Chapter 48: Chapter 44: Scarlet vs Dracula
While Erza, Alucard, Sypha and Belmont were dealing with the undead and the other vampires in the upper floors of the castle. Below all of them, Scarlet and Dracula were busy dealing with each other. Dracula slammed Scarlet into the brick wall as he dug his nails into her neck, he hissed and gripped onto her throat.
"I should rip your head off!" Dracula barked and dug his nails into her neck more.
Scarlet chuckled, she grabbed his arm with hers. "Go ahead, I dare you.." She started to pull at his arm as she pushed his body away. There was a sound of flesh, muscle tissue and even clothing being torn apart. Scarlet smirked as she then bashed her head against Dracula's knocking him back and ripped his arm off, the Grimm girl snickered as she removed Dracula's ripped arm away from her and pulled the nails out slowly before tossing his arm to the side.
"You fiend, you'll pay ten fold for that!" Dracula hissed, he glanced down at his arm his glare returning to Scarlet. His eyes full of a burning hate.
Scarlet noticed that he hadn't grown his arm back, she started to snicker again. "Aw, what's wrong? Don't tell me you can't regenerate your missing limb? How sad..." She walked over to his arm and knelt down and picked it up off the floor. She smirked and thought of something, she turned around and used Dracula's own arm to attack him. "You know, it's bad to hit yourself. Especially when you seem so depressed." She grinned widely as she watched Dracula dodge and jump back.
Dracula's quick speed made him untouchable for the most part, he dashed forwards towards Scarlet and smacked his arm out of her hand, grabbing her by the leg and tossed her around like a rag doll. He slammed her into the walls and then into the ceiling and then the floor. "You're a cocky one, but why don't you show me that power you used to send the entire area a blaze. That same power you used to kill Carmilla... or is it... you don't have the guts to do so?"
The Grimm girl licked her lips and smirked once again. "I was beginning to think you'd never ask." She raised her arm up as her hand was aimed at Dracula, she fired her magic as she watched Dracula once again avoid her attack. "Oh? Doing this again are we?" She moved her hand as the magic was now hitting the walls near Dracula, they gave in as the ceiling above him collapsed on top of him. "I know that isn't going to finish you off, so I'll leave you with a parting gift." She raised her hand to the gaping whole as her magic then fired upwards and shot out from the castle.
"The hell is she doing down there?" Belmont asked as he rolled out of the way. "She's going to get us all killed. I knew we shouldn't have trusted her." He clinched his grip on chained whip but the moment the suns rays shined through the new hole in the ceiling of the castle and was aimed down to the gaping hole in the floor, it was starting to make sense now.
Scarlet watched as the sun beamed down upon the collapsed ceiling on Dracula. "Enjoy being roasted alive." She had decided to make sure there wouldn't be any possible way for Dracula to move the rubble on top of him, she glanced around and noticed the piece of floor above that seemed to be giving out. She flew up towards it and kicked it hard, knocking the flooring down onto the already rubble that was on Dracula. "Enjoy your stay...for I will be the last thing you will ever see." She glanced down and extended her arm out and fired her magic from her palm, the basement started to spark in flames.
Scarlet flew up to the upper level of the castle, she flew past Erza and them as Belmont turned his gaze upwards. "Heads up, tall dark and horny."
Erza raised an eyebrow up as she turned her attention upwards, she saw Scarlet just floating there. Flapping her Nevermore wings with her arms crossed, Erza scoffed under her breath and gripped the handle of her sword. "Did you take care of Dracula?"
Scarlet snickered as her crimson red eyes glowed. "Took care of? He shouldn't be able to remove all the rubble on him, the heat from the fire below and from the sun should burn him to a crisp. And besides... I ripped his arm off, he won't be able to regenerate a missing limb, unlike yours truly.." She still had her robotic arm which she was hoping would be replaced with her normal arm after she devoured Salem, but it seems what Issei had done to her previously, did a major number on her.
"And how do you know that will keep him down?" Belmont asked turning his gaze towards the gaping hole in the floor. "Vampires have immense strength, and Dracula is strong."
"Are you doubting me? I've faced Alucard before, not this Alucard. The real Dracula, and this Dracula doesn't even come close to Alucard.." Scarlet spoke gazing down at Belmont.
"Oh goodie...a Dracula who has his name backwards. Which makes sense, Alucard.. your name is literally Dracula." Sypha said crossing her arms.
Alucard didn't say much as he stayed silent, the entire castle then shook as an inferno flame rose up from below. It took form of Dracula's head, the heat was unbearable. "You talk for a big shot...but have you forgotten I can mold fire to my will?"
Scarlet growled, she didn't really forget. She wanted Dracula to do just that, she smirked and flapped her Nevermore wings as a strong gust of wind put the fire out. "I'm sorry Dracula, but when it comes to ruling over darkness... The Grimm are much more suitable as creatures of darkness than you or your army of undead are."
"You talk too much." Dracula hissed as his fiery head erupted in a blaze. As the sun had fully risen in the sky, the rubble in the basement started to move, Dracula was using his one arm and his strength to move it off of him.
The air fell cold, a sound of a gun cocking was heard as a piece of rubble falls down and tumbles to the floor hitting a foot. The pieces had been moved from Dracula's eyes, he glanced up seeing a feminine figure in white. This was obviously Queen, she smirked as she had her musket pointed at Dracula's head.
The sound of a gun shot echoed through the castle, Scarlet's nose twitched as she had Queen's scent. The Grimm girl growled and gritted her teeth, she glanced around at Erza and the others before descending downwards. "She's here, I can smell her."
"Who's here?" Belmont asked with a curious tone and a slight head tilt.
Erza looked confused for a moment before she nodded lightly, she knew who Scarlet was talking about. "Queen's here, so that was the gun shot we just heard. There's no way she could've just one shot Dracula like that."
Before Scarlet could open her mouth to speak, Queen ascended upwards to where they were all at. She slowly clapped her hands and snickered. "Congrats, you've managed to do the impossible. Even if I had to finish off what you started...but I won't let you make that same mistake twice." Queen grabbed her sword and sliced open a rift. "Normally I'd fight you...but, I'm feeling generous."
Both Scarlet and Erza were confused by what Queen had meant by that, then an arm reached out from the rift and grabbed Erza. The grip it had on Erza was a tough one and it crushed her body like she was a twig. Erza yelled in pain as her arms were pinned to her sides. "Let her go Queen!"
Queen laughed. "Aw, are we concerned about her? How sweet." She glared at Scarlet with a twisted smirk. "I'm only doing what's right.." She then snapped her fingers as the arm then pulled Erza in, as another rift soon opened underneath Scarlet's feet causing her to fall inside. "Ta-Ta, have a nice trip. I hope your fall doesn't break any bones."
"You bitch." Scarlet cursed as she was swallowed up by the rift, it closed up as the one that had Erza also closed up. Now Scarlet was going someplace else, but she was starting to lose track of where she's going to be heading next. It was all Queen's choice now, to which Queen had vanished from Belmont and the other two's eyesight.