackled him playfully, her massive breasts bulging on his chest as he stumbled backward and almost onto the bed. "That's great! Wait until I tell the girls!"


"SLURP We know." Jackie said from the doorway, stoically watching the lovebirds. "We should celebrate-"


"NO." Power Girl snapped angrily, knowing full well what Jackie meant. "There will be plenty of time for that once we move in together!"


"Right…" Tom mumbled, "Going to have to get used to that." He told himself that ages ago; now, now however it seems he will have to mean it.


"It'll be FINE." Power Girl replied lazily as she walked Tom out. "She's probably going to live in the basement." She added jokingly, only confusing her poor boyfriend.




"Don't worry about it." Power Girl replied as Britney soon returned.


"Your suit's in the dryer, Tommy." She said as Tom.


"Thanks." He replied, sitting down on a kitchen chair only to be dragged onto the couch by his girlfriend, who sat on his lap. "Haah…" he sighed, unable to resist her as always.


"So you're moving in with us eh, Tommy?" Britney smiled, "You lucky wanker, you."


"Well… I can't say my apartment isn't making it an easy decision." He mumbled, "I do seem to have a lot of trouble with the place."


"RIGHT?" Power Girl replied, "Explosions, bomb threats, Solomon Grundy…"


"That was definitely stolen by Joker LexCorp mech…" Jackie added with a slurp.


"Moving in with us is WAY better." Power Girl replied, her earlier hesitation completely gone now that she knew Tom was open to the idea. "With our paychecks combined, we can be in there by the end of the month!"


"Sooner. We don't have a lot of stuff." Britney noted, "And I imagine t'realters are eager to get rid of the spooky place."


"Oh! You know what?! We should go look at it now!" Power Girl said excitedly, checking her phone only for Tom to point out.


"Actually, I need to take a nap if we're going to that party tonight. I was up all night coding for Mr. Fox." Tom mumbled, "I WAS going to do it back home…"


"Oooh… poor baby." Cooed Power Girl, rubbing his face. "You go lie down on my bed. Want me to join you?" she added playfully as Jackie and Britney watched her drag him off the couch.


"No… B-But uh, if I'm not up at 4, wake me up." He said as she pushed him into the room.


"Okay, Oh… Is it black tie?"


"Uh, casual, but nice."


"Got it." She said, shutting the door on him and turning around. "BRIT!" she hissed as Britney rolled her beautiful brown eyes and got up.


"I got you lovely; follow me." Britney declared, and together they both went into Britney's room. Power Girl needed a dress, and Britney at least had some that would fit her.


Time: 4:01 PM. Place: Gotham (Neapolitan Trio's Apartment)


Despite his current apartment troubles, Tom Kirby is obviously a lucky bastard. He continued to sleep throughout the day, and as requested, once it reached 4 o'clock, his very sexy blonde girlfriend entered her bedroom and shook his leg.


"Tom, time to get up."


"Mmgh!" He slowly sat up and then eyed his busty girlfriend sleepily before he became very awake. "Wow." He said as she smiled, showing off her strapless white mini-dress. It hugged her magnificent body tightly, seemingly held up by her bountiful breasts as she did a little twirl.


"You like it? It's one of Brit's." She posed, resting one hand on her hip and the other hand on the back of her head.


"It looks great on you." He said, gazing at her as she chuckled, fiddling with some gold bracelets on her wrists.


"Well, good. Because it's after four, and it's too late to change now." She said, taking him by the hands and pulling him off the bed. "Come on! Brit got your work clothes all dry." She said, "Get changed!"


"Okay!" he laughed good-naturedly as her magnificent chest bounced with her movements. "Let me get change. She handed him his work clothes, which were the best he had for a fancy party at Wayne Tech.


"Wooo looking GOOD." Britney declared proudly as Tom and Power Girl walked out of her bedroom. "…I knew I could make that dress work." She and Jackie were both looking like they were about to head out themselves. They had a shift tonight.


"And thank you for letting me borrow it." Power Girl replied, "See you two in the morning!" She waved as they both walked out ahead of them. "Taking your car?"


"Yeah." Tom replied as they went down to the lot; he opened his car door for her as she smiled.


"Thank you." She replied cheerily, slipping right in as he walked back to the driver's side. "I'm so excited!" she said cheerily as he smiled.


"It's just a work party." He replied, but she smiled sultrily at him.


"Do we need to have a recap of what 'parties' usually mean for me?" she replied as he coughed slightly.


"No I… don't think we do." He mumbled before driving away.


"That's right." Power Girl declared proudly, checking her makeup in the rearview mirror, "We are going to a party to do couple things!" she said excitedly. Tom grinned and nodded agreeably. If it made his beloved and smoking hot girlfriend happy, then he was too. "So, give me details. Who should I avoid? Who should I flirt with to get you a promotion? Will Bruce Wayne be there!?"


"Mr. Wayne sometimes makes an appearance." He said, frowning thoughtfully at her. "But he tends not to stay long at these things... Actually, he's usually out of the building before the sun goes down."


"I guess he can afford to be. So who should I flirt with to get you a promotion?" she asked playfully as Tom groaned.


"Please don't." he moaned as she chuckled and leaned over to push her breasts on his arm; he blushed and groaned. "You're doing this on purpose."


"I am…" she admitted. "But come on!" she giggled, flopping back into her seat. "How often do we get to go out and just be a couple?! Not often. And now you get to show me off."


"…We do couple things all the time." He replied as Power Girl scoffed.


"Yeah, but I want to do a couple of things in public… with people that don't already know that I tend to do my job naked and usually screaming in orgasm." She huffily crossed her arms under her magnificent and somewhat famous breasts. "So you get to brag about your hot girlfriend, and I get to look at Bruce Wayne."


Tom frowned, not entirely sure how that works, but he'll take it in stride.


Eventually, however, they arrived at Wayne Tower and drove into the underground lot, letting Tom park in his spot. They got out of the car, and she wrapped her arm around his as they walked into the building. They weren't the only ones; multiple people were also arriving. Power Girl even recognized a couple of them from her previous visits to Wayne Tower or those few times some of the employees ate at Superbabes… and then Hector attacked a guy who wrecked the wall.


But once they got off the elevator and onto the designated 'party floor' where a table of fancy snacks and drinks was delicately laid out and music echoed soothingly over the air. She spotted a couple of those guys she once met in uniform and gave them a polite wave draped on her boytoy's arm… but apart from those guys she didn't really know anyone here… well, except for- "Mr. Kirby."




Shaniqua Lisbon… Tom Kirby's extremely attractive and direct superior. Dark mahogany ebony skin, eyes like opals, black wavy hair, and tits and ass for days. Even in a fucking pantsuit she still managed to look smoking hot!


"Ms. Lisbon." Tom said, turning to look at his boss in her velvety grey suit. Desperately trying to hug her noticeably and superbabe-level curves. She held a glass of sparkling champagne or maybe wine and approached the two lovebirds with a sultry STRUT that would put dominatrix models to shame. "You remember my girlfriend-" Tom said, directing Ms. Lisbon's gaze to Power Girl, who proudly pushed her impressive chest out, as if trying to firmly declare how big they were in comparison to Lisbon's… Except Lisbon was just basically a dark-skinned goddess version of Power Girl… only with Tasha's ass.


Power Girl intensely disliked Ms. Lisbon… She had a sneaking and unprovoked suspicion that the gorgeous ebony goddess before her had designs on her beloved boyfriend… despite his denial that Ms. Lisbon never once showed an interest in him and she was just his extremely attractive boss.


"I do remember." Ms. Lisbon replied, "It's nice to see you again.


Oooh she BETS it is…


"Lovely to see you to." Power Girl replied with a distinctly subtle amount of venom. "LISBON." She mumbled under her breath, but Ms. Lisbon either didn't hear her vindictive mortal enemy curse or chose to ignore it because she moved tactfully on.


"I'm glad you could make it since we worked you and your team fairly hard last night."


Oooh I BET she did…


"I almost didn't; I was exhausted." He said, but Power Girl gripped his arm tightly to her chest. "Not to mention my apartment exploded." Which was technically true; M-80s are basically bombs.


"Again?" Ms. Lisbon replied, looking concerned. "Are you alright?"


"HE is doing great." Power Girl replied proudly. "We're moving in together." Just like planting a flag.


"Oh?" replied Ms. Lisbon, looking only mildly interested about that. "Do you have a place lined up? Or will he be moving into your crowded apartment?"


Power Girl frowned, eyed Tom, who could only clear his throat, then glowered at LISBON. "For NOW he's moving in with me." She said slowly, "BUT we already have a house in mind."


"You should get on it then." Ms. Lisbon replied pleasantly, "Be bold." She said, before looking over Power Girl's shoulder. "Terribly sorry. Excuse me." She walked around them and went to go approach some other people as Power Girl hissed after her.


"LISBON." She spat vehemently. Tom just sighed.


"Come on leave her alone." He replied, "The last thing I need is you feuding with my boss." But his trap quickly shut as she shot him a stern look, and then he remembered that he was whipped. She grabbed his arm and dragged him away towards the snack table, grabbing what she could only assume was what Lisbon was drinking before handing him one and taking a heavy drink herself. "WOO…" and immediately grabbed another drink as Tom subtly put his back down.


"Uh… hey, are you okay?"


"Yes, I'm fine; it's just LISBON." She spat again and grabbed another drink.


"…Maybe don't pound those down like nails?" Tom tried as she scoffed.


"Tommy!" she cooed, her face suddenly quite red. "I'll have you know I can hold my booze."


"Yeah but-" Tom replied, only for her to suddenly strut away, introducing herself to some of the other employees. "Oh kay…" he said quickly, moving after her. In his experience, his girlfriend COULD in fact hold her liquor, but Wayne wasn't cheap, and even if he wasn't here, he brought out the good stuff for his employees…


An hour or so later


Power Girl danced to music that only she could hear, not that the various employees of Wayne Tower cared all that much. Bouncing and gyrating playfully with an empty glass of champagne in hand, she dragged her boytoy to his feet and had him dance with her. "Come on baby, shake it with me!" she said. "Ooh!" she then wobbled on her heels and flopped against him. Her breasts bulging on his chest as she giggled. "Hee-hee!"


"Hey, you are… surprisingly lightweight." Tom replied nervously as she began pressing her red lips on his face. "Guck!" grabbing his tie and tugging, pulling him closer, and promptly applying several more lipstick prints on his face.


"Mwah! Mwah! Mmm-WAH!"


"Mr. Kirby." Lisbon spoke patiently as Power Girl glowered at her.


"LISBON." She said sternly, only getting the attractive woman to raise an eyebrow curiously at that. "THIS is mine!" she declared, jerking Tom's tie.


"Duly noted." Ms. Lisbon replied calmly before turning to Tom. "…Mr. Kirby, perhaps you and your girlfriend would like to call it an evening?"


"Well, call it an evening when we decide to call it an evening!" Power Girl declared sleepily.


"Let's go home." Tom said quickly as Power Girl cooed and leaned on him.


"FINE… but only because I want to, not because of LISBON." She declared as Ms. Lisbon seemed to take that in stride.


"I need to get something from my car. So allow me to help you, Mr. Kirby." She said as he picked up Power Girl and carried her to the elevators. She pushed the button for parking; she then rode it down with them.


"Thanks, Ms. Lisbon." He said as they approached his car.


"LISBON." Power Girl replied sleepily, leaning on Tom's shoulder. "That's my man…" she mumbled as Ms. Lisbon raised an eyebrow at that.


"Yes, he is." She said patiently, before checking the back door. "Keys, Mister Kirby?"


"Right pocket." He replied as Ms. Lisbon easily slipped her hand right in, like she was a professional pickpocket, producing his keys and opening the back door. He then slid Power Girl into the back seat and lay her down as she mumbled. "Thank you, Ms. Lisbon."


"LISBON." Power Girl mumbled, her eyes slowly closing as Tom shut the door with a thump.


Time: 6:25 PM. Place: Neapolitan Trio's Apartment (Power Girl's room)


"Mmn… mmng-hmmn… SLURP…" Power Girl mumbled quietly.


"Jackie, go back to your room."


"MMn-hmmn…" came a low moan; Tom groaned quietly as the sucking sounds increased as Power Girl sat up blearily.


"Jackie!" Power Girl sat up but was met with a booty significantly bigger and blacker than Jackie's "What the…" She had sat up into a thick, jiggly, dark brown booty that wobbled majestically as her face slammed into it. Laying on the bed was Tom, but with her head furiously bobbing up and down on his COCK was- "LISBON."


The sexy ebony goddess was completely naked with her sexy black Tasha wobbling ass in the air. Tom had a fistful of her dark, wavy hair in his fist, gliding her head up and down his cock as her thick, dick-sucking lips slurped louder than Jackie in a bukkake. Her silky pussy drooled hungrily down her sexy inner thigh as she shook her ass like a horny BITCH. "Mmgh! Mmn! Mmn…" hungrily sucking down Tom's cock into her throat, pressing her lips to the base and feeling his balls on her chin as she lovingly caressed his shaft with her tongue. "BWAH… all ready for you, Mr. Kirby…" she purred, licking his length as it twitched on her face. "How do you like my dictation?"


Tom, however, slowly stood up, grabbing a fistful of Lisbon's hair, yanking her up onto her knees to sit beside Power Girl, who could only watch in stunned awe, unable to move as Tom smacked Lisbon's beautiful ebony face with his thick, throbbing, wet cock. She opened her mouth, and a long, thick tongue slid out as he slapped his cock on it before sliding into her throat. "Gluck! Gluck! GLUCK!"


"That's mine!" Power Girl moaned as Tom kept thrusting into Lisbon's mouth. Slobbering hungrily on his shaft with little hearts in her eyes as he scraped globs of Lisbon throat gunk down her chin and onto her big bouncing tits. She grabbed them, cupping them together and squeezing as Tom kept brutally fucking her face.


"Mmgh! Mmgh! MMnngh!" she moaned, her eyes rolling in her head as he ripped out of her throat. Grabbing her fat titties and squeezing them himself before sliding his cock between them. "Yeah…" she moaned hungrily as he started bucking his hips, slapping wetly on her tits as Power Girl pouted.


"That's my titfuck!" Power Girl then threw herself between Lisbon's tits, wrapping her lips around Tom and furiously sucking the slut off his tip.


"Suck that dick between my big fat titties." Snarled Lisbon, drooling onto Power Girl's cheek as Tom kept thrusting into her mouth and between Lisbon's chest. "Oh YES!" her head rolling back on her neck and shaking out her wavy dark hair. "Ooh! FUCK my titties!"


Power Girl pulled out of Lisbon's dark cleavage as Tom's cock suddenly erupted in cum, spraying thick white ropes over the beautiful dark-skinned woman as she smirked playfully at Power Girl. "That's my cum!" she declared angrily before promptly running her tongue over Lisbon's face.


"Get it! Get that cum…" she sneered, playfully biting at Power Girl who continued licking. "You're just jealous your man likes chocolate." She purred, sloppily kissing Power Girl, squeezing their breasts together and moaning together Lisbon shoved her away. Lisbon laughed maliciously at Power Girl flopping ass over tits, then shoved Tom back down before crawling over him and straddling him.


"MMGh!" Power Girl sheathed Tom's rock-hard girth into her pussy and immediately went for a ride, bouncing up and down on her lap, her big breasts swinging up and down as she gasped in pleasure. Her tits bounced and clapped together as Lisbon reached around, squeezing and rubbing them from behind until they were glistening as if polished with oil. Lisbon's long tongue slithered on Power Girl's face as she continued bouncing up and down on Tom's lap.


Tom sat up, grabbing at Power Girl's hips and furiously driving her up and down on his lap as Lisbon leaned over and shoved her tongue into his mouth. "That's my kissing!" snapped Power Girl before shoving her face next to Lisbon's, their tongues coiling and swapping with each other before Tom stood up. WITH Power Girl.


Holding her at the waist, she dangled almost weightlessly in the air as he threw his hips forward towards her. "Ugh! Guh! Guh!!" grunting as Lisbon stood over her, grabbing her big breasts and squeezing firmly, leaning down to suck on Power Girl's nipples.


"Mmn-mmn! Love white girl titties…" snarled Lisbon, "and I LOVE fucking their boyfriends. Hurry up, Mr. Kirby I want my turn."


"Aah! Haaah!!" Power Girl squealed, her big breasts swinging freely as Tom threw her body off his cock and she bounced on the bed, squirming and writhing on the mattress as Lisbon now stood over her, shaking her fat ass like Tasha on a stripper stage, her hands on the wall and swinging her cheeks side to side.


"Get it get it get it!" Lisbon purred as Tom shuffled up behind her, grabbing a fistful of her dark hair and smacking her thick black ass, "Oh-OOH FUCK!" moaned Lisbon whorishly as Tom slid his cock straight up her ass. Unimpeded by the stick allegedly shoved up there. "Guh! FUCK! My! ASS!" she squealed as Power Girl reached up and grabbed her swinging titties, squeezing them firmly as Lisbon howled in pleasure. "Dick! Dick! FUCKING DICK!!" her legs wobbling and buckling beneath her as Tom rampaged in her bouncy booty. "Oooh! FUCK!!" Tom grabbed her hair, yanking it back hard and riding her harder. "Nngh! NNGH!!" her polished perfectly white teeth gleamed in a tense smile as her eyes rolled up into her head. "Ahaaah!" and she screamed, squirting all over Power Girl's face. "Oooh SHIT!" Lisbon's ass jiggled and wobbled as Tom ripped out of it, spanking her ass cheeks before throwing her body limply aside.


He spread Power Girl's legs and slammed balls deep into her. "Ughg!" Pinning her arms above her head, Tom railed deeply into her body, pinning his hips hard to her over and over. "Oh! Oh!" Lisbon crawled over Power Girl's face before shoving her tits into her mouth. "Mmgh!!" moaning as Tom kept driving DEEP into her body, slamming away at her as she felt his cock throbbing perfectly in her body. Then with a defiant roar, thick, gooey cream rushed into Power Girl's guts. "Ooooh!" moaning as she sucked chocolate milk out of Lisbon's fat, engorged tits.


"Ooh!" Lisbon rolled onto her side as Tom rigorously pulled out of Power Girl, cock still hard and spitting semen out of his tip over Power Girl's body; then he knelt beside Lisbon, lying on her side, he lifted her leg and rammed into her pussy. "Oh! SHIT! Ooh he loves it! He LOVES that pussy!" hissed Lisbon, squealing as Tom wrapped his arm around her thick, raised leg and jackhammered into her body.


"No, give me more…" Power Girl cooed, rolling over to lick at his length plunging in and out of Lisbon's silky folds, clinging tightly to his shaft as she squeezed her own breasts, chocolate milk squirting everywhere.


"Fuck me! Fuck ME!!" squealed Lisbon, her back arching as she cried out in bliss. Tom thrusting away at her body as she clawed at Power Girl's silky flesh. "HAaaah!" gasping as she climaxed. Tom ripped his cock out of Lisbon's quivering snatch before sliding it between Power Girl's lips.


"Mmgh! Mgh! Mgmh!" moaning as he slid in and out of her mouth, pumping wildly away at her face as her tits swung beneath her. "Mmgh! GUCK!" gargling on his girth as it scraped cum out of her throat and dribbled liberally onto the table.


…Wait, that doesn't sound right.


But Tom buried his cock into her throat. "Mmgh!" cum shooting out of his balls directly into her stomach as she quivered in pleasure, feeling her body shaking as Lisbon moaned.


"Come on, Mr. Kirby… feed the baby…" cooed Lisbon, sitting on her knees with a huge, bulging, pregnant belly, opening her mouth wide as Tom ripped out of Power Girl's mouth, pushing their faces together before letting his cock shoot thick ropes of semen over the both of them together, their tongues wiggling and writhing around each other as he stood back…


"That was good, wasn't it?" Tom sighed contentedly, only he said it with a British accent. He then stepped away, and Power Girl blinked after him… When did Tom become 9 feet tall? She blinked around at her fuzzy surroundings and looked down at the table she was on with Lisbon, who was licking all seven of her fingers as her breasts continued to leak chocolate milk like a fountain down her huge pregnant belly… which she definitely didn't have when they started fucking a couple of hours ago.


Jackie danced in on her tiptoes and a tutu, her thick, pawg ass bare for all to see, and wearing clown make-up for some reason. That was normal. "Hey Jackie. Tom covered us in juice; how about a clean-up?"


"No thanks." Jackie replied before dancing away, and Power Girl blinked before gasping out loudly.


"This is a DREAM!"


Time: 8:34 PM. Place: Same place.


"HWAH!" Power Girl shot upright in her bed, blinking around curiously as she looked down, still in her borrowed dress. "Ugh…" she mumbled, blearily blinking around before shifting out of her bed and wobbling out of the room.


Tom was sitting on the couch, watching some sort of comedy special, drinking a cup of milk as she blinked at him. "Oh hey, Sierra…" as she mumbled and sat down next to him, leaning on his arm. "…Milk?" he asked as she pouted.


"How'd we get here?"


"Well, you got drunk, and I brought you home." He said.


"…LISBON didn't come with us?" She asked intently as he blinked.


"…No? Why would she? She did help me get you into the car." He replied as she scowled, shaking her head.


"Never mind. I just had a weird dream. You were in it. And so was LISBON." She said spitefully as Tom frowned.


"…Oh, okay?" He sipped his milk, "…How weird?" he asked as she frowned.


"Jackie didn't want to drink any cum." Sierra replied, and he spluttered slightly.


"I don't know why that surprised me." Tom replied.


"Did I do anything weird at the party?" she asked hesitantly as he shook his head.


"Not really. Except give Ms. Lisbon some sass." He mumbled as Sierra groaned again.


"Stupid LISBON ruining my good mood." Power Girl got up. "I'm going to shower then go back to bed." She declared as he nodded.


"Alright. I guess I'll-" she then grabbed his arm and yanked him from the couch.


"You are coming with me." in more ways than one.


"…Go with you." He conceded, putting his glass down as she smirked and dragged him into her bedroom. "Don't know why I'm surprised."


"Get used to it. We are moving in together after all…" she replied, pulling him into her bedroom and shutting the door behind him.



First of many more #7s :)

I legitimately don't know who's next. I'm playing this by ear. 

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