Reincarnated To Evolve My Bee Empire

Chapter 49: Invoking Dad Spirit to establish dominance

With touched tears in my eyes, I watched my little princess' clawed hand poke through the royal pod's cap. Then three more hands followed, tearing the cap off and showing the bee within.

With touched tears in my eyes, I watched her emerge fully.

〔Queen Bee〕 〔Progeny〕

〔Health〕: 22 / 22

〔Stamina〕: 21 / 21

〔Species〕: Common Honey Bee

〔Age〕: 22 d

〔Remaining lifespan〕: 2623 d


> Strength: 20

> Agility: 39

> Endurance: 20

> Defense: 20

> Intelligence: 100

> Perception: 43

〔Special abilities〕

Flight, Stinger, Royal Jelly Production


Enhanced Intelligence X, Technology: Primitive Containers, Increased Lifespan II, Fast Learner I, Enhanced Endurance II, Danger-Averse Reflexes, Venom Resistance I, Heat Resistance I, Enhanced Strength II, Enhanced Defense II


Stats aside, my little princess was starkly different from her working sisters. She was a head taller, and her body was much more hourglass-shaped.

The little Queen was a little wet with remnants of her metamorphic juices and absolutely naked—but two Nurse Bee approached immediately.

"Please, let me put this on you!" the Nurse Bee said excitedly, raising a leaf skirt.

"This is clothing—Father taught everyone to wear it for warmth," another added, raising a leaf tunic.


My baby princess looked around at all the bees hanging or hovering around until her eyes fell on me. Her antennae waved in my direction.

"You smell like my father," she said. "This means… You can't be my mate."

I choked on air and almost fell off the wall I clung to.

My little princess (who must've been someone from the Game of Iron Throne in past life) ignored my reaction and me, acting like I was just a fly on the wall. Instead, she looked at Ambrosia.

My daughter's eyes narrowed. Ambrosia mirrored her expression.

Sparks flew. The tension was palpable, but Nurse Bees ignored it.

"Young Queen, please! Put the clothes on! They itch, but they keep you warm!" they urged.

"We brought you nectar and pollen to eat, fresh from flowers!"

The little princess ignored them, too.

"Queen… Are you going to fight me?"

I grabbed my head.

Suddenly, this entire idea of "self-sufficient children" felt terrible.

From the tension between the two queens, a fight to the death felt like a real possibility. Ambrosia has seen things, but my little princess had no life experience whatsoever!

Despite her intelligence, she just followed her instincts. She didn't even count as my ally by the system!

'I'm so stupid! I should've thought about this befoooore!'

Right now I knew—if I don't interfere, perhaps a fight won't happen. But I will forever lose the opportunity to establish fatherly authority (and political dominion) over my little princess' future hive!

I took a deep breath and called upon the spirits of the sternest dads of the world.

"Young Queen! Is this how you speak to your *parents*?!" I flew to hover in front of her and frown sternly. "Put the clothes on, eat something, and prepare for the upcoming life lessons!"

My little princess recoiled. She and *everybody else* were staring at me in shock.

I wanted to stop beating my wings and fall through the cave floor with embarrassment. But the Dad Spirit was still giving me strength to keep a stern face.

The silent staring match lasted for an eternity.

Then, the young Queen caved and bowed her head. Without looking at me, she reached out for the clothing, and only with a bit of fumbling, put them on.

Now her status said:

〔Queen Bee〕 〔Ally〕 〔Progeny〕

<Congratulations, for establishing your dominion over a Queen Bee descendant you got a new achievement: "Dynasty's First Step"! Your reward: 'Vertical Gene Transfer' special ability.>

〔Vertical Gene Transfer: allows sharing all your genes with your progeny. To activate gene transfer, the progeny must consume materials that have your DNA.〕

My eyes widened.

This was just what I secretly dreamed about… all the time!

My little princess won't ever be genetically inferior. No, any of my daughters will always be up to date!

My excitement dimmed a moment later, when I did the basic math.

Assuming I fed daughters with my blood, even if it was just a droplet per bee, I would quickly run dry this way. Hair also had DNA… But I would grow bald just as quickly. And for what?

Nevertheless, I smiled broadly at my daughter.

"That's much better, young lady! Your first lesson—your parents are older and wiser than you are. Your second lesson—your parents want what's best for you! And your future colony, of course."

"I don't understand. Why? I'm your daughter, Drone. Your rival, Queen."

"Third lesson—call us Father and Mother, young lady. And—"

"You might call me Ambrosia. This is my name. *Only* mine. A name not for a Queen, but for *me*. You will have a name too, soon." Ambrosia interjected.

She looked not at all loving toward her daughter Queen…

I cleared my throat.

"Amby acts tough, but she loves you. And I love you, too! You are our daughter, and we are *good* parents, parents who *care* for our children. Not at all like some deadbeats who just put the food on the table for a few years and disappear into the sunset the moment they stop being afraid of a court case against them…"

The young Queen listened to me with a more and more befuddled expression on her face.

"Drone… Father. Father, are you alright? You act very confused. Are you ill?"

"Only sometimes. Ignore his ramblings—they are harmless," Ambrosia replied immediately.

In this moment, I saw a mother-daughter bond be forged against all rules of nature. But by God, it felt like a stab into my poor heart!

"Hey, I'm not ill! My thoughts are just too brilliant for your comprehension!"

"However, Nectus' lessons are still valid and useful. Ah, right—Nectus is his name. You will get used to names, too. Remember everything he teaches, and everything I will teach you—it will help you tremendously when you fly to build your own hive."

My daughter Queen nodded eagerly. She looked like a sponge for information.

"You said I will have a name. What will it be?"

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