Chapter 23: Gotham Won't Let Me Go
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- Well, I guess Bats is already gone? - I asked Semilia as soon as I landed.
- Yeah, Flying Man took off and ran off across the rooftops," she replied, looking at me with a bit of judgement in her eyes.
- Well, what did I do wrong? - I said in response to her look.
- I don't even know? I guess I flew over the building with a bunch of bombs and detonated them almost right next to me. And I don't remember you having immortality in your abilities," she said.
- Oh, come on, I'm not completely off my rocker. I've got it all figured out," I said, but she just rolled her eyes in response.
- Okay... We've captured the Joker, and he's listed as captured by you, but he'll be under the jurisdiction of the Gotham police for now," Semilia told me, getting down to business.
Hmmm, not bad. Now I'll have to give the police a couple of orders about the clown's confinement, talk to the reporters, and lastly write a report to my superiors. I have to remember to mention the danger of killing the Joker and that I'm pushing for his execution. Fortunately, we still have half of the states have not abolished the death penalty, and my squad has the right to conduct them even on the spot, and quietly kill criminals.
I started with the cops. They knew without me how dangerous and cunning Joker is, but I also knew about corruption among them, so I appointed guards from those I considered competent enough.
What happened next was a little more complicated....
- Please calm down and ask questions one by one! - I said rather loudly, standing at a small podium in front of a crowd of journalists asking questions at random.
- Major Kent, what will you tell us about your new unit and its purpose? - one girl asked the question that everyone was most eager to get an answer to.- The Argent Squad is an organisation created by the government due to the emergence of superhuman level threats in the society. This squad is supposed to solve all problems that are beyond the scope of ordinary people. I'm its new head, and I'll do my best to keep people safe," I said, looking down at everyone.
- Will you be working only in Gotham or all over the country? - I was asked the question again.
- My squad's actions are not limited to one city or state. We will stop all supernatural problems that arise in the United States. But our main base is in Metropolis, - I told the trivial information. I don't think there's any point in hiding the location of the base. I'm sure everyone who needed to know it already knew it long ago.
- How big is the Argent Squad? - The question came up again. I feel like I'm not talking to journalists, but to an enemy commander during an interrogation.
- This information is classified, but you will be able to see all active members of the squad on the upcoming missions. All of them, except for me, will be wearing the squad logo," I said, glancing at Semilia, who had been standing next to me in a closed suit the whole time. I'm sure she's already laughing at me underneath the helmet.
- Do all the squad members have superpowers? - a girl asked me.
- Well, it depends on what you consider superpowers. Our chef cooks fantastic steaks," I said with a small chuckle, amusing the others a bit, "But seriously, all of the squad members have skills or abilities beyond human strength.
- And what do you say about your excessive violence against criminals? - I was asked a question by an overweight man.
- Overkill? I'm sorry, but it was far from excessive. We used only necessary cruelty against them. These people killed people by the hundreds, and went almost unpunished. It was a flaw in our authorities, but my squad must erase it completely. Now all "Super Criminals" or "Freaks" will either be eliminated on the spot, or apprehended and taken to court, where they can be given any punishment, up to and including the death penalty. It will depend on the danger of the criminals themselves and the degree to which they broke the law," I said with a firm expression, glancing at all the reporters, which made them flinch.
- Well, I think that's enough questions. My condolences to the families of all the victims. My squad was created to make such cases happen as little as possible. And I really want there to be fewer people in our country, grieving for the loved ones lost forever, - I finally said, leaving the podium. No one tried to stop me, and I was able to leave quietly.
The Joker would have to be held in the local jail for about another week. In that time, I'll have time to run all the summons, and most likely won't absorb everyone. Right now I especially feel the lack of reliable helpers in many aspects. But I won't think about that for now. I'll do all the summons in Metropolis, in my flat, and I'll summon Alice as well.
And now I still need to deal with the government report and wait for the FBI agents who will have to take over the protection of Joker until his transfer to another state for trial.
In the meantime, Semilia and I were on our way to the small Hotel room we'd been assigned here in Gotham. I wouldn't really want to linger here, but I'm going to have to stay here for at least a couple of days. I'll definitely need to either draft or hire someone to handle all that kind of stuff for me, with reports and documentation and such.
The girl and I were pretty tired, as we hadn't slept much lately, so we walked in silence, not really having much desire to talk about nothing. And the mission could be discussed tomorrow.
But at that moment, when we had already entered the hotel building, at the entrance we met a man who obviously wanted to talk to us.
- Hello, Major Kent, and sorry to bother you. I'm Alex Nellon, assistant to the mayor of Gotham," said a rather old man in a dinner jacket, though he didn't seem particularly serious.
- Nice to meet you, Mr Nellon. What business do you need me for? - I asked him, already feeling Semilia's irritated look behind me.
- Actually, tomorrow the Mayor and Mr Wayne want to hold a fundraiser for tonight's victims. And we'd really like you to come," he mumbled, smiling cordially.
Hmmm, I'll probably just have to come to this event, especially after my farewell speech a few minutes ago. Oh, and there's just going to be quite a few influential people there, most likely not just from Gotham, so it will be beneficial to attend. Especially now that I need to pump up my squad's reputation.
- Yes, I will attend the event, with my partner. When should we arrive? - I said, pointing to Semilia, who had already taken off her helmet.
- Tomorrow at five o'clock in the evening at Wayne Manor. They'll send a car to your hotel, so don't worry. I'm sorry, but I'm in a hurry, so we'll have to say goodbye," the man said, walking away quickly. Apparently he was only here to make sure that I would definitely be at the party.
After that, Semilia and I walked quickly to our room, where we decided to get some rest, but apparently the girl decided to talk to me a little.
- So we'll still have to go to this soiree tomorrow to socialise with a bunch of arrogant arseholes. How cool, I've dreamed of this all my life," Semilia said with a touch of irony, looking at me.
- Well, you know, I'm not really excited about this event either. But we need a reputation now," I told her, lying on the bed.
- Are we going to have to go to a place like this every time? I don't really want to have a good reputation," she said.
- Not every time, of course, but now we'll have to. And maybe even a few more times to attend such events in other places, - I said.
- I don't know. I don't really want to go there, and why would an ordinary member of the squad go there, right? - The girl asked me with a sly smile.
- But you won't leave me alone with them, will you? - I asked hopefully, looking at Semilia.
- Hmmm, that's something to think about. Maybe, but only if you promise to go out with me afterwards, we'll be here for a couple of days anyway," she told me.
- How could I upset such a nice girl? - I said with a smile.
In response to my words, Semilia just smiled contentedly and went to sleep. Apparently she is quite happy with all this. I don't know why I had to make such conditions, because I don't mind going for a walk with her.
Besides, our relationship is already looking pretty good, and I'm sure that with a little push, it could get a lot deeper. But I'm the one who's gonna have to do the pushing. But I don't mind, I'm sure of my feelings and I'm not going to hide them like a snotty schoolboy. You just have to be sure and everything will happen!
Now I'd better get some sleep myself. Tomorrow's going to be a busy day...
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