Chapter 85: Aftermath
A/N: The contents of this chapter may not be suitable for all audiences. Please read at your own discretion. (Trauma warning)
In the middle of the night, Alesha woke with a jolt, wondering what had woken her up. Glancing around, she discovered she was in an unfamiliar room.
Heart pounding with anxiety, sore all over (and in places that she'd never expected to be), she gasped in horror. Tears came to her eyes as dim memories returned. She clutched at her mouth, suppressing a scream as she looked over to find an unconscious man next to her. Back towards her, his figure was familiar and unfamiliar at once. Horns on his head, a black tail ending in a spade, a small pair of wings coming from just above his hips.
Flynn, who had so gently helped her as she struggled with physical combat.
Flynn, who had provided her very first meal in this unfamiliar world, his kind demeanor at the time completely at odds with how she felt about him now.
Flynn, whose sibling-like relationship with the gorgeous Delilah had both confused her and filled her heart with warmth.
How could he have done such a thing to her?!
Alesha's chest was tight as she forcefully kept her desperation inside. Carefully, slowly, she got out of the bed. Where were her clothes?
Feeling ashamed and used, she shifted into her pink panther form. This was perfect. She never wanted to use this ability in such a situation, but right now, she was grateful; though she wouldn't be invisible to Flynn's eyes, she could move in utter silence while in this form. He was asleep anyways, so the lack of invisibility didn't matter. Plus, she didn't feel naked while in the form of a panther. She had a layer of fur to cover her up.
[I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to help,] the System said, sounding genuine for once.
Alesha didn't respond.
[I know this won't change anything, but you'll find a peculiar basket of enchanted laundry in your inventory. It appeared nearby when you drank the second dose of Korak. You weren't conscious, so I put it in your inventory for you. The clothes seem to be cut to accommodate your tail and wings, as well.]
Alesha ignored the System and snuck out of Flynn's bedroom, looking around for the exit. She'd never been this far into his little complex before, having stayed exclusively in the living and kitchen areas. The happy memories she had there now felt hollow and confusing. Which Flynn had been the real one? The flirtatious but honest jokester he played while with the others, or the devious, predatory monster she'd encountered the night before?
She had a sinking feeling it was the latter. After all, naive as she could sometimes be, she knew in her heart that some people hid their true, dark colors from the world.
Was she one of those people? Was she doomed to become one of them as the System's power over her grew? As she drifted further and further from being human, she had been worrying about this.
Though in her case, she was more worried that she'd accidentally eat somebody than pounce on them in the dark like Flynn had on her.
Alesha found herself in front of Delilah's door. Blinking in confusion, she realized that at some point while lost in thought, she must have successfully left Flynn's dorm.
What could she do? What should she do? Would Delilah even believe her?
She bit her lower lip, the motion feeling natural even though she had a feline's head at the moment. Was it… was it even worth it to rile things up at this point? She'd be returning home tomorrow anyways, and she could ask her parents for emotional support then.
But… would they even believe she was their daughter? At this point, she'd vanished for over a week, and was no longer even human. The thought of going to them for help was suddenly much scarier than the idea of asking Delilah. She held back a sob.
Taking a deep breath and steeling her deeply-shaken nerves, Alesha raised her hand to knock.
Grimacing, she held the pose for a long time, trying desperately to get up the courage while a thousand anxieties held her back. What if Delilah accused her of lying? What if, even after hearing her story, Delilah said it was her fault? Even from her dim recollections, she couldn't remember once saying no to his advances. She had heard of far too many cases back on Elantris where the victim was punished instead of the perpetrator in such circumstances. If only she'd clearly refused! But how could she, with whatever he had done to her? Had he drugged the meat somehow? Was it an effect of the earring?
Angry, she grabbed the earring, intending to remove it.
[Stop, don't try to take it off,] the System warned. [You can't. That's part of the curse.]
"Dammit," Alesha muttered.
Mind circling back to her current situation, she felt a growing sense of despair. This was a pre-industrial-era society. Did they even have regulations about rape? She knew too little of this world -- she couldn't even begin to guess how they might handle something like this! This was all so unfair!
Maybe… maybe it was just better to stay silent. Instead of stirring up trouble she had no way of anticipating the outcome of, maybe she would be better off swallowing her pain and returning home.
After all, it wasn't like she'd ever see Flynn again. This was a world without space travel, to which she had been summoned with a magic ritual, and Flynn would have no way to chase her down. She'd be safe, unlike so many victims she'd heard about before. In this situation, as unfortunate as it was, at least the perpetrator couldn't obsessively stalk her across countries, chasing her wherever she went.
At least, she hoped that was the case.
Having been completely swallowed up in her thoughts, Alesha didn't notice as someone came up right behind her -- that is, until they put a dagger up between her shoulder blades.
"Yer wai'in outside ma door invisible fer some reason, what izzit?" Delilah's voice said harshly. "Who are ya and whaddya want with me?"