Chapter 3: Chapter 2 - 3 Months Later & Force Training
Chapter 2 - 3 Months Later
[Three months later - Skywalker Home]
Waking up in a room that seems entirely covered in blue mist was a first for me. But just as I was getting my bareings the mist converges together to form a human like shape.
I take a step closer just as the mist becomes solid and turns into a handsome man with dirty blonde hair, standing at over 6 foot and clearly well built. He's wearing a well made outfit with armour on the arms, torso and shoulders and has two lightsabers at his hips.
As I take a closer look I freeze mid step, "Is this me?". The man smiles and I see him give a small almost unnoticeable nod. Then the mist starts to form a another beside my future self.
It's Anakin, wearing Jedi room and with a Padawan braid. The two older Skywalkers share a laugh as my future self wraps an arm around him. "Looking good little brother" I whisper proud that he does become a jedi.
The mist scatters back into blue mist, before taking on a darker shade of blue and converging once more.
This time the image is much grander in scale. It's my future self again but this time he's standing in front of an army of droids and men, starfighters and gunships that soar above them all, there's a few I don't even recognise.
"A war, The Clones wars?" I mutter to myself, but something within me disagrees with the notion. "Perhaps a different one"
Just as I was inspecting my future army, the realm shakes and the mist disapates. It turns to a much darker colour, with a red tint before it begins to form into a figure all Star Wars fans know.
Darth Vader.
The realm trembles under his power, as he begins to stalk towards me. He activates his lightsaber and a crimson blade comes out off it. I can't help but stumble backwards, as Vader raises his Lightsaber and swings it at me.
Opening my eyes I see Vader lightsaber was blocked by an Icy blue coloured lightsaber. Taking a few steps back I see who holds said Lightsaber is me.
"No" I whisper, "How could I let this happen?"
I watch as Vader, my little brother begins to Dual with my future self. In terms of Lightsaber combat it's clear we are closely matched.
"No I won't let this happen, Anakin will get the life he deserves. A happy one" I say with all the confidence in my body.
Just then the fighting stops and realm turns back to a light blue as Vader and Future me vanish. A new image takes it's place, a much happier one.
This one contains Anakin once more but standing by his side is Padme, but standing Infront of them are two kids Luke and Leia no doubt. Then two more people join them Future me and a... Well a woman but she's kinda hazy and I can't make out any of her features or even her race.
"Merek" I hear a voice whisper.
"Merek" it's louder now.
I jolt up with a gasp, I quicky take in my surroundings. I'm at home but why is everything floating.
"Merek, finally your a awake" I up to see Anakin floating above me touching the ceiling. "Can you let em down"
I take a few deep breathes to calm myself as I slowly lower everything down. "Are you okay Ani?" I ask helping him stand.
"Yeah, what was that?" He asks excitedly.
"It was The Force" I tell him. He visibly gets excited almost jumping up and down.
"That's what the Jedi use" Anakin says and nod in agreement.
It was a surprise to me about how The Force isn't that well hidden if you really look for it. There's no published ways to use or train in it, well at least in the Holonet there isn't. But there are some well documented Force Abilities that are mentioned in various historical texts or reports. Which I've been using to help me train.
"Can I use the Force?" Anakin asks drawing me out from my inner thoughts.
"Of course you can, your a Skywalker" I tell him.
"Can you teach me?" He asks with almost a hint of desperation, becoming a Jedi has always been on Anakin's mind for as long as he could that we were slaves. After all Jedi are supposed to the defenders of the people.
"I might be able help you learn" I say, I'm confident I can help him access the Force but other then learning a few basic techniques I'm not sure how much I could teach.
"We'll start our lessons tomorrow, I need some time to come up with some lessons" I tell him as I ruffle his hair. "Now time for breakfast"
Watching Anakin run off I can't help but think about how much happier everyone has been during these last three months. Our new family business Skywalker Repair & Protect has been very successful, mostly because Anakin and I have complete freedom to do whatever we wish with the technology we have.
Creating upgrades for speeders, blasters we even helped improve some moisture fame equipment. There's nothing we can't fix as well, it's honestly a lot of fun and a good Force exercise as I open myself to the Force and let it guide me when I'm working.
Because of how successful our business now is, we've moved out of the slave quarters and into an actual house. Mom has even been on a few dates, which I'm totally okay with...Not but if she's happy it's fine.
If also spent a lot of time training with the Force, most of my focuse is on Force Push and Pull as they are simple to understand and use but at higher levels can be every powerful.
I've also been doing a lot of mediation which sometimes leads to me having visions, I am hoping that the Force will give me a vision that will help me learn new skills. But other then that I haven't made much progress in my Force skills but I'm fine with simply refining what I've already got for now.
"So anything new?" I ask my mother not so subtly probing for information.
Mom looks at me and raises a single brow before sighing, "Don't worry Merry, no one Mos Espa has caught my attention"
"Dont call me merry" I grumble.
"Nope, make sure you and Ani are back before diner" She says before kissing Anakins forehead and leaving the two of us alone.
"Alright brother let's go" I tell him, I swing my supply bag onto myself shoulder. It's nothing special just some food, water and an extra blaster.
"Finally" Anakin says before following me out the door. "I'm driving"
Before I can even answer Anakin has already bolted past me. "Not a chance" I say chasing after him. Now I'm not one to brag but I'm definitely faster then a 5 year old, and I also have my Big Brother reputation to preserve.
So I quickly out pace Anakin and hop into the driver's seat, "Too slow Ani~" I tease, I hear him grumble as he climbs in behind me.
I turn on the speer and hand Anakin a set of goggles to protect his eyes. "If your good I'll let you drive on the way back" I yell over the hum of the speeder.
"Really?!" I hear him yell back while also feeling his excitment through the Force, it's a habit I picked up recently after discovering the Force bonds between us and our mother.
"And away we goo!" I shout as the Speeder shoots forward. With skill I manoeuvre the speeder out of Mos Espa and put some distance between us and the town. But we remain on the outskirts with the town still visable just in case.
I drift to a stop and climb off the speeder, Anakin following behind me. I pull out a set of tarps from the back of the speeder and put one over it to protect it from the sand and the other in the ground.
I sit in one and point to the other, "Take a seat Brother"
Anakin sits, mimicking my own posture of being cross legged, hands in knees and back straight. I couldn't help but smile a little, "Today we'll begin your lessons young Skywalker, our first lesson what is The Force"
"The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together" I tell Anakin giving him the same explanation Obi-Wan gave Luke.
It's a basic explanation but it will be a good foundation for Anakin to build upon using the knowledge of the Jedi a d that if his own.
"The Force is in all living creatures, The Force is everything and most importantly it is with us, always" I add. "Because the Force is with us and flows through us we can use it to do extraordinary things. One such thing is called Force sense"
I pause allowing Anakin to absorb everything, knowing he has been hanging to my very word. Over the years I've gotten a hang on how to teach Anakin he doesn't do well with lectures that one would normally use but through actions, stories and personal involvement.
"Force Sense is among the most basic skill needed for a Force user, it can be used to sense the feeling of another, to see others without physical senses or to hear direction and whispered promptings from the Force about what lay ahead" I finish my explanation and look to Anakin he's still focused and ready.
"Now we shall practise using Force Sense" I tell him and felt a noticeable bump in excitement from my younger brother. "Get comfortable and close your eyes"
I watch him follow my words before speaking again, "Clear you mind and reach out from within. Trust yourself and feel the force, it is with you, it always has"
I remain silent as I wait for Anakin, I know he'll get it. It's why I took him out here on the outskirts of Mos Espa. I didn't want the Force time he felt the Force and all those it connects to, to be in a foul town like Mos Espa. Plus all the way out here's no other Force Signature to lock onto other then mine with dwarfs that if any other in the planet other then Anakin's.
"What do you feel Anakin?" I ask.
There's a beat if Silence before he answers, "Everything" he whispers in awe. I felt the same when I first used the Force. "I feel you, Life and Death, mom too and a warmth in my chest"
"That my dear brother is The Force"
(A/N: I hope my explanation for Force Sense makes sense. We've touched briefly on the Force in this chapter but we shall dive deeper into in later chapters)