Chapter 78: Secret Chamber
Delilah finished searching the mansion for medical supplies and brought them down to the base of the stairs. She had, of course, cleaned herself up while she had access to a mirror upstairs. The kid wasn't gonna go anywhere anyways.
As she'd expected, Seth still lay unconscious where she had left him at the bottom of the stairs. "Poor lil' guy," she muttered to herself. Then, an adventurous glint appearing in her eyes, she started to poke and prod at him. Just why had this kid been so much more affected by the Banshee's scream than everyone else? Flynn had recovered quickly (as to be expected from one who worked with the Undead regularly), and Delilah's own recovery speed wasn't bad either. The demoness, though…
Delilah lost herself in fantasies about testing the limits of the demoness's incredible psychic resistance for a few seconds before pulling herself together. "No, no, I need to test this guy for now. Why's his psychic resistance so low? And how can I make it stronger? No, no, now's not the time for that either. Hehe, later. Now I need to wake 'im up. C'mon, boy! Wakey wakey!"
She uncorked various solutions, waving them underneath his nose, but to no avail. The younger student refused to wake. "Oi, Flynn!" She called.
"Yeah, Lily?" He called back from inside the chamber.
"Got any way to wake Seth?"
"You're the expert on that," he replied, "I've got nothing."
"Well, we're jus' gonna hafta wait for 'im to wake up on 'is own then," she muttered. She stood up and nudged him with her food. "Oi, kiddo, lemme know when you're up, 'kay?"
She entered the dim room, noticing that they hadn't summoned any lights. "Hey, buggers! Just cuz y'all can see in here doesn't mean I can!"
With that, she cast a simple spell, causing a field of floating lights to appear, then spread across the ceiling in regular intervals. She nodded in satisfaction, her curly white hair bouncing as if to emphasize the gesture.
Then she noticed what Alesha and Flynn were doing. "Ooooooooooooh do we gotta cross-species romance bloomin' in times o' trouble?" Delilah teased, grinning widely and folding her arms as she looked at them.
Alesha wiggled out of Flynn's arms, blushing madly. "No, he was just comforting me because I was scared," she protested.
"Sure, sure," Delilah laughed, waving a hand. "I believe you."
Alesha sighed and changed the topic. "So, I guess this is a treasure room of sorts?"
"Yup," Delilah replied. "Prolly shouldn't take anything, though I'm veeeeery tempted."
Delilah examined a nearby display case. Inside was a black velvet foot-shaped mount, on which was a simple bone anklet. Below was a display card with its name and a short description:
BONE ANKLET -- a cursed bone anklet designed to be irremovable once worn. Turns the wearer into an undead over time. The souls of those slain while wearing the anklet are absorbed into the anklet, strengthening the curse.
"Sheesh, whatta nasty item!" Delilah said loudly. "Maybe I won't want anything after all."
The group started going around the room, studying the items and reading their descriptions. Every so often, someone would come across something especially notable, and would call everyone else's attention to it.
A few such items include the following:
VEL SHIFFEN'S OBSIDIAN RING -- Once worn by the Dark Spiritist Enequius Vel Shiffen, it contains a remnant of his power. He used it to enslave the soul of a young Black Dragon by the name of Valedemor. It is not recommended that anyone attempt to wear this ring unless they can subdue Valedemor's rebellious soul.
NETHER-BONE CHOKER -- A choker made of the black bones of a King Nether Skeleton, a super rare kind of undead native to the Netherworld. Immensely enhances an Undead Commander's authority over his undead, or a Necromancer's ability to summon higher types of undead. Is bound to the wearer's soul (cannot be stolen or transferred until the wearer's death). Tends to gradually dull its wearer's empathy over time.
SOUL-EATING SWORD -- A sword that feeds on souls, and as such, is effective against ethereal foes as well as physical ones. Especially effective against ghostly enemies. If not fed regularly, it will feed on the wielder's life force instead. However, if fed regularly, it will strengthen itself and its wielder over time. Has a slight chance of causing its wielder to acquire traits of a soul-based undead race.
In the end, everyone decided to leave the private collection alone, and leave the inheritance of Dark Spiritist Xavier Thulgood to whoever was in charge of it.