Solo Leveling: The Divine Triad (narrative)

Chapter 384: Chapter 371: The Execution and the Next Threat

Chapter 371: The Execution and the Next Threat

The battle against the devils had ended, but the task was far from complete. The devils, once subjugated and imprisoned in divine light, still posed a lingering threat to the fabric of the multiverse. Sung Jin-Woo, in his relentless pursuit of order and balance, knew that leaving the devils alive, even in their confined state, was a potential risk. The seeds of rebellion, once planted, could never be entirely erased. It was time to deal with them fully.

With a wave of his hand, the True Absolute One decreed their fate. Lucifer, the fallen king of the devils, and his generals—Ifrit, Dasim, Zalanbur, Beelzebub, Diablo, Satan, and Belial—all knelt before him, their once-fiery arrogance replaced with the terror of imminent judgment. Their fate was sealed.

Sung Jin-Woo executed the devils with an efficiency that only a being of his power could achieve. In an instant, the lives of these ancient, malevolent beings were snuffed out, their very existence erased in the blink of an eye. The act was cold, devoid of mercy, yet necessary for the greater good of the multiverse.

But even in death, their malevolent essences could not simply fade into oblivion. Sung Jin-Woo was no mere destroyer; he was a creator as well. He purified the devils' bodies, cleansing them of their corruption and dark energies, turning their forms into pure, divine energy. Their power was now forfeit, and it would be absorbed into the very fabric of his being, strengthening him further.

Yet, he did not end it there. The souls of the devils—beings of pure malice and evil—had a unique fate awaiting them. Sung Jin-Woo extracted their souls, carefully separating their essence from their bodies. With a will of iron, he transformed their very souls into shadows, infusing them with a new purpose. These once-great warriors of darkness would now serve him, not in the form they had once known, but as shadows—shadows bound to his will.

These souls, now stripped of their former power, were sent to the Shadow Abyss, the domain of the Shadow Lords. There, they would serve as the lowest of the low, cast into a realm where the shadows reigned supreme. They would be used as pawns in the vast cosmic game that Sung Jin-Woo played, their existence now a mere extension of his will. It was a fitting end for creatures who had once sought to sow chaos and destruction. Now, they were nothing more than shadows in the hands of their creator.

The Void had been cleared of the devilish presence, but Sung Jin-Woo's work was far from over. As he stood in the vastness of his True Absolute One Domain, absorbing the energies of the fallen devils, a new threat emerged. The very Chaos World, a place where the forces of destruction and creation constantly clashed, now stirred with unnatural energy. The Chaos World had been dormant for eons, but something was changing. Forces that had long remained hidden were now making their move.

A new challenge was rising from the Chaos World, and it was not one that could be ignored. The Chaos Monarchs, once thought to be sealed away in the deepest corners of the Chaos World, had begun to stir. Their servants, the Seven Monarchs' Subjects, were awakening from their slumber, and the balance of power was beginning to shift.

Sung Jin-Woo's instincts told him that this was a threat he could not afford to ignore. The forces of the Chaos World were ancient and powerful, and their very presence threatened to disrupt the delicate balance of the multiverse. Though he was at the height of his power, there was always something more to conquer, something new to face.

And so, Sung Jin-Woo turned his gaze toward the Chaos World, his mind already formulating a plan to confront whatever threat lay beyond the veil. The multiverse had many realms, and each held its own secrets, its own dangers. But with the strength of his angels, his archangels, and his unyielding will, Sung Jin-Woo was ready.

The threat from the Chaos World would be met with all the power he could muster. The devils had fallen, but new adversaries were already rising to take their place.

And as the True Absolute One, Sung Jin-Woo was prepared to face them all.

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