Star Wars : New Jedi

Chapter 12: NJ : Chapter 12: Visiting the Temple III

"Thank you all for coming," a voice full of power and wisdom said, causing Kyle to open his eyes and look up. He had lost track of time, and now the room was full. At the far end were a dozen sentients, powerful Jedi all.

He recognized Yoda, and presumed that the rest of them were the Jedi High Council. The speaker wasn't Yoda though, it was a human male with dark coloured skin and no hair. Kyle didn't know his name.


"Much has been said in the history of the Jedi about sacrifice. About duty." The eulogy speaker's voice carried across the room, where Kyle noted holos recording everything. This was being spoken across more than just the Temple, and he had a front row seat.

"To be Jedi is to understand these things, amongst many others. To be Jedi is to feel the call of the Force, beckoning you to a duty greater than just yourself. Our training is one of sacrifice. We leave behind so much – not only our distant families, but our desires, our failings. Duty and Sacrifice.

"And yet this is not enough, these words. As these so-called 'Clone Wars' begin, a dark storm that has been brought to our homes, be they anywhere in the Galaxy, the notions of Duty and Sacrifice call ever more to us. We will be asked to lead, as we have in millennium past, to fight the good fight against those who would tear down the Republic we love and that we serve.

"Yet, this will also involve sacrifice. Those of our brethren who fell three days ago on Geonosis, they were the first of this war. And they will not be the last. We will be asked to put ourselves in danger, to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Such is the duty we are called to, not only by the Republic, but also by the Force as Jedi.

"I wish I could say that this will be easy. That these 'Seperatists' will fold with the light of our blades. But that will not be. They have spent years preparing for this war, and move even now, as our Republic scrambles for a response beyond the first Grand Army delivered to us by those who saw this war coming, even as we Jedi tried to avert it with our words.

"I wish to say that we will not lose any more of our friends. Fellow Jedi. But that too is not to be. Count Dooku, whom many of you know from his time here in the Temple, has turned his back on our teachings, and taken refuge in the Dark Side. He styles himself a 'Sith', those ancient foes from before the Reformation. Darth Tyranus, he calls himself.

"I am afraid for this. For where one Jedi falls, others will follow. The cause of the Seperatists, they may see as just and with honor, but their actions in achieving their goals takes them to the Dark Side. We must be wary of more than just our enemies in this time of trial, we must also watch out for each other, to lend aid to one another even in our worst moments.

"Today, we must not forget who and what we are. We are the Jedi! Protectors! We protect the Republic, and today we are called to fight for it! Our duty and our sacrifice go hand in hand. Those who fell, they knew this, and yet they went to fight. We honor them with our actions as we move forward, as we find within ourselves the strength to do what must be done.

"To that end, I am announcing my resignation as Grand Master of the Jedi Order. I cannot lead us in this time of trial, for those are not my skills. I can better serve the Republic on the front lines. After discussions with the Council, we have decided to elect Master Yoda to my former position. He has the wisdom to lead us, and I hope we can all follow. Thank you."

Kyle's emotions ran deep as this man spoke. It was all... academic. There was fire in those words, to push everyone forward. But the passion was reserved. Controlled. Like he didn't want to vent anything that must have been fury at the compressed crowd of Jedi.

Not that he could blame him. You could get a smaller detonation using a whole satchel of Thermal Detonators than what would happen if these people got it into their heads to let loose.

But that was enough. He needed to check in with Jan. See if she had made any progress.

Mace Windu, former Grand Master of the Order, watched as the strange Jedi slowly left the Hall of the Fallen. He didn't recognize him, and would have missed him completely in the crowd if he hadn't cast out with the Force to judge the reactions of everyone in the room.

This person held a presence in the Force like nothing he had ever seen before. To those less sensitive, they would see him as simply a great strength. But to him, he could see the tendrils of the Dark Side flowing in and around him. Not contained. Not containing. But something else. If he had to hazard a guess, given the lack of information, then it would be that this mysterious Jedi was... at peace with his darkness.

He looked to Grand Master Yoda, who nodded. The diminutive Jedi had seen the same thing, and agreed without words to their next course of action. "Summon the Council, I shall."

Windu nodded. "I will get Obi-Wan to collect him, and bring him to us."


( Great Hall )

Obi-Wan Kenobi didn't have a hard time tracking the person that Master Windu asked him to find and bring to the Council Chamber. Now that he knew what to look for, he berated himself for missing it in the first place. His time in the Healing Halls had been cut so he could attend the memorial, and now Anikan was nowhere to be found, so he had to do this by himself.

Slipping past a group of Initiates who were moving supplies around, he caught up to the mysterious Jedi. "Excuse me!" He called out both with his voice and the Force to make sure he had the man's attention.

The man stopped and turned to face Kenobi. "Something I can do for you?"

Now that he was closer, Obi-Wan could see that the man was deeply uncomfortable in his robes, and had one hand on his saber, almost like he was worried he might get into a fight. For a moment, Obi-Wan was reminded far too intensely of his battle with the Sith – Darth Maul – or even Count Dooku.

He had a bad feeling about this. "I'm sorry to bother you, but Masters Windu and Yoda have requested your presence in the Council Chamber, Master...." He let the unspoken question trail off, hoping the man would fill it in.

"Kyle. Call me Kyle. Katarn if you're feeling formal." Kyle didn't seem to relax. If anything, he tensed up even more at being called before the Council. "You are?"

"Kenobi. Obi-Wan Kenobi." The Jedi Master greeted his fellow(?) properly. "And once again, I am sorry for the abruptness of the invitation, but the Masters were both quite insistent." At the mention of his name, he saw a change come over the mysterious Kyle Katarn. A flash of recognition, then respect, then... sadness? Yes, sadness for himself. Curious.

"Ah..." Kyle considered begging leave to finish running to the Archive before grabbing Jan and running for the Outer Rim. Especially if the Council was calling for him! Who blew his cover? Jecinda? No, that would be out of observed character? Maybe they sensed him in the Force. That was more likely. And if he tried to leave, well, damn it, they could do plenty to stop the two of them.

He had to accept the 'invitation'. But maybe... "Sure. But could you do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

"I was going to meet up with my pilot, Jan, in the Archives. Could you let her know I've been summoned and will catch up with her as soon as I can?"

"Of course. I was told to escort you to the Council Chamber directly. I will do so once that is done."

"Thanks." If there was one Jedi in the whole place he could trust on reputation alone, it would be Kenobi, Kyle accepted. "Let's make this quick then. Lead the way."

"Oh, I'm doing nothing quick," the younger Jedi said with a small laugh. "I'm still recovering after duelling Count Dooku on Geonosis." He felt Kyle's reaction shift again. Whoever he was, he wasn't all that good at hiding his emotions from someone as skilled as him. Worry, concern, resignation....

"You fought Dooku?" The question was simple and direct. There was no accusation like from some of the others.

"I did. Didn't win though. Had to be rescued by Master Yoda." He admitted his failings easily, though he privately resolved to practice more with his Forms in the future. He felt that Kyle wanted to share something, but held back. Respecting the other's desire for privacy, Obi-wan led Kyle to the nearest lift that could take them to the Council Chamber. "I'll just see you there, then deliver your message. To Jan, was it?"

"Jan Ors. Human. Nice girl. Shorter than me. Has a cybernetic right hand. Probably swearing up a storm at some books." There was affection in his voice, which Obi-Wan disapproved of, especially given Anikan's dalliance with Padmè.

"Very well. I hope this doesn't take too much of your time."

"Neither do I," Kyle said as the lift began to move.


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