Red Alert 2 Mental Omega: Wargirls Reincarnation

Chapter 52: Hell training Start! - 52

3 Days later, 0000

Amy's POV - Above Hakodate, Hokkaido

"Ready for drop," a voice echoed through the hull of the dropship.

"Thanks for the ride, Joy," I said as I stood up and glanced to my left—at Helena.

"You're welcome," Joy's voice responded once again as we the only two crews member inside Joy right now.

"Jammer drones ready. The communication blackout will begin as soon as we jump." Helena reported as she stood beside me her fox tail sway gently as her ears perks, her face illuminated by the dim red light inside the dropship, she smiling same as me.

"I still can't believe you talked me into doing this at midnight… let alone convinced Master to watch the whole thing." she said half complain.

I smirked. "To be fair, if we didn't livestream it, the other T-Dolls would want to join in on the fun too." And honestly, that was a situation we really didn't need right now.

Helena just shook her head. "Alright, fine. Let's get this over with."

"Let's go!" I called out as I stepped off the cargo ramp, diving into the city below.

Yuki's (Japanese Commander) POV - - Allies MCV, Hakodate, Hokkaido

I sat in my command room, waiting.

The day had arrived.

Civilian evacuations were completed yesterday.

I made sure to get a full rest before the operation began.

Right now, I sipped from my flask of coffee—no cups. I needed to be ready to move immediately if anything happened.

And something was about to happen.

"Sir! Communications just went down!" one of the comm officers reported urgently.

It's starting.

I sighed, calmly screwing the cap back onto my flask. "Cycle through all unit frequencies. Is it isolated?"

"No, sir! All communications are down!" another officer confirmed.

"Switch to light-based communication. Send out the order!" I commanded.

The two comm officers immediately saluted and start setting up the physical map. They were useless in their current roles now, but I had already accounted for this.

Good thing we had a backup—industrial-grade spotlight spread information across all troops. We had modified the high rise to act as communication towers across the city.

"Mark the last known positions of all units!" I ordered as I stood up, striding toward the large map of the city laid out on the table as com officers putting down token to represent troops. "Prepare transport! Power Suit squads! Rocketeer squads!" I barked more commands, my voice sharp.

"Sir! Light beam aiming at the sky from Sector B1!" A runner burst through the door, panting.

right on schedule. Perfect. At night, this system works flawlessly.

They probably dropped from the sky… Skyscraper area. I can work with that.

"Shine the red beacon! Evacuate B1! We're bringing those skyscrapers down!" I ordered.

The runner sprinted toward the control station to relay the command.

The red light beams signaled an immediate evacuation order—scorched earth tactics were in effect.

Especially in zones B1 and D4, where I had positioned my SEAL teams to explode the building down to the ground. "Order the Power Suit squad to intercept them at B2! Are the Rocketeers ready?" I demanded.

"Power Suit squad is moving out, sir! Rocketeers are on standby for a flyby!" another GI reported.

"Good. Send them on patrol around B1. Be an annoyance." I order the GI saluted before rushing off to carry out my orders.

Now, let's see how well they handle this.

Seal team member's POV - B1 sector

The red light beam shine up in the sky—it's time!

Gunfire erupted around me, laser streaks cutting through the floor as enemy rounds impacted nearby.

My teammates secured their positions, covering all four skyscrapers in the area.

We had rigged a gun to a tripwire, a simple but effective trap.

The moment we pulled the string—BANG!—the gun fired… only to be vaporized instantly by a counter-shot. Damn, they're fast.

But that not the point of these traps we just need to buy some time. No time to dwell on it.

The bombs were placed, and extraction was now.

I sprinted toward an open window frame—glass already removed in preparation—then leaped.

Spreading my arms and legs, I caught the wind with my wingsuit, soaring forward and away from the skyscrapers just in time.


A chain of explosions rocked the city behind me.

The skyscrapers collapsed just as planned, turning Sector B1 into a wasteland of rubble.

Hope everyone made it out in time.

I scanned the area and spotted two other wingsuits my right, maintaining their own flight paths.

We couldn't cluster together—if one of us got spotted, the rest would be targeted too.


Another explosion—this time different.

I turned my head just in time to see a large-scale bomb detonate, consuming debris in a powerful blast.

The explosion created a vacuum effect, clearing out some of the rubble. A suppression sphere formed briefly before dissipating. That look so overpowered.

Snipers should be in position by now.


Distant gunfire. Multiple shots fired. Hopefully enough to wound or eliminate the targets.

I reached for my parachute cord and pulled it at the right altitude. The chute deployed, slowing my descent. I adjusted my angle, steering myself toward a four-story rooftop below.

Landing was smooth. I unbuckled my harness in seconds and prepared for the next phase.

Our SEAL team was moving underground now, heading into the metro for rendezvous. The next wave of SEAL teams would take over from here.

Amy's POV - B1 Sector

("Better prepared than I thought… but still not enough to stop us.") I spoke into my comm, linked directly to Helena.

I strode forward through the intersection, unfazed by the collapsing skyscrapers. The destruction was extreme, but it didn't matter—I had corrosive bombs as I just clear the chunk of its that falling on my head.


In a fraction of a second, I summoned my titanium alloy shield, blocking every shot. They should really use higher-caliber rounds.

These weren't real snipers—just someone using sniper rifles. Only the European Alliance had dedicated sniper units.

I traced the bullet trajectory back to its origin and fired my graviton sniper rifle. Aqua-chan had tweaked the power output and altered the shot properties—so instead of a lethal energy blast, it acted more like a high-voltage electric shock while still maintaining destructive power.

I squeezed the trigger.


Four laser shots. Four headshots. Snipers neutralized.

("Can't really argue with that. These Rocketeers are annoying.") Helena's voice came through the comm.

I glanced back, catching a glimpse of the chaotic light show behind me—Helena was locked in combat with the Rocketeers, her drone swarm weaving through the air engaging in Aerial dogfight as she fired back with… her Uzi?

Laser rounds shot up from the ground. Yep, those are Uzi lasers not powerful enough for assault rifle.

("12 drones up and running. You're clear to push north. I spotted their MCV northeast of your position.")

("Very well.") I replied.

Suddenly, my sensors flared—something was approaching. Fast.

I turned my head toward the street corner.

Power Suits. Lots of them.

As they emerged, they wasted no time launching missiles.

I smiled.

At least they were smart enough to know regular machine guns wouldn't work on me.

Switching my sniper rifle to Uzis, I unleashed a volley of lasers.


Helena's POV - B1 sector

She's having fun, huh? Well, so am I.

The last Rocketeer went down in a blaze of energy, his jetpack failing mid-air before crashing into the rubble below, the rescue crews should be teleporting in soon. My drones remained fully operational—all 20 of them. The jammers were at full effect, cutting off enemy communications in the area.

Too bad this base didn't have any Blizzard Tanks—those would've been annoying. A single hit could freeze us in place or slow us down. Not that it matters.

This training exercise would last at least a week, minimum. But I had no patience for that. Time to speed things up.

I dropped down into the sewer system, through the hole that I make my nanoswarms dig though.


The tunnel was smaller than the ones in Tokyo, that's for sure.

I willed my nanoswarms to spread out, scanning the area. And what did I find? Explosives. Lots of them.

C4 charges. Enough to collapse the sewers and everything above them for this section of the city, seem like their plan to lure us here from beginning and we starting here just speed up the process.

So the Japanese commanders did listens—everything here was treated as disposable. If they had to pay for these supplies, no way would they waste so much on a single trap.

No problem. I disabled the C4 and repurposed it into something better.

Kamikaze UGVs.

Small, fast, and deadly. I didn't have to worry about casualties either—five Hestia-class MCVs and their crews were handling wounded and KO'd targets. And with Chrono tech in play, they could extract dozens of bodies in mere seconds, storing them inside their hulls for immediate treatment.


Within moments, I had 100 Kamikaze UGVs, each carrying corrosive bombs. That should be enough.

I sent them down the sewer line, weaving through the tunnels like a swarm of locusts.

Then I spotted them—SEAL operatives, just about to press their detonators.

Too bad.


I giggled, summoning a few more UGVs—this time, armed with graviton Uzis. I sent them charging forward.


Gunfire rang out as the SEALs reacted. At least they had decent awareness.

Not that it would help them as my Uzi UGVs return laser fire.

I shook my head. Anyway, the bombs are set.

Time to collapse the city.

("The ground's about to shake. A lot.") I warned Amy through the comm before giving the detonation order.


Yuki's Commander POV - Allies MCV, Hakodate, Hokkaido


The entire ground lurched.

I felt weightless for a moment—then the entire command room tilted.

Gravity failed me as I started floating, reaching out desperately for anything to hold onto.



I slammed into something. Pain shot through my body as I hit the floor—no, the wall.

Groans filled the room as others struggled to recover.

Commander training is harder than this. I forced myself up, ignoring the pain.

"Ugh… Everyone alright?" I asked.

More groaning.

I heard a voice from above.


I looked up. The entire room had nearly flipped over. The door was now vertical, the outside world visible through its opening.

A rope dropped down, probably tying with metal poles or something from the side room.

"Field medics are coming, sir! Hold on!"

What the hell just happened?!

I pressed against the nearest wall, stabilizing myself. Other personnel were starting to get up, some worse off than others.

"What happen out there?" I ask as I find a wall to lean on, other personal start getting up too..

"What's the situation?!" I demanded.

A GI above me struggling to stay upright, responded, "The whole damn city just got blown up! Your transport has to abort landing—ground's too unstable!"

I clenched my jaw, processing the chaos.

Damn it.

"Activate Protocol Z," I ordered. "Get any of yellow light spotlight running and shine above."

Protocol Z—evacuate and regroup. Every squad and team was on their own until further orders were given and friendlies were properly identified.

"Sir, yes sir!"

I checked myself over. No serious wounds. Just bruises. Adrenaline was keeping me moving, but that wouldn't last forever.

"Status?" I called out.

"Safe!""No wounds!""Got a piercing wound!""No injuries here!"

I moved toward the injured soldier.

A metal pillar had pierced through his side, effectively sealing the wound. It was keeping him from bleeding out, but we couldn't remove it without proper medical care.

Good thing our MCVs were built tough—despite the entire ground collapsing, the structural integrity had mostly held with some damaged interiors but still better then being crush.

But one thought burned in my mind.

How the hell did they guarantee no one died when they literally leveled the entire city?!

Aqua's POV - Resident building Cafeteria, Tokyo, Japan

"They're having fun," I muttered, as I had entire table to myself as I enjoyed my hotpot with some guests.

Infinite food, infinite resources.

Ever since we set up the first Chrono Replicator two days ago, things had become effortless. Now, we had five of them running in tandem. The same went for power—five Chrono Reactors ensured we had an unlimited energy supply.

I glanced across the table.

Sakura sat opposite me, and next to her was Spring—who looked barely awake.

The girl had been with us since 8 PM, stuffing herself with food, probably her first time at a buffet. She had enough sleep yesterday—or at least I hoped so. Her sleep schedule was a mess, not because she couldn't sleep, but because every time she having nightmare, she caused a psychic burst.

I smirked. "So, how does it feel to have a kid?" I teased Sakura while still keeping an eye on the live stream.

Sakura sighed. "She's too mature for her age, I hoping to fix that" she muttered, glancing at Spring, who was blinking rapidly, trying to keep herself awake.

With a small, affectionate motion, Sakura summoned a napkin with her nanoswarms and gently wiped Spring's mouth.

"How about we go to sleep, dear? Aunty Aqua will still be here when you wake up," she whispered softly.

Spring barely had time to process it before her eyes drooped shut.

"Yep, your mom's right," I chuckled.

Sakura sighed and lifted the girl into her arms. "Well, Commander, excuse me."

I waved a hand dismissively. "Don't worry about it."

She nodded and carried Spring out of the cafeteria.

Around us, the rest of the Wargirls were still enjoying their hotpots while watching the show. The event would run until both Amy and Helena finished clearing Hokkaido as I pretty sure there betting pools too.

Meanwhile, all five Hestia-class MCVs were working overtime, treating the wounded and evacuating survivors after that artificial earthquake.

I shifted my attention back to the live stream.

The Japanese commander, Yuki, was still struggling to regain control. She's the one who greeted us in Tokyo, right? She had more intel than the average commander—but not enough to turn the tide.

Amy was currently tearing through Powersuits and Kappa Tank squads.

Helena, on the other hand, was now assembling a hover bike. Looked interesting, though I wouldn't be able to use it myself.

At the same time, I had finally figured out how to make Chrono tech work on T-Dolls. The main issue was power generation—they couldn't vent enough heat.

The solution? Cryo tech. Again.

Still, I'd finalize everything after Amy and Helena finished their campaign—consider it a reward.

Someone sat down across from me. I looked up.


"I cracked your project," she said in Japanese like she practice a bit enough to speak, casually summoning a chopstick from her wrist-mounted nanoswarms before reaching for a slice of meat in the hotpot.

I giggled. she learn fast I give her that.

She had a whole new cyberpunk-meets-military look going on. Her hoodie was now integrated into her outfit, complete with belts, pockets, graviton pistols, wrist-mounted nanoswarm computers, and her newest addition—goggles.

She refused to replace her eyes with cybernetics, so instead, she made the next best thing—goggles with adjustable x2 to x1000 zoom, rangefinders, and advanced scanning tech.

"You got the AI up and running?" I asked, willing my nanoswarms to generate more fresh ingredients for the hotpot as I dump its all in to the one side of the pot.

Yunru nodded. "Yes, Commander." She grab a octopus from the well done side and bite in to it. "Thanks for the food."

"Free food.. other then that its kinda Idiotic? like why we making them getting these beat down?" she ask

"You're welcome."

I leaned forward. "So? What do you think of the event so far?"

She exhaled. "Free food."

Then she frowned. "Other than that… isn't this kinda idiotic? Why are we beating them down like this?"

I smirked. "We need accurate combat data—before and after training."

She raised an eyebrow.

I continued. "This isn't just about seeing how they perform under stress. We'll run this same test again, a full year after implementing new training methods and upgraded gear."

She nodded, scooping up more meat and mushrooms.

"So once they manage to hold their ground, you'll send more attackers?"


I planned to gradually increase the difficulty—once the human army could properly shut down an assault from two T-Dolls, I'd ramp it up.

Plus its a good idea how to handle boredom.

I mean sure I can deploy girls in to Africa regions to weed out Scorpion Cells and that what will happens soon.

Also I nothing that Yunru eating a lot. "...Did you focus so much on AI in your room that you forgot to eat?" I ask.

She froze.

"Maybe…" she muttered.

I giggled. "Eat all you want. We have infinite resources now."

She sighed, shaking her head. "Still can't believe you're using energy-to-matter conversion combined with a time loop to create infinite resources."

"Well, it works," I said smugly. "And now you have infinite funding, too."

She groaned in exasperation "here your AI file" she said while sending me a file as she focus back to eating.

I glanced at the test results for the ANI of Power Suits. Workable. Every test condition passed.

Her skills with her wrist mount nanoswarms look very promising from just 3 days with how fast she sent those files over along with how fast she work.

I smirked. "So, want to design your own version of power armor?"

She blinked. "Huh? I thought I wasn't going to the front line."

I waved my hand. "You're not. This would just be your personal suit—in case you ever want to test something or need a non-stock version in an emergency."

She thought about it for a moment.

"...Huh. Okay then," she said before going back to eating.

Satisfied, I turned my attention back to Amy's live stream.

The show was far from over.

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