RWBY: Dimensional Hell

Chapter 43: Chapter 39: Ginger Snaps

Elsewhere, Issei crossed his arms as he leaned against the wall. Him, Koneko and Xenovia had all returned to his home. Asia and Gasper were also there as well, Gasper seemed to be more in shock from the news about Rias' death. 

"So, how do we even locate this.... girl?" Asia asked as she looked down at her feet and then looked up at Issei. "We should also tell Akeno, I did use my Twilight healing magic on her, but she's still in the hospital."

Xenovia scoffed under her breath a little. "All we know is that the girl... what's her name flew off towards town."

"It's Scarlet, if I remember correctly." Issei said looking towards Xenovia. "And yes, she did fly off towards the town. We could take it as an advantage, but at the same time. We don't have enough resources to locate her, let alone find her weakness."

Gasper seemed a little scared, shaking almost. " we also tell Rias' father?" He looked over at Issei and then at the girls. "He's going to be extremely pissed."

"I know, that's why we won't tell him. Not yet." Issei said as he crossed his arms. "First we need to go see if Akeno is holding up with what happened to her. Which we should do, because if Scarlet gets to her first...."

Asia nodded her head a little bit. "Yeah... I think I get what you're saying Issei, if she gets to her first. She's gone, like Rias." 

The room fell silent, for a moment before Xenovia spoke up. "Well I say we warn the other schools of this threat. Even if the other people whom we fought before won't take the warning."

Koneko was about to open her mouth to say something, but the entire house shook. Gasper yelped and got onto the floor covering his head, the shaking felt like an Earth quake. Then the shaking stopped, Koneko ran towards the window and looked outside, her jaw nearly dropping.

"The Nilrem." Koneko said opening the window up to get a better look. "What are they....?" She didn't need to finish her sentence, it was already clear what was going on. She closed the window and looked back at Issei and the others. "We need to move... NOW!"

Issei didn't seem to question what was going on, he nodded as he opened the door and ran out, Xenovia, Koneko, Asia and Gasper followed behind. Gasper looked up in the sky seeing the Nilrem, the Nilrem magicians firing their attacks at something or someone. A chill then ran down his spine, the same could be said for the others. Issei stopped, he turned his gazes towards the sky.

Amongst the explosion, bright light and smoke. Scarlet grinned as she flew out of the smoke and grabbed one of the Nilrem members by the face with her newly made arm, the robotic arm shined like the sun was reflecting off of it. She grinned as she crushed their skull in. She then threw the body towards the other magicians, her gaze looking at them before she picked up some familiar smells. 

"Shit, she knows we're here!" Xenovia spoke when she looked up at the battle. "We need to move Issei."

Before anyone could make a move, Scarlet appeared behind Koneko, she stabbed her new arm through her chest as she leaned close towards her ear. Her chin resting on her shoulder. "Surprised to see me again? I feel touched. But I believe you have something that belongs to me."

Koneko's eyes widened, she felt Scarlet yank her arm out of her chest, a gaping hole filled her body as she then fell to her knees. She looked over at Issei and the others before falling flat on the ground.

"You.... BASTARD!" Issei yelled as he charged in blindly at Scarlet, only to get punched in the gut. He gasped for air and clinched his stomach, Scarlet snickered as she cupped his chin with her cold metal hand.

"Aw, what's wrong lover boy? Is your harem dying before your eyes slowly..." She grinned widely, that same grin Kurumi had on her face. "Don't worry.... I've made sure to save the best for last..." Her sense of smell picked up Xenovia behind her. She quickly used Issei as a meat shield, snickering, seeing Xenovia stop in place. "One wrong move, and Issei here dies. Not by my hands of course..." She then eyed Black Rose, she dropped Issei and yanked her scythe from Asia's hands. "There you are, I was beginning to wonder where you ran off."


Xenovia stood there silently, her eyes locked onto Scarlet's. The silence was broken as the Nilrem magicians fired down at them, Scarlet didn't even bother shielding them all from the attacks. She just stood there, Black Rose in hand and eyes on Xenovia.

"Excuse me, it seems this little meeting is being cut short." Scarlet spoke as she flew into the air with her Nevermore wings and was slicing the magicians down one by one. 

"Koneko's dead...." Gasper said quietly, he looked down at her body, a bloody puddle under her. "She's going to kill us one by one..."

Xenovia was wondering what Scarlet meant by what said had told Issei. "What did she mean.... best for last?" The gears in her head turned as if she was trying to process what was said, then her face went pale. "She couldn't have, there's no possible way."

An arm came falling down next to Xenovia, Scarlet was slaughtering the magicians left and right, tearing into them. Ripping their limbs off and snapping necks. "It seems you got the hint!" Scarlet yelled from above as she sliced the last remaining magicians in half, which caused them to spray blood all over her. She snickered as she looked down at the ground below. "I had some of that sweet, juicy Akeno meat..." She licked her lips and laughed.

"You..... You monster!" Xenovia yelled. 

Scarlet smirked and continued to laugh. "If it makes you feel any better.... I made sure to save you and the others a spot in hell....but a shame that Rias died so tragically....Oh wait, that was me." She slowly walked over towards Xeonvia, she stopped however as she turned her head to the side, sniffing the air. She scoffed as she turned her attention away from her. "Damn it, she's here..."

Xenovia was confused, she looked at Scarlet. She didn't know who she was talking about. But all those questions were put out like a flame, a bullet came flying towards her and went straight through her. Another one hit Gasper. Queen snickered as she floated in the air near a opened rift before going back into it.

"Tch, she took my kills." Scarlet scoffed again, she looked around and crossed her arms. "Well, I guess this was one fucked up universe I was hoping to have a bit more fun in..." She flapped her Nevermore wings and flew towards the rift before it could close. "You can't keep getting away from me you snake."

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