Rose Blumen ~ Exogignesthai 1

Chapter 22: 021. Transmigration, 2



I walked or swam my way a little further over time. My observations of the surrounding world, old and new, brought me to a few conclusions. What I could do with my current existence was another set of parameters to consider.


I tried to look at the bigger pictures, the flows of peoples, and the flows of shiny or slimy particles.

My sister managed something really helpful at the very least, making it seemingly disappear. Its influence over the weather is now benign.


I swim through these more quiet and peaceful waters, now that the storm is over, its source having landed.

Looking for something more to build upon, bridging the two sides the world now has. Embracing the existence of the new ocean, while preserving the buildings from the old continents.


A part of the answer lied in what we had become, but there was more to find.

I saw how the bulbs that erupted into monstrous things in the concentrated wake of the source, they calmed down but never disappeared.


They continue to twirl and crackle over the lands.

New things continue to appear gradually. Most of them do vanish rapidly. Just as most of humanity did recently.

But I can foresee how statistically, there will be bonds. There will be transfers.

There will be countless others, like me and not.

Their seeds are already carried by the winds.


The time of transmigration is still only at its dawn.

Aïsshean hid the ominous and glorious lighthouse. Aïssheas will look for her kind of expedited solution.

I will focus on finding and preparing the benevolent winner as best I can.


Something that will be able to bridge the two sides of reality infinitely more cleanly and efficiently than we could ever be. We've lost our bodies and turned to some molten dreams between the two realities.


We're worms in the mud. We're more dead than alive already. I need to find the right caterpillar.




As I let my frail shade being torn apart and reunited by the gentle winds, I keep looking and thinking. I'm nothing left but a drifting spirit, with wild ambitions for the future.

Insanity grown from hopeful caring and some proper understanding of the situation.

In our own different ways, we all carry buds of upcoming sociology and cultural identity.

We want and plan to bring hope for the future to what lingers.

And comprehension to those who begin to arrive.


It still is nothing like an invasion, as much as the terrified ones might come to believe.

It's a merging, a union. Forced or not, now we need to insure it won't devolve into something dire.

And beyond that, to secure the risk of another extinction.


I'm clear on my purpose, our purpose. The growing clarity and uncertainty now, in the election.


Every social structure has its weaknesses, and I'm not blind on that.

What I want to do is sit a new absolute power that will go unchecked and with terrible responsibility.


I'm too ghastly to be fit for purpose or even reach the source and survive, if that were my only cons.

But as I observe the groups of people trying to regroup and structure budding new societies together, I'm brought back to these political evidences.

The challenges of any organisation trying or needing centralisation, be it biological or sociological.

We've all studied the downfalls of tyrannies and the conquests of decentralises tribes.

We've all studied the complexities of consolidation and justice, fairness and equity.


It's always shifting, and whether these new societies reborn from the ashes of the old world will do well is one thing. How long and how ethical they will be, is another.

And where I stand between them and this formidable power, is the core of my concern.

I'm not more fit to choose who should rule, than I would be to rule myself.


Because it's beyond what a designation, purposeful or random, or even an election should be. What we should build is more than what a human society normally could give. And infinitely more than what the otherworldly sea could bring, on the moral aspect of things.


I need the body able to bridge the two sides of reality for that being to be. Which is already scratching off everyone and everything currently alive from the pool of possibilities.

And I need a level of intelligence and morality on par with the kindest that humanity could ever provide.

That's a set of qualities hard to judge fairly.


Even though now some thoughts and frames of mind can perspire, it's still an ideal challenge to look after.

I continue floating around, carried by the winds while I reflect on these objectives.


How to rebuild a good society?

How to design and grow a good body?

Out of nowhere and immediately, it's impossible. Rushing things and daring costs, it would mean compromises.

But my sister gave me some time.

So I will use it fully.


I stretch slightly. I play with the water around me, and I start building ideas.

Political ideas, in a way.

It will be without words, as I can no longer exactly speak, but I will begin stretching my influence as I envisioned before.


Growing gently a domain of influence where I'll very slowly shift the paths of things, in order to gently but softly raise our chances of success.

Slowly goes steady. Steady goes fast.


I'm growing filaments and skeletal wings through this sea.

I'll look for the right place to bud these ideas.


I'll sow the seeds meant to feed what must come to be.

I'll look for the ideal place to start, and I will gradually grow the heritage needed to succeed someday after.

I will prepare this thread of destiny with as much care I can give.

And while I prepare that hopeful fate on one side, I will do my best preparing the grounds for the ideal body also to come.


I'm too ambitious over things that grow far beyond my perspective and abilities.

But I must act to increase the likelihood of the good prospects. As much as can be.

I'll work the ground. I'll pace the way. But I won't walk that road.


What I've become is frail enough and too ambitious already. But I will sow the winds of fate.

For us, for them.


I learn to make my tools in this new sea. I build my raft. I'll prepare the treasure map and build the ship to be.

My brethren secured the present for a while. I will do my best to find the better ground to grow the future.


I grow in influence slowly, learning how to move gently these invisible energies. In the upcoming patience for the advent of the new god to rise, I will look for the perfect soil.

To build its church, and welcome its messiah.



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