RWBY: Dimensional Hell

Chapter 45: Chapter 41: The Crimson Curse

Erza made it into town on the horse Belmot had, she scanned the area for a moment. The horse stopped as if something had spooked it, Erza took notice as she climbed off the back of the horse.

"Scarlet, I know you're here. Belmot told me where you went, why don't you come out?" Erza asked while she walked around the ghost town. She squinted her eyes and continued to scan the area.

Scarlet stayed silent, she sat behind the bar counter and peered from behind it. She waited and watched as Erza walked around, the Grimm girl scoffed under her breath. But she sighed and stood up from where she was at, a grin did spread across her face.

Erza kept looking around, and then she quickly spun around. She held her sword up in front of her, blocking Scarlet's attack. Erza glared at her for a bit as the horse got spooked even more and started to run off. "So much for wanting to talk things out." Titania locked eyes with Scarlet as she bashed her forehead against her, knocking Scarlet back.

"I figured you may have gotten soft." Scarlet said as blood trickled down from her forehead. "Don't think I'll let you slide so easily for saving me, you fucked up big time Erza."

Erza groaned and rolled her eyes. "I get it, I screwed up. But let's just talk this out. We don't have to fight, there are much more important stuff that needs to be done."

Scarlet ignored Erza, she dashed towards her and swung Black Rose at her. Erza dodged as she kneed Scarlet in the gut, Scarlet growled as she had caught Erza's knee before she could make contact. She tossed her onto the ground and then jumped up, coming down with her own knee and landed on top of Erza. Erza spewed up blood as her armor cracked, she yelled in pain and gritted her teeth.

Scarlet snickered and got off of Erza, then she knelt down and grabbed her by her crimson red hair, yanking on Titania's hair. "You think you're strong enough to fight Queen, yet you don't know the hell she's been putting me through!" She punched Erza in the face and lifted her up. "Just because she attacked Fairy Tail, doesn't give you the right to chase after her!" She cocked her arm back and punched Erza again. "Why don't you just wake up already? This isn't your war!" Scarlet tossed her aside.

Erza was in pain, she crawled over onto her belly and spat more blood up. She slowly got up, her hair falling over her face. "You...You don't get it.... I had no choice...." She turned her attention towards Scarlet as her face was filled with rage. "Just because you've been through hell doesn't give you the right to say who should help you and who shouldn't! Did all of what Master Makarov mentioned to you, go in one ear and out the other?!" She then stabbed her sword through Scarlet's stomach and deepened it, the sword coming out from her back. 

Scarlet spat up blood as it coated Erza's armor and the sword. "Fuck you!" She growled and pushed Erza away from her as well as pulled the sword out from her stomach. The wound closed up rather quickly, thanks to the recent meal she just had. "I didn't want your help, and I sure as hell don't want any help from Fairy Tail!" She yelled and punched Erza square in the jaw, sending her spiraling through the air. 

Erza landed on her back, she looked up. Scarlet loomed over her, she cocked her robotic arm back and balled her metallic hand into a fist. Erza braced herself for a punch to the face, but before Scarlet could do so, the smell of fresh blood filled the air. The Grimm girl scoffed as she held her hand out.

"Get up you jackass." Scarlet spoke being on her guard, which Erza took notice of. Titania lowered her arms from her face and reached up with her left arm, grabbing Scarlet's metal hand. Scarlet pulled Erza up to her feet as she then whispered into her ear. "My nose is picking up a strong smell of fresh blood. We're either being watched or someone is nearby."

Erza listening to what Scarlet had said to her, lightly nodded her head. She let go of Scarlet's hand and had a serious look on her face, she scanned the area as the two girls heard a branch snapping in half. Scarlet glanced over towards the source of the sound, sniffing the air. She could smell two, no wait... four scents, one was human but the rest weren't.


Isaac walked out from behind a tree slowly clapping his hands. "Oh no, don't stop on my behalf.... you two continue the slaughter... It'll make Dracula's job a lot easier."

"Let me guess, a friend of yours?" Scarlet asked looking dead at Isaac. "Or are you just a puppet for his games?" 

"Oh? It seems you've had a meeting with him after all. He could've easily killed you if your friend didn't come to the rescue." Isaac spoke walking closer to the two girls. "But as I said, don't stop slaughtering each other on my behalf."

"Shut the hell up." Erza said with a serious face. 

Isaac laughed a little, he snapped his fingers as creatures and other vampire-like beings came out of nowhere. "Well then, I suppose you two will be my first test subjects for my day creatures.. unlike the night creatures who have to wait until night time. These day creatures are much more durable to the sunlight. Especially the vampires."

"Oh goodie... British vampires." Scarlet groaned rolling her eyes. "I've dealt with vampires once before, this won't be any different."

Isaac didn't look amused, he looked at the two girls and then at his experiments. He snapped his fingers, the day creatures and the vampires all roared and hissed. Scarlet scoffed as she glared at them, her gaze then turned towards Erza. "Try not to slow me down Erza."

Erza still had that serious look on her face, she didn't answer Scarlet. "Requip! Heavens Wheel!" Her body was surrounded in armor that was a bit revealing, but she kept her serious gaze. "Tell me something, can these beast fly?"

Isaac began laughing. "Fly? Of course, you won't get out of their sight so easily."

Scarlet and Erza smirked, both bumped their fist together. Almost as if they had a sort of plan in mind, Scarlet turned Black Rose into its gun form as she loaded in dust bullets. The mini-gun revved up and came to life, in a blink of an eye. Scarlet started shooting dust bullets directly at the beast and Isaac. "I hope you're hungry?!"

Some of the beast managed to shield Isaac, while others were full of bullet holes. Erza flew into the air while some had followed her into the sky. Titania yelled as she sliced her swords through each one of them. Scarlet snickered and laughed, she quickly reverted Black Rose back to its scythe form, stopping time as well with her semblance. She rushed over towards Isaac, but before she could attack. One of the beasts moved through the time freeze and grabbed Scarlet by the neck with its mouth, its jaws clamped down onto her neck and dragged her away from Isaac.

"The hell?!" Scarlet asked as she took notice. "No one should be able to move when my semblance is activated... unless." She blinked letting time resume.

"Unless, I've managed to make creatures powerful enough to overcome powers that may affect the environment." Isaac spoke with a cold look on his face. "You could say that Dracula foresaw this... I am the one who he had asked to make him a army."

Scarlet scoffed but smirked. "Is that a fact? Well then, I would check your feet next time."

Isaac raised an eyebrow up, he looked down at his feet and saw Grimm hands wrapped around his legs and feet. "What's this?"

Scarlet snickered and pulled herself away from the beast's mouth, she dug her nails into its flesh and ripped its head off. Her crimson red eyes glowed with the look of murder lurking in them, she then glared at Isaac for a moment. "What's wrong? Did you not think of what I can do?" She snickered again and grabbed Isaac by his arms. "Let's see what happens when I do..... this!" 

Isaac was confused at first, but started to feel pain in his arms. Scarlet's strength was overwhelming what strength he had, he was trying to pull away but couldn't. Scarlet licked her lips and continued to pull at his arms, slowly tearing them from their sockets. Isaac yelled in pain and agony, he winched in pain and was unable to do anything to stop her.

"Now tell me, which one hurts more?" Scarlet asked as she started smacking him around with his own arms. "Forehand? Or Backhand? A, or B?" She grinned widely. "Come on now sport, don't leave me hanging like that. I need an answer." She then smacked him more with his own arms before kicking him hard, her foot got stuck as she laughed. "Whoops, I think I kicked him a bit too hard there. My foot got caught, no matter." Her kick had enough force to break through the layer of skin and muscle on Isaac's body, leaving a gaping hole in his abdomen. 

Isaac coughed up blood, he felt Scarlet take her foot out of his wound. Her foot was all sticky and covered in blood and other bodily fluids, Isaac's body fell over onto the ground. Scarlet snickered as she grabbed him by the throat, despite the situation he was in. Isaac was able to cast necromancer magic on himself. Of course he had never gave it much thought on what effects it would have on his own body, but he still used it regardless.

Scarlet took notice of this, she smirked and raised her foot up over his head. "I don't think so magician." She slammed her foot down on his head before the necromancer magic could take full effect on Isaac's body. She crushed his skull under her foot as his face caved in, the Grimm girl knelt down and smirked. "And here I was hoping to have a nice snack, oh well." She turned her gaze up at Erza seeing her struggle with her fight. 

Erza was struggling, the amount of damage she took from Scarlet previously had done a number on her. She panted as her left arm went numb, she scoffed under her breath as she could feel Scarlet's gaze on her. "Don't you have any of those.... magic beans?"

Scarlet raised an eyebrow up. "The senzu beans? No, I had them in my jacket pocket. But considering what I've been through, they've gotten burnt to a crisp. So yeah no can do Erza." She crossed her arms and snickered under her breath. As much as she wanted to help her out, she knew Erza would manage to get the upper hand. "Try not to die, kay? I'm rooting for ya."


After the long fight, both girls just stood in the empty town glaring at one another. But then Belmot showed up, he looked at the two and then over at the corpses on the ground. He had noticed Isaac's body as well, he raised an eyebrow up and then looked back at the two. "Well, I certainly didn't think someone like him would be dealt with easily. He would usually use his magic or knife skills to get the upper hand, but I guess Dracula is down one man."

"He wasn't so tough." Scarlet spoke crossing her arms. "But I can already tell, Dracula would probably get wind of this. His right hand magician died, but I could care less. If it lures him out from hiding, then I'll be happy to kill that vampire fuck." The Grimm girl looked at Belmot and started walking towards him, she stopped as she turned her head. "I'm leaving, don't bother follow me."

Erza didn't seem to say much at first but did speak up. "You won't survive out there on your own. Dracula has other armies and there are other factions out there as well, who would try all they can to stop you." Titania turned around to face Scarlet. "Just this once, stop being so stubborn and work alongside us. Belmot has friends who can lend us a hand."

Scarlet scoffed, her crimson red eyes glaring at Erza. "If he has friends, then why don't they just help? I have my own things I need to do. The longer I stall the longer Queen will have her ways, and I will lose sight of where she's going."

Erza tightened her fists tightly, she walked over to her and punched her square in the jaw. "You don't have to do this alone! I get what you're saying. What happened to you? You've changed, you used to be all for helping Fairy Tail out. And now...."

Scarlet spits some blood to the side and pops her jaw back into place. "Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I should've stayed evil, or maybe that evil is returning." She looked over towards the dead body of Isaac. "I don't choose who I want to help. I do as I see fit, call me a crook. A villain, a thief. But at the end of the day, I'm still the daughter of Salem." Her cold gaze fell upon Erza once again. "And I will kill you like I did before, I won't show any mercy."

Belmot just stood there silently as Sypha and Alucard showed up. "Belmot, Carmila and the rest of Dracula's faction are making a move, we know where they're heading and where Dracula's castle is going to be next."

"Well, I guess we have a new plan." Belmot spoke turning his attention towards Sypha and Alucard, he then turned his gaze over to Erza and Scarlet. "Let's get moving."

Erza and Scarlet were silent, both staring each other down, but then a door appeared out of nowhere. The smell of food flowing from within it drew their attention, Scarlet looked towards the door seeing it just as a door. No building or anything. Erza on the other hand knew what this door was. Both hers and Scarlet's bellies growled, demanding food. All the fighting had worked up their appetites.

Erza sighed and shook her head. "Sypha, what's today?"

"The second Saturday." Sypha said with a straight face. "Why?"

Titania didn't seem to say anything, she grabbed Scarlet by the back of her jacket and started dragging her towards the door. "You three go on ahead. We'll catch up!"

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