Chapter 33: Clueless Freshman
Leo woke up the next day still very tired. The alarm at his bedside rang for a while before he finally woke up with a banging headache. Still in his clothes from yesterday, he rushed to the bathroom in his VIP space. After cleaning up and going back to his bedroom to dress up, a holographic form opened up from the device by his bed. He saw that this same device was the one that woke him up with the alarm.
The holograph displayed some words that read, [Good morning, sleepy head. You can call me Ultron. These are your schedules for the day___ Go out there and conquer the day, you're a champion]
Leo smiled at the little encouragement. He was however concerned that the schedule space was empty. Not knowing how to correct that, he murmured that something must be wrong with the device. Immediately, the device displayed a counter, [there's nothing wrong with me. For me to get your schedule, you have to input your name and other necessary info that will be asked]
Leo wondered if this device was available for every student or it was here only because this was a VIP section. He however decided not to input any information for now since he's still planning to change his room. He's going to meet Mr. Al today no matter what threat the man posed. "I can't continue to live with Jade next door."
Luckily, Jade was already asleep when he came in last night. Leo wished he wasn't awake and waiting for him outside right now.
Today was the first day of classes and everyone was required to appear in their uniforms. Like Mrs. Black promised, the service bots already dropped four different packages containing four uniforms of the same shape, colour and size. The academy sent four uniforms because the constant fights among the students was bound to damage the uniforms at some point. If the four however happened to be ruined from these incidents, the student will be required to pay for a new one.
Leo dressed up before the large mirror. He straightened his spiky hair, adjusted his brows and finally put the uniform on. It has two different clothing for the top—a black shirt fastened with laces from the neck to the belly, with little pockets. And an overlay short jacket, also black in colour but carefully designed with beautiful patterns of grey colour with a single purple button that held it together. Another larger purple nonfunctional button shaped like a kite was attached to the left chest. This one was what indicated what year the student belonged. For the second years, the kite button will have some fiery designs attached to the edges. And for the third years, the kite shape is altogether replaced with a purple shield with any beast weapon of the student's choice across it.
Leo looked in the mirror one last time and was satisfied with his appearance. He grabbed his white shoes which was the only one he owned, cleaned it of dirt and jumped into it. "Good heavens, I'm a hot boy."
Without a backward glance, he went out of the room. He is running late and he didn't even know what class he has next, but that can be remedied if he followed the other freshers or if he got to Lam first. "Oh, Lam."
He had waited for Lam at his floor after the test, but he didn't get to see him again after that girl...that girl... He stopped himself from thinking of her for now. He had promised to cancel anything that has to do with her from his mind, and the reason was clear—she was a Morningbolt, and it was all because of Jade.
Luckily again, Jade was nowhere to be found in the common room. He stepped outside happily and jumped in the elevator. "Oh, I hate this sound," Leo complained as the soft music was played in the elevator again. After he said that, the music suddenly changed into yet another soft one.
"Even worse," Leo hissed as he stepped out of the el.
The hallway was crowded this early morning. Everyone seemed to be rushing in a certain direction at the same time. With no one familiar person on sight to ask, Leo decided to join them since most of them appeared to be freshers like him. At last, they arrived at a large open room that was brightly lit and adorned with intricate interior designs that made Leo say a "wow" before he could stop himself.
He looked at the setting of the large room and the arrangement of the seats and what the students sitting round was doing. Only then did he realize that this was the school canteen, and only then did he realize that he was dead hungry. His stomach growled in protest at the torture. He didn't eat dinner last night since he returned late.
Queueing up at a point were freshmen, most likely to be waiting for their serving. Since Leo missed the orientation at the arena yesterday, he didn't know much about the school rules yet. So, he joined the queue, copying the others. The boy in front of him looked back and him and traced instantly looked at Leo's wrist to check his rank. He saw the D-rank and faced his front immediately since the false rank on Leo's wrist was the same as his. Leo wondered what the boy intended to do if he was a rank lower.
"This place is indeed scary," he thought.
The line receded and finally he was the next to me served. Having no clue what to do, he stretched his hand to collect his food but the server only gave him a terrible look. "Pay before anything, silly freshman," he yelled.
"What? pay?" Leo was confused. He has obviously missed so much information due to his lateness to the arena. Embarrassed, he turned to step out of the line since there are others behind him. Just then, a hand flew right past his face and pointed to the server.
"Use mine," a familiar feminine voice said. Leo turned to see if it was really who he thought, and to his dismay, it really was. Rosa was standing beside him, gleaming up at the hotheaded server. She has a black watch wrapped around her wrist which displayed certain numbers. She pressed the watch against a standing device on the table and the numbers on the watch reduced a little. "The second menu, two servings," she said as she tucked her hand into her pocket.
"Hi Leo. You look different from yesterday. Did you iron your hair?" Rosa said as a form of greeting.
Leo just stared blank-eyed. He didn't know how to react to this slight embarrassment he just faced. He looked around and discovered that almost everybody has the same black watch on their wrists. Then he remembered he saw the same watch at the side of his bed earlier but he didn't use it because he thought it was just for checking the time, plus he isn't a watch person.
Rosa grabbed the two plates from the counter and offered one to Leo. Leo who was determined to cut tenacious Rosa out of his life was willing to refuse the food. But his growling stomach wouldn't allow him. The food looked appetizing enough, so he grabbed it from her and hummed a thanks, hoping his meeting with her will end with that.
"I have many questions to ask you, really. Why would you forget to wear the watch? Were you not present when Mrs. Black told us it contained our free daily 50 credits granted by the school to buy stuffs?"
"I forgot," Leo lied.
"I see. Have you decided what classes you'll be taking? I heard from the seniors that Hunter Man's class is the best. I selected it for one reason though, I must make him pay for what he did to you."
"What, what classes? What selection?" Leo was more confused as he walked to a free table.
"What do you mean what classes? Have you not picked yet? For meteor's sake, the first class is starting in two hours and you haven't picked?"
Leo was worried about many things right now. One was the classes Rosa was talking about, another was Rosa herself since he promised to get rid of her. But the greatest of his worries at the moment was his hunger. He didn't listen to Rosa's rambling any more as he dipped his spoon into the food and munched a large quantity of food.
"Huh. You're really not bothered. Don't worry, I'll do it for you. What's your full name?"
"Don't worry yourself. I know a guy, Lam. I'll meet him before the class and he'll put me through," Leo said through mouthful of overcooked grains.
"What is your full name," Rosa asked again, with a deeper voice this time. Leo saw that she won't relent until he told her so he figured there was no point in not telling her.
"Leo Rayden."
"An old name again. You must really be born before the Xollante's attack."
"You have no idea," he replied more to himself.
"Okay, I'll be off to the staff quarters. I wish Mr. Al is in a good mood this morning. Wait for me, okay?"
Rosa scrambled up without touching the food on the table. As soon as she stood up, her two friends appeared and gathered before her, worried that they didn't know where she went. They looked from her to Leo and their looks questioned whatever reason she had to be sitting with a boy with such low standards and even lower rank.
"I'm going to the staff quarters. We'll meet in class." Rosa said as she left them.
"But you already picked your classes, Rosa," one of them objected.
"I know, but I made a mistake," she called out before stepping out of the canteen.
Her two friends gawked at Leo in a disgusting manner, still amazed at the connection he might have had with the rich and powerful Morningbolt girl.
"From the way he's eating, he might swallow the second plate whole," one observed.
"Girl, you caught me. Only the food though, not the plate. I don't want to grow a large mouth like yours," Leo replied savagely and cleaned his mouth after eating to his fill. The two girls were a rank above him but he didn't care for now.
"Maybe if I provoke her friends, she'll finally let me be," he thought.