Reborn with some cheats in Pirates of the Caribbean

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Isla De Muerta Part II

Bo'sun had stopped after my threat and action, as had the rest of the crew followed his lead as Barbossa decided to put in his own 2 cents.

"If any coward here dare challenge me, let him speak!" Barbossa said.

Barbossa was the best swordsman after me so they didn't like their odds if we fought together. I didn't mind pretending to take Barbossa's side as I'd already known that Elizabeth was gone as Jack the monkey had been jabbering all during our argument. I only did it because I was getting bored.

"I say, we cut her throat, spill all her blood, just in case!" A pirate had stated to which he got wild cheers of agreement.

At this point in time, Barbossa finally turned and noticed Jack jumping up and down and pointing. He then looked down at where Elizabeth had been and saw she was gone. Barbossa turned back to the group of pirates to explain the situation.

"The medallion! She's taken it! Get after her, you feckless pack of ingrates!" Barbossa said.

As the group of pirates had rushed to the boats they'd noticed that the oars were gone because Will and Elizabeth had used them to get to the ship. As they were looking for the oars, Jack had awoken from when he was knocked out by Will and walked out.

As Jack was having his first meeting with his old Crew after the mutiny, I was still in the chamber with Barbossa.

"I thank ye for being on my side Dante." Barbossa said.

"There are no sides. Everyone makes their own choices. They all chose to follow what you had said, just as I had chosen to stop them from attacking you. I'm sorry to say, I didn't do it for you. I just find it unfair to try to attack someone for something that isn't even your fault. Besides, I don't think you needed your life saved." I explained.

"Very well, but thank ye nonetheless." Barbossa replied to which I nodded and right after that, one of the crew came and told us about Jack.

Barbossa and I followed the crew member to where Jack was.

"How in the blazes did you get off that island?" Barbossa asked.

"When you marooned me on that godforsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing mate. I'm Captain Jack Sparrow." Jack replied.

"Ah. Well, I won't be making that mistake again." Barbosa replied as he walked in front of Jack.

"Gents you all remember Captain Jack Sparrow?" Barbossa asked.

*Words of acknowledgment from the crew*

"Kill him." Barbossa said.

We all pulled out our pistols except Barbossa as Barbossa was walking away.

"The girls blood didn't work did it?" Jack asked confidently.

Barbossa paused and turned around.

"Hold your fire!" Barbossa said frustrated.

The pirates did what he said, many groaning in annoyance at not being able to kill Jack.

If one was paying attention, they would have noticed that not only did I not even attempt to take out my pistols, I didn't have any annoyed reaction as I was never against Jack in the first place, I just needed to participate in the mutiny for my future needs.

"You know whose blood we need." Barbosa said annoyed.

"I know whose blood you need." Jack replied with a smile.

(1 hour later)

Will had already had his talk with Elizabeth and had discovered he was I fact a pirate by blood. He wasn't as upset as he had seen that there was at least one pirate who was a good man aside from his father. He still had a lot to think about his discovery though.

Meanwhile Barbossa and Jack were having their discussion about Jack telling Barbossa whose blood they needed to break the curse.

I was outside the room listening just to see if their were any deviations to the original timeline. There hadn't been any so far aside from us going to the island where I found my ship.

I was lost in my thoughts but tuned in to hear the latter part of their conversation.

"That still leaves me standing on some beach with naught but a name and your word, it's the one I need." Barbosa said.

"Of the two of us, I am the only one who hasn't committed a mutiny. Therefore, it's my word that we'll be trusting." Jack replied.

I had to admit, Jack is a lot smarter than most would think and certainly smarter than he would have others believe. Even Barbossa couldn't argue with that logic.

Seeing as though everything was going according to the original timeline, I left to go towards the deck. I ended up sending Bo'sun to deliver the news that we had the Interceptor in our sights.

A few minutes later, Barbossa and Jack arrived on deck, Jack holding an apple with a bite out of it, confirming that everything went exactly as it should've.

I heard Jack talking with Barbossa about trying to negotiate with the crew aboard the Interceptor about getting the medallion.

I had to admire that he had at least some form of loyalty. Jack may have no problem whatsoever with betraying his friends for his own benefit, but he doesn't want them to die.

Barbossa mocked Jack for his attitude as Barbossa always believed that Jack wasn't ruthless enough to be a pirate, that's part of the reason he went through with the mutiny in the first place.

Barbossa then sent Jack to the brig as he prepared the Pearl to attack the Interceptor. After Jack was hauled away, Barbossa started angrily at the apple with a bite out of it that he had taken from Jack, it reminded him once more of his curse so he threw it off of the ship in anger.

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