Chapter 49: Side Story 1: Inky's Day (+18)
While Erik was busy with his projects, she dedicated her time to study her new tribe the 'humans' diligently, she especially liked a folder called '/dancing', and '/music'.
That morning she had just heard the songs (Cum on Feel the Noize - Quiet Riot, Just a girl - No Doubt), and although she struggled to translate the subtitles, she really liked the rhythm, it made her want to move ( >w< ).
As for the dancing, imitating the people in the vídeos was just so frustrating! humans had it easy with just 2 legs! (•3•). She first tried the robot dance and she was good at it and was having fun, the moves were slow and predictable, but... she then saw a video called 'electronic music dances' and was feeling really confused, it was all mostly done with the legs! she tried a couple of times but kept tripping and falling, she was feeling frustrated and thought 'hmph!\(=3=)/, if I can't imitate them, then I will make a dance even humans can't make! my own style!' she tried doing what the human woman was doing on the video with only 2 tentacles but the others got in the way, then tried doing 2 tentacle groups but it didn't work, resigned she tried freestyle, ...she was basically waving her tentacles and arms around at that point.
Feeling frustrated she tried the next type of dance, classical salon waltz dance and she liked it a lot, but it needed another person, she couldn't wait for Erik to come out of his machinery room to try dancing with him, with his arms on her shoulders and hips.
Then she saw a folder that appeared as blocked by Erik called 'reggaeton', she couldn't understand but just thought about asking him when he had time.
For the next step of her routine, she went in front of a mirror with her laptop and practiced smiles and poses, she had tried smiling with her full teeth exposed but it just seemed too much, she had observed Erik's reactions every day and he seemed to like the most when he half showed her teeth and angled her head a little bit.
She then tried to make postures, like folding her arms in front of herself to make her boobs /( . Y . )\ show more, according to humans standards, she had a normal D cup, not enormous like the elders that were at least H cups, but not small like a normal B cup of a scout anymore.
she tried also making sexy poses, like the girl in the porn videos too, and seen herself in the mirror she thought 'hehe... can't wait for Erik to see me like this, I'm sure he will like it' from laying on the ground on her belly, to swaying her butt while looking back, even she herself almost got hard seeing herself and was feeling quite narcissistic and good about her body.
There was another folder about makeup, sadly there was nothing around the base when she looked around, so she tried to make her own, using charcoal as eye shadow, but her slimy skin doesn't let her, so she just made lipstick using an algae powder and she then scrubbed her face clean, to apply a mix of kelp oil and charcoal around her eyes, it looked nice but not quite there, the woman in the videos also put on fake long eyelashes and she didn't have those, she pouted in frustration, but out of her expectations though, a small kit with fake eyelashes appeared out of the wall onto her table when she had turned around.
Out of her knowledge though, Rose had in fact been observing her the whole time as she would see all the mountain around Erik and had made the small set for her and sent it through the wall.
Inky was confused but also elated, she put on the fake eyelashes and with her eyeliner like in the vídeos and she liked it a lot, it made her look mysterious and sexy.
She looked at the females from the porn videos and movies, and she was just missing the clothes, so she used a set of metallic silver curtains from one of the rooms, to make herself a tight open dress that showed her curvy body, following a vídeo tutorial and taking measurements of her own body, she used a sharp bone needle and sinew string as she had been taught long ago by her elders, the final result fit her perfectly and she loved it.
--The Next Morning --
She had already practiced her smiles, postures, and had her eyelashes, make-up, and dress on, feeling ready she went to Erik's room to wake him up thinking 'hehe... he won't be able to just go work seeing me like this'.
She opened his door and walked to his bed, watching his calmly sleeping face for some minutes thinking 'i wanna hug him..., but I need to keep my pose...'.
Then, after some minutes, Erik opened his eyes, and when he saw Inky his eyes just stayed opened wide, she was looking so beautiful and different! it's not like she wasn't charming other times, but the change and her sexy posture as she bit her lip, presented her boobs, and stayed slightly angled, presenting her juicy behind to him, made him quickly harden and smile lustfully.
Inky, seeing Erik's bulging tent in his pajama and lust-filled face, smiled delighted, her fins flapping in happiness.
Erik quickly got up and pinned her against the wall, kissing her neck as he lifted her dress and fingered her already dripping wet cunt from behind as Inky smiled satisfied. Erik feeling the suction on his fingers and her blushed face couldn't avoid smiling widely.
Then he took her to the bed as she let him, kissing her deeply and taking her dress off, her twin peaks jiggling in all their D cup glory, seeing them his face darkened even more with lust as he quickly grabbed and kneaded both like dough, causing Inky to keep moaning into his mouth as they kissed, her make up was starting to peel off but he didn't care by now, as he was already aroused.
He took one hand down to her already dripping wet pussy and fingered it up again, wetting his fingers, then taking them out of her slimy wet cunt he put them into her mouth, feeling as she sucked on them entranced, her tongue circling around them as her face was flushed with lust, he felt his member get so hard it hurt, and couldn't wait for any more foreplay.
He quickly aligned his member to her cunt and plunged deep in one go, kissing her cervix with his tip, making her moan loudly as her eyes shook back. He felt his heart thumping loudly like a drum as he kept pumping into her and hammering their hips together, the sound of wet clapping resounding on the room, he reclined on top of her getting deeper into her wet pussy and penetrated her cervix, as that made her moan loudly, he also closed her mouth with his own, kissing her deeply and feeling her constant moaning into his mouth, as the wet folds of her tight pussy snugly embraced his member, her cervix sucking on his tip, refusing to let go, he could even feel his tip pushing the slimy eggs aside, it was an amazing feeling.
As he was entranced fucking her, he felt her cunt contract as her body shook, and knew she was close to cumming, and quickly jerked her off, as he speeded up himself, fucking her hard and hammering his hips into hers.
Her moans never stopped as she screamed and cummed, a flood coming out of her cunt, wetting the bedsheets, and a shot out of her hard member so hard it hit the wall. Erik chuckled impressed and drank some, feeling his body heat up from the aphrodisiac, as he started pounding her again without letting her rest her orgasm.
Inky was loving it as her arms hugged his neck and her tentacles embraced his waist, pushing him into her harder and harder, she loved the feeling she got when he fucked her hard.
Hours passed in this way as they lost themselves to lust.
With a grunt and moan of pleasure, Erik rode his final and thirteenth ejaculation as he came inside Inky and pulled out of her, smiling as he saw his cum flooding out of her, he looked up to see Inky looking really happy and with a face full of lust too.
He looked at the clock in the wall and sighed, saying.
Erik: "Sorry babe, no time for that, but I will give you a hand to cum"
He scooped some of his own cum mixed with her slimy juices, and used it to lube his right hand, grabbing her pulsating shaft and stroking her hard, meanwhile, he used his left hand the finger blast her pussy as he used his thumb to tease her ass rosebud.
He was rewarded by Inkys loud moans as her hands gripped the wet sheets strongly and her back arched in pleasure, as her hips spasmed and humped at the air.
Erik increased his pace and grip strength, and it didn't take long as after some time he felt Inky ram his hand with her hips, as her shaft inflated and eggs exploded out of the tip, hitting the wall as he avoided with his head to the side, and saw the eggs bounce back to the floor as Inky panted and grunted, moving her hips slightly as she rode her orgasm.
Erik looked at the mess in his room and could only sigh 'damn... this will be a pain to clean..., should I just change rooms?...' he shook his head 'no, I can't be that lazy, better clean this later... sigh...'. He looked back at Inky that was looking at him eagerly and thought 'damn, she's so cute!' chuckled and helped her a couple more times until she was done.
--- hours later ---
While Inky rested on the wet bed, Erik started cleaning, he was tired but delaying would make it harder to clean, luckily, the walls and furniture were made of metal, so he used a hydrogen torch to dry it all on the floor and walls quickly and wipe off the ashes, poured the eggs on a bucket, and carried the sleepy Inky to the bathtub where he scrubbed her clean. Then with his superior strength he just carried the wet sheets and mattress to the onsen, and let them soak in warm water for now. Then dry them once he had rested, no mood to work now.
He looked at Inkys dress on the floor and it wasn't that bad for just using a curtain and sinew string, so he decided to make her a sewing machine when he had time, as she seemed talented, 'how do I make a sewing machine though? a pedal actuator, a moving piston, and a thread feed... shouldn't be too hard, well..., I can just order Rose to make it too..., as for the materials for future clothing I could make some leather using mushrooms or maybe I could try curing some abyssals skins to make leather'. He would ponder about it more as it was still useful for house decoration and fashion, or maybe for armors for the octopeople as their population would probably increase quickly now that they had a safe place to live and breed.