Reborn in Hazbin Hotel with the interdimensional lottery system!

Chapter 20: An interlude of Angels

Who's your favorite character in Hazbin Hotel's sister series, Helluva Boss? Mine is Moxxie, but I don't want to see him in episodes anymore considering he only gets his ahh beat.

Don't include the GOAT if you aren't gonna let him do GOAT things of that nature.

(Third Person POV)

- Heaven -

In a meeting room invisible to the naked eyes of winners, high-level angels congregated. The courtroom was pristine white; even as multiple feet stepped on its floor, not once did anything leave the slightest bit of dirt or scuff. The walls and roof were made of a dark brown wood that seemed to be very old.

There were six angels in the room, all differing in shapes, sizes, and genders.

Micheal sat at the head of the table; he had on some armor that looked straight out of Rome, its metal arm and knee guards clashing with the crimson red cloth covering all of his 9'6" body. His skin was a very bronze tan, bordering on the edge of being orange. His eyes were set in a neutral gaze as he scanned the room and the people around him.

"I suppose all of you already know why we are all sitting here today, correct?" He looked over at the angel on his left, filing her nails with her feet covered in heels on the table. This woman was the archangel Uriel.

Uriel stood opposed to her brother's getup and wore something more casual compared to him. Dressed in a light green yukata, her pure white skin was accentuated alongside her curvy hourglass figure of 7'9. She took her feet off the table and stopped filing her nails. "No, I don't know why we're here, considering you just called all of us here 10 minutes ago."

"Yeah, Micheal, what's going on?" Another angel sat in the seat next to Uriel. He was by far the tallest and most imposing in the room despite his baby face, standing at 10'7. A crown of thorns adorned his head, the slight smell of dried blood emanating from it. He was wearing an all-white toga, covering up his chest as he sat with his arms on the table and looked at Michael with a confused expression.

"Yeah, what Raphael said!" A squeaky voice yelled, a small angel sitting on Raphael's shoulder letting herself be known. As opposed to Raphael's imposing appearance, the woman was by far the smallest in the room, being a short 3'7" 'and wearing the same toga as Raphael, barely covering her bountiful chest. This woman was none other than Gabriel.

"You can't just call us so darn fast, buster. I was whipping Raphael's ass in Street Fighter when you called, and you totally messed up my flow!" Raphael let out a small grin as he tried to hold back his laughter. Micheal ignored their banter with Gabriel yelling, "Why are you trying not to laugh, Raph? That's disrespectful as shit!" and looked over at his right, seeing the angel that warranted this meeting.

Sera sat there, slightly surprised at the casualness that the archangels displayed with each other. "Sera, my assistant. Could you please tell the others why I have called this meeting? Micheal's voice boomed out, his tone carrying a natural feeling of leadership.

Sera, wearing her usual clothes, got up and grabbed the book from out of her lap and put it onto the table. This was the same book that glowed whenever a new concept was introduced. Almost everything has been thought of, but only when something was made was the book ignited, its glow informing everyone just what had been made.

"What, it's the damn book?" Uriel asked, exasperated at the thought of interrupting her special time with Samson, her longtime boyfriend and soon-to-be husband of 500 years. "The damn thing glows blue every 6 seconds; we literally developed eyes that can't see it because it was so annoying. What does the book have to do with—"

"It glowed golden twice and red once." Uriel immediately stopped talking when she got cut off by Sera, her relaxed tone and posture disappearing as she sat up and leaned forward in her chair along with the other two. "A golden glow is for the creation of a new magic or sapient species, right? And a red glow is reserved for—"

"Enough, brother. You know how names have power." Micheal silenced Rapheal's rambling as he leaned over, biting his thumbnail in nervousness as Gabriel patted his head, trying to comfort him, yet looking no less nervous than him. "Now, Sera, what are the names of our new 'progenitors?"" 

Sera took a deep breath in as magic flowed from her hand, making a picture of two women and a single man. She pointed at the man's face first. "Through the connection between the concept and the maker of it, we have identified this man as James, the first one to make the book glow, making the Black Flash." She pointed at the first woman. "This one was formerly part of our new recruits of the exorcists; she was the second best before she betrayed the others, according to Adam. She is the first of her species of Cursed Angels.

She pointed at the second woman last, her fingers getting slightly shakier. "And this one is named Amery. We have no clue who she is or how she was made, but it seems that she is the progenitor of an evil species, one that was similarly made by Lucifer back in the war of BC. She is purely negative energy yet somehow given form and shape, alongside sapience and a physical body." Ser clicks her tongue. "We thought we had eliminated every single one and razed the concept clean from creation, yet she somehow still exists."

Sera pinched the bridge of her nose. "It would've been fine if Lucifer had made it, but it is classified as its own new species, so we know it can't be him." The angels met this news with mixed reactions.

Micheal simply stated at Sera, his calm persona only barely cracking as someone with a perceptive eye could see the tightening of his fists folded on the table. Uriel's leg bounced up and down as she tried to keep a cool head. Gariel got off of Raphael's shoulder and sat in his lap, using herself as a teddy bear for Raphael to help him calm down.

"I… I think we may need to call in Adam for this." Despite the tense mood of the room, Uriel's face comically fell. "Him? Really? But it's his day off, and you'll know he'll be a piece of shit about it!" Micheal sighed, "Sister, we all know Adam's attitude about things, especially on his day off, but we must get his expertise on this matter."

Uriel got back in her seat, folding her arms under her chest and pouting, yet not disagreeing with Michael. He leaned back in his chair for a bit, closing his eyes in deep focus."He's on earth right now; I'll go get him." He stands up and summons a crude spear to his hand, barely being stable, its tip made out of crude metal and being taped onto a withered stick.

Micheal taps the spear on the ground twice, making a golden portal swirling and cracking with energy before stepping in, closing the portal behind him, and leaving the room in silence.

- Earth -


"Man oh man, Lute, isn't this the life?" Adam asked. He was lying down on a sun chair, a cold bottle of beer in hand, watching the sunset with a bit of sunscreen dabbed on his nose. For the first time in forever, he had his mask off, revealing his handsome face with a small brown beard and relaxed golden eyes.

He was only wearing a pair of flower-patterned swimming trunks while being shirtless, showing off his dad bod; although slightly overweight, he insisted that all of his strength was stored in the gut. He looked over to the left and saw Lute standing there, completely on guard and unwavering, looking at the rest of the beach.

"Lute, you're still standing watch? C'mon, Dangertits, you can chillax a little; it's private; nobody's fucking getting in, I promise." Lute heard Adam's word and responded with a sigh before sitting down in her own sun chair, directly on his side. "I guess I could… relax a little." She stiffly grabbed a martini and drank it while staring at the calm waves of the beach.

"There we are bitch, now your ass if fucking chilling! Do you want anything else, DangerTits? It's not every day we get this alone time together." Lute stiffly put the drink back down and let out a sigh. "If I could ask—" "Which you can." "... I would like a blanket. I underestimated how chilly it would be. Adam let out a testing grin. "Aww, c'mon, Dangertits, you don't want to snuggle up with little ol' me?"

But before Adam could continue trying to crack Lute's shell, a golden portal opened nearby; its intensity was made clear with audible sounds of thunder crackling. Adam's good mood had instantly vanished as he looked at the portal and muttered, "You have to be fucking kidding me," while Lute stood back on guard, dropping the martini in the sand.

Micheal stepped out of the portal, his stoic expression and armor making it a sight to see if anyone was there, but for Adam it was only a very big annoyance. "Oh, c'mon, you fucks do this every single time I get my day off. What do you need now!?" Micheal showed no visible reaction to Adam's yelling and only said one sentence.

"Adam, we need your expertise on this matter." Adam quickly shut up after that and let out an angry sigh. "Get your clothes on, Dangertits. I need to get the council's shit together right the fuck now, and I need my best lieutenant to try and calm me down before I kill a bitch. 

- Hell -

"Oh, Annngggeellll~" Valentino stretched his name out. Angel Dust and Valentino were sitting in a fancy room at the top of the V tower together. The room was painted a baby blue along with paintings of various pornstars moaning adorning the walls. Angel Dust was subtly shaking in his seat, trying to look tough but ultimately crumbling.

Valentino was a purple-skinned moth, having an expensive golden chain under his red pimp coat with expensive-looking fur, hearts drawn on it. His intimidating visage of 8'4, being slightly taller than Angel, along with his four arms, only increased his presence. "A little birdy on a little vine told me my sweet, sweet Angel was talking to the same demon that beat Alastor and a Goetia." He leaned over the table, putting his head in his arms while staring directly at Angel, his heart-shaped sunglasses reflecting his own scared expression that Valentino reveled in.

"...Yeah, Valentino," he defeatedly said, not even trying to lie. "Awww. Thank you for telling the truth, Angel." He said, using one of his hands to caress Angel on the cheek before grabbing him by the front of his suit and pulling him closer to himself. "Now, why the fuck would you do that?"

"I—I was just in a turf war when he came up to me and—" Before Angel Dust could finish his frantic talking, he was roughly shoved down, hitting his head on the wooden chair. His vision swam for a few seconds before he felt the back of his head and saw blood on his hand. He was so distracted he didn't realize Valentino was moving closer until he was right above him.

Valentino summoned a dark purple chain around Angel's neck, slowly pulling it up before making Angel Dust look up at him at his full height, "I don't want to hear any excuses, Angel. Or did you forget the one oh-so-simple fact that I OWN YOU!"

Valentino roughly shoved Angel again, this time into a wall, making small spider web-like cracks to form on it as Angel fell down to his knees. Valentino made the chain appear again, forcing Angel to look up at him. "Now, when I say run, you say…?"

"How long, Valentino?"

"When I say I own you, you say…?"

"Yes, you do, Valentino."

"And when I say to stay the fuck away from that damn sinner, you say…?"

"...Yes, Valentino."






The End

(AN: I really don't know why, but I really like writing Angel Dust and his problems, especially Valentino. I loved writing him; it's like the words just busted out of me… pause)

(Shameless plug:

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